
Raze Your Dreams


Busan, 10:12 AM


    Captains, amateurs and student pilots alike roamed around the airbase, either checking the engines or just talking amongst each other. The workload was much busier today with engineers going back and forth to fix whatever they had to. Captains, of course, took protocols to ensure everything was in check while pilots, even those still in training, bossed around juniors. On the other hand, there were currently tours for young newcomers as mentors showed them around, differentiating between a variety of planes, their mechanisms, etc. A school bus had pulled up to the front gates, packed with dozens of middle school kids who were eager to see what the airbase was all about. The little tour started off with gazing at portraits of famous pilots from around the world while also learning about their stories. Next was the control room for communications, no need to explain more so as to not bore anyone, but the kids somehow seemed to also find that fascinating. After more about the basic history of aviation, they finally got to see the planes themselves. In the hangar, pilots helped install some parts together, refuel jets, fix helicopters, and many more. The mentor, Captain Miyeon, began concluding the tour. 


    “And that, children, is what the search & rescue branch of the Air Force specializes in. We’ll always fly to the rescue when there are people in dire need of help. Our motto is, ‘leave no one behind.’ Any questions before you go exploring?” Immediately, all of them raised their hands, overwhelming her but she hastily picked one kid. “Do you have any students here?” Miyeon didn’t expect that kind of question and smiled amusedly. 

    “I’m glad you asked. And as a matter of fact, I do.” Looking behind, she saw several of her juniors in the middle of helping install some new motors, until she pulled one of them aside, wrapping her arm around her shoulder. “Everyone, please meet Kim Minjeong, nicknamed Winter.”

    The girl was flustered upon having all of the kids' attention on her, which made her clutch on the clipboard like her life depended on it. “U-unnie, I have to—”

    “Anyway, Winter here was one of the top students during the Junior Pilot Program and ranked first in the final exams. And now, with rigorous work and persistence, she is currently a pilot in training. I remember when Winter was so shy, she wouldn’t even look at me and always hid behind her parents.” 

    “Can we not talk about that…?” Miyeon rolled her eyes playfully before continuing. “To end with this tour, I’d like everyone to know that if you work as hard as Winter did, you’ll definitely be guaranteed to walk these grounds one day and even fly an plane with me as a co-pilot!” With that being said, the kids rejoiced before spreading out, though only staying inside of course. Afterwards, Winter turned towards Miyeon. 

    “What was that for??”

    “What? I was just showing the middle schoolers around.” The junior shook her head. “I’m still in high school, you know. I only just started reading the Aviators Code of Conduct manual.” Miyeon rolled her eyes once more. 

    “Minjeongie, take the compliment. I’m trying to give them a great example. You’ll be in my position one day because you worked your off to get where you are right now.” 

    “Thanks.” Winter shyly responded. “But I don’t know if I can ever fly solo without a co-pilot.”

    “And that’s why you’re gonna learn! It may take small steps for now, so once you get the hang of it, you’ll be a true pilot in no time.” 

    “Yeah…” she momentarily pondered on, “you’re right. I just get nervous sometimes.” Miyeon simply shrugged. “Eh, for me, it’s like driving a car but in the air. It’ll definitely get easier the more you’re used to it.” Winter nodded and listened intently, though unsure about the ‘car’ part. “Oh, one more very important thing: always ask someone if they have motion sickness before getting on the plane. You never know what people eat until you have to find out in the worst way possible.” Miyeon visibly shivered at the horror of her first experience with…yeah, no one needs to hear more.

    “Yikes, definitely noted.” Winter grimaced a little, sympathizing. 

    “Also, speaking of flying, the lieutenant had instructed me and the other captains to head over to the coast of Jeju to help with fixing up some new airplanes.”

    “Oh, so are classes cancelled next week?” Miyeon shook her head. “You’ll be getting a substitute while I’m gone and don’t even think about sneaking off to a fast food restaurant again, kid.” 

    Winter slightly deflated. “Come on, it was one time and I didn’t get to have breakfast that morning.” She continued scolding anyway. “You didn’t even get me a burger.” The younger girl chuckled. “I’m sorry I didn’t have enough money for two, nor knew you wanted one.” 

    “Welp, since we’re off in about half an hour or so, why don’t we and the crew go get some?” Winter perked immediately and smiled. “Really?? Are you going to—”

    “No I’m not paying for you all.” 

    “Worth a shot.” They both laughed as Miyeon took off her pilot hat and put it on Winter’s head, surprising her. 

    “Huh, for a smallie, the hat fits you perfectly.” Winter lightly scoffed at the joke. “Ha ha, why are you making me wear it?” 

    “Just to see what it’ll look like when I hand you your own pilot hat, like how the lieutenant gave mine. Looks great on you.” She smiled proudly.

    “Geez, you really remind me of my mom.” 

    “You know what, I’ll take that as a compliment.” 


    Miyeon wrapped her arms around Winter’s shoulder again as they walked back to their crew still busy installing new motors for their plane. For the last hour, everyone continued minding their businesses and did whatever to help around in the hangar. Throughout this, Miyeon would bother her juniors for funnsies, especially Winter, who'd basically got used to it, but would still get back at her. Pretty soon, several aircrafts were new and improved, ready to take off in no time. Meanwhile, one of Miyeon’s juniors was watching the news on his phone when the news anchor began reporting of an unusual activity at the earth’s core, meaning tectonic plates were splitting at a faster rate than normal. Eventually, the large TV in the area began broadcasting live for all to see as a reporter stood with a geologist. He started predicting that earthquakes were bound to happen soon. And unfortunately…he was right. No one realized how soon, Miyeon saw it first, the tools on the table slightly rattling immediately set alarms in her head as she yelled. 


    “Everybody, get down!!” Before Winter could even react, she felt Miyeon’s arm tightly around her waist as she guided her and another student pilot into cover under large tables, enough for several more of their crew. Afterwards, Miyeon hastily rushed to get everyone else under some tables, then waited for the earthquake to subside. It was rather more violent than they expected. Winter yelped in fear when the hangar began falling apart, lights losing power and the ground cracking. Things almost took a turn for the worst when one of the planes tipped over a little because of the cracks. Winter practically panicked seeing all kinds of things happening at once, gripping on Miyeon's arm for life. All this shaking only made her feel worse especially. Luckily, it stopped before anyone regained their composure. As the captains ushered everyone out from the table, some understandably hesitated. The area changed almost in a split second, even though the earthquake felt like minutes. Pilots began showing citizens the exit from the area before checking in their aircrafts, thankfully, none sustaining serious damage. As Miyeon comforted her crew, her phone started buzzing with a call from the lieutenant. 


    “Lieutenant, I'm here. The earthquake was rough, but we're all ok.”

    “Thank god, I felt it all the way in Seoul. Some buildings have fallen apart and several injured civilians.” Miyeon frowned, wondering just how bad this situation really was. And if things were going to get worse. “Are you and the others doing alright?”

    “We're fine, but people here aren't. I'm going to need all the medic crew to be dispatched, effective now. Get all of the supplies you find, those geographers are predicting more earthquakes to arrive soon, so we'll need to be quick.”

    Miyeon stood still for a moment, placing a hand over her forehead and took a much needed deep breath. “Copy that, lieutenant.” She turned off her phone, then turned around to her crew, who'd heard everything. Winter spoke up.

    “I-is this a mission?” 

    The Captain nodded. “Gear up, everyone. We're flying to Seoul.”



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leaguepro #1
Chapter 4: The plot sounds interesting, Ilike how unique it is. I'm curious on what will happen now after the earthquake? Are the girls añd people close to them injured ?
Waiting for the next chapter!