Small World

One More Try
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All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.

Galileo Galilei


Joohyun can't explain the happiness she felt whenever she's with Seulgi. It doesn't matter if their relationship is not known by other people as long as they are happy together.

"Do you think I should tell my parents about us?"

Joohyun can hear the hesitation in Seulgi's voice, more like fear, making her frown. "You don't have to if you don't want to, Seulgi."

"But I want to. I really want to tell them that there's a someone special who can love me for who I am. I want to tell them how much you make me happy since the day I met you and... I want to shout to their faces that it doesn't matter that they don't care about me because you are with me." Seulgi said in strong emotion. Joohyun noticed her shaking hands but she hid it behind her back. "All I need is you, Joohyun unnie."

"Seulgi..." Joohyun reached a hand to caress Seulgi's cheeks. "What's going on? I know there's something that you want to tell me." She looked straight in Seulgi's eyes. "Tell me when you're ready. Okay?"

Seulgi bit her lower lip then nodded her head. Joohyun thinks that Seulgi is so cute like a baby but as the days go by, she realized how broken the younger girl is.

Maybe because of her broken family, Seulgi is full of insecurity. There wasn't a day that she's always asking Joohyun if the latter is happy with her. It seems like Seulgi always want an assurance that Joohyun won't leave her like her parents. That's why Joohyun is trying her best to be understanding and patient with Seulgi.

Joohyun wants to fix Seulgi's broken self without knowing that, Seulgi will broke her in the end .


Seungwan smiled, offering Joohyun a cup of hot choco that the latter accepted with a soft 'thanks'. The two girls are currently inside Seungwan's condo unit which is surprisingly, just next room to Irene Bae's.

Seungwan sat on the sofa across Joohyun then smiled once again. Joohyun can't help but wonder why the younger girl can smile every minute. "Feel at home, Miss I..."

"Joohyun. I told you I am Bae Joohyun tonight, not Irene Bae, Seungwan-ssi." Joohyun cut her off then sipped her hot choco to somehow calm her nerves.

Seungwan chuckled. "I forgot, sorry. Feel at home, Joohyun-ssi."

"Thank you for letting me in here at your home, Seungwan-ssi. I just... I really need a distraction or a company tonight." Joohyun said then smiled sincerely to Seungwan. "Thanks for providing both tonight."

Seungwan smiled again. "I'm glad to help. But... if you're not comfortable, you don't have to answer. I'm just curious why are you sad tonight."

Joohyun sighed. "I hate how stupid I am."

Seungwan frowned. "Uh... what?"

"I'm sorry but I refuse to tell you the reason at the moment." Joohyun said and Seungwan nodded in understanding.

Joohyun looked around the living room then her eyes landed on the picture frame placed on a nearby table.

Seungwan followed her stare. "Ah, that's my picture with Sooyoung and the second tallest girl on the picture is her fiancée, my bestfriend Seulgi."

Joohyun felt her heart aching again hearing the word fiancée. She looked away from the picture then just focused on Seungwan who's still looking at the picture with a dreamy look on her face. "Do you like... any one of them?"

Seungwan widen her eyes then looked back at Joohyun in shock. "Huh? W-What do you mean?"

Joohyun will admit that she's kind of scared to ask but she's really curious. "I mean... Do you like Sooyoung or... her fiancée?"

Seungwan chuckled but Joohyun can tell how forced it is. "I don't understand where you get that idea but it sounded really funny to me, Joohyun-ssi."

"Well, I won't force you to admit the obvious truth to me so we're even, Seungwan-ssi." Joohyun said.

Seungwan widen her eyes with her mou

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Our queens will comeback soon. Finally, SM woke up. 😭😭😭


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germsrocket #1
Chapter 12: I still hope that there's still goodness in Sooyoung, huhu it's just that circumtances and her love/obsession for Seulgi blinded her to hide Seulgi's past....
I mean I want her to wake up and realise that Seungwan is the one for her!!!
omg I want the next chapter already hahahaba
germsrocket #2
Chapter 4: oh mhy gadh
I'm loving the plot
so much drama!!
born10966 #3
Chapter 12: Yay update. Seulgi knows she doesn't love Sooyoung loves her or like Seungwan does that is clear now.
Chapter 12: Ohhh she almost remembers 🥺
reveluv316 907 streak #5
Chapter 12: thank u for the update
wywhere #6
Chapter 1: 😍so cute
wywhere #7
shinchan222 #8
Chapter 10: Yoo welcome back author!! Excited for the next chapter!
born10966 #9
Chapter 10: Oh Lord. Welcome back Author Nim. Gosh now we know Sooyoung is dangerous, is not only that she hides the truth and takes advantage of Seulgi's lost memories, that per se is bad, but she being a unstable mental and emotional person it's even in a different level. Run Joohyun. Sooyoung plays victim and manipulate Seulgi's guilt. Please Seulgi wake up, can you see that something is off. You start remembering Joohyun voice. You know the person that is hide in your mind it's not Sooyoung.
Thanks for the update Author Nim.
Chapter 10: Seulgi remembered a past memory with Joohyun yesss. But Sooyoung made a dirty move 😒