- 4 - Unexpected Firsts

The Transfer (RV Version)

Despite being the last to sleep, Irene was the first to wake up.

She couldn't help but be relieved as she looked to her left and right and see that both Joy and Jennie were still knocked out.

She honestly had no clue on how she was supposed to explain to her best friends that the girl she despised so quickly was now suddenly her girlfriend after one night. So, by waking up a bit earlier, Irene hoped she'd come up with something by the time they gathered for breakfast.

She got ready as quietly as she could and tip-toed out of the room.

As she walked to the Great Hall, she was grateful that no one had come up to ask her about her date with Wendy. However, to no surprise, she heard the whispers.

"Irene and Wendy..."

After much thought, Irene realized that their names actually compliment the other quite well when mentioned together (as long as her name is said first though).

By the time she entered the Great Hall, she was not shocked at the lack of students seated inside considering the time. And so, another wave of relief came over her considering the fact that she'd be able to come up with a plan without much distraction.


She couldn't stop her leg from shaking as she watched more and more students entering the Great Hall, none of which being her best friends.

Even though she had a plan for her reveal, it didn't make her any less nervous. 

Trying to make it less nerve-wracking, Irene made her plan simple. As soon as Joy and Jennie sat down, she was just going to say it bluntly, right away. Probably not the best idea, but she'll find a way to handle their reactions.

At last, she sees the duo walking in and waves them over in an instant.

Okay. This is it, she thinks as the others sit down.

"I'm dat-"

"Irene Joohyun Bae!"

The Slytherin jumps at the tone of Joy's voice.

"You had us worried sick!" Joy wails. "Not only did we not see you return last night, but you weren't even there in the morning and here I thought you hated her! Y-You're too young and naïve, Rene!"

Irene's eyebrows furrow at the last sentence and looks at Jennie in hopes of an explanation. The other girl leans in and whispers, "You know how she is, being all overprotective of us. She thinks... she thinks you spent the night with Wendy..."

Heat rushes to Irene's cheeks at the insinuation.

"Oh my-NO Joy," she panics as she lowers her voice. "W-We certainly did not do any of that."

Still a bit suspicious, Joy starts to look around the hall.

"Did she do something to you, Rene? Do you need me to-I'll go beat her up right now," she says as she suddenly spots Wendy approaching them. Irene glances behind herself to see the transfer as well and immediately turns back to her friends. She had to confess now before Wendy reached them.

"She didn't do anything bad, I swear! I-It's just that we're dat-" Irene stops as she feels a hand on her shoulder.

Apparently Irene's words went in one ear and out the other as she sees Joy sit up straighter and narrow her eyes. The tall Slytherin was ready to verbally go off on Wendy, but came to a halt at the Ravenclaw's next words.

"Hey baby," Wendy says casually before leaning down and placing a peck on Irene's forehead.

Simultaneously, the Slytherin trio as well as anyone else who had witnessed the action felt their jaw drop at the sight.

Once Wendy takes a seat beside her, Irene breaks out of her momentary shock and sees her friends' eyes go back and forth between her and the Ravenclaw.

"Surprise..." Irene says cautiously, unsure of what Joy and Jennie were going to say next.

The possibilities were endless in Irene's mind. 

"I WON!" Jennie yells suddenly as she stands from her seat, grabbing everyone's attention. Then, she points to her girlfriend who was sitting at the Ravenclaw table, "Jisoo! Give me my 20 dollars back!"

Irene didn't know what to say at that. Although she couldn't believe that her friend had yet again made a bet on her love life.

She made a bet that I would get with Wendy?!?

"WHY?" she hears Jisoo yell back. 

Jennie looks to both Irene and Wendy, "Should I yell it out or do you guys want to announce it on your own terms?"

Honestly, Irene wasn't sure. She never had to reveal such a thing in the past. To tell her friends is one thing, but to the whole school? She had no clue on what she wanted to do so she had no choice but to turn to Wendy for help.

As soon as she saw the mischievous glint in Wendy's eyes and her smug smile, she had a feeling that she was going to regret giving the Ravenclaw the final say.

She watched in fear as Wendy stood up on top of the seating bench.

"Sorry to bother you all!" Wendy yells. "I just wanted to let you know that I am extremely lucky!"

Wendy glances down to meet Irene's eyes as she says her next words with a soft smile, "To get to call the very smart and very beautiful Irene Bae my girlfriend!"

Then, Wendy jumps off the bench and gently grabs Irene's hand before briefly kissing it.

A chorus of aw's, defeated sighs and angry grumbles quickly followed throughout the Hall and Irene couldn't stop the blush forming on her cheeks, one that she tried to hide immediately. 

Once Wendy sits back down, Joy has a huge smile on her face.

"Well, well, well. Now this was a twist," Joy says happily. "I guess I have no choice, but to give you two my blessing. I've never seen Irene blush before!"

"I guess there's always a first time for everything, right?" Wendy replies with a laugh.


The Ravenclaw's statement seemed to haunt Irene throughout the rest of September as she experienced many firsts.

1. When she was on her way to class.

She was on her way to one of her lessons when chills went down her spine as someone approached her left side.

"Where are you heading, baby girl?"

She feels Wendy press her lips against her cheek and then starts walking alongside her.

It's only been a few days into their "relationship," but Irene has yet to get used to the other girl's nicknames nor affectionate pecks. They always catch her off guard and it takes her a couple of seconds to remember that she can't let her shock be apparent. People would start to get suspicious if Irene kept acting like Wendy's actions were without reason.

"Not that you need to know, but I'm going to DADA."

"DADA? You do remember that I'm a newbie here, right? I have no idea what that means."

"Oh I know," Irene smirks. "I just like seeing you look confused."

Wendy sends her a fake smile, "Well aren't you such a great girlfriend?"

"I'd be the best," Irene boasted before lowering her voice. "But due to our situation, you won't get to reap those benefits."

"I think I'll survive," Wendy says before the pair turn into another long hallway, one that was a bit more crowded. "Speaking of our situation, has it been working?"

As they walk, they were aware of the small glances that the other students were trying to do subtly, but were glaringly obvious. However, that was all the students really did, just look and whisper. Ever since Wendy's grand reveal in the Great Hall a few days ago, no one would approach Irene.

It was just as she wanted. She was still the center of attention, but it was now two-fold whenever Wendy's with her and the crazy amount of romantic advances had dissipated greatly.

Granted, she was with Wendy at the moment so no one in their right mind would make any attempt. But even when Irene was with her friends or by herself in the library, she was not met with any advances.

Well, except those from Suho.

"For the most part, it has," Irene answers. "Apparently, Suho can't get the hint. You actually might know him, he's in your house."

Speak of the devil, Irene thinks as she spots Suho a bit further down the hall. She nods towards the boy in order for Wendy to take notice of the other Ravenclaw as well. Irene knew it worked as she sees the taller girl's eyes narrow.

There was a shift in the air and Wendy's expression became hard for Irene to read.

"Has he done anything that makes you uncomfortable?"

The shorter girl was taken aback at the sudden change in Wendy's tone, so she just shakes her head in response.

As they near the area in which Suho was at, she feels an unfamiliar warmth in her hand.

The Slytherin peeks down and sees that her left hand was now intertwined with Wendy's right.

This was the first time Irene held hands with anyone like this. It was so intimate.

As she looks back up, she notices that they were now close enough to which Suho could acknowledge the pair if he wanted too. And of course, he did.

"Hey Irene, you're looking as beautiful as always," Suho says flirtatiously before checking Irene out. Wendy coughs causing Suho to shift his focus, "Oh... And hi to you too, Son."

It was then when the sole Slytherin felt Wendy give her hand a little squeeze, as if trying to comfort her.

"Good morning, Suho. My girlfriend really is beautiful isn't she?" Wendy says as she looks at Irene with a soft smile.

Irene can't even comprehend what was happening because she feels Wendy kiss her cheek again, but her lips lingered a second longer than the one given earlier.

Wendy pulls away and turns back to the boy, "But you do know there's more to her than just looks right?"


It was as if Irene was watching a silent battle between the two Ravenclaws before her. They were staring at each other, but Wendy was exuding confidence with a smirk whereas Suho just stood with his lips in a fine line.

What in the world is going on right now?!

"We should get going baby," Irene says in hopes to break the tension. She was too confused at the two Ravenclaws to realize how calling Wendy 'baby' had so easily slipped out from . "I'm going to be late for Defense Against the Dark Arts."

That manages to catch Wendy's attention as she looks back towards her with a bright smile.


Irene nods with a smile of her own at Wendy's realization. The taller girl's facial expression at the moment was actually quite adorable.


In an instant, Irene stops her thoughts by looking at Suho and speaks casually.

"See ya," then she started to drag Wendy with their intertwined hands away from Suho as well as all the other prying eyes.

Once they were far enough, Irene probed for an explanation.

"Care to explain that awkward tension just now?"

"Suho flirted with you," Wendy says, her tone sounding a bit bitter as she said the boy's name. "I hope he got the hint."

It was then when Irene understood. It wouldn't make sense if Wendy just let people flirt with her 'girlfriend.' How did she not realize this sooner? To think that Wendy might have actually been jealous. There was no way. 

Or maybe...? Irene wonders as she looks down and sees that they are still holding hands when they definitely don't need to be.

2. When she just woke up.

"Jennie, Jisoo sent you flowers again!"

"It is too early for you to be yelling Joy," Irene complains as she covers her head with her pillow.

She hears Jennie get out of bed while squealing, but then she stops abruptly.

"These aren't for me... they're for Irene!" Jennie says a bit more excitedly.

Irene sits up immediately, the pillow falling aimlessly to the floor,  "Really?"

"Yeah, look at the card!" Jennie places the vase of flowers on Irene's bedside table, "Your girl is truly something."

Irene fails to hear the "Your girl" as she was too busy picking up the note. She sees hand-writing that was a bit sloppy, but was still legible.

"From the second iest person in the world. (You're the first by the way ;) ) - Wen."

"Gosh she's the worst."

"And yet you still have a huge smile on your face," Joy smirks.

Irene reaches up to touch her face because she didn't even realize that she was smiling. She scolds herself for reacting in such a manner. Who cares if Wendy sent her flowers, it's not like the flowers were anything special.

"It's no big deal," Irene tries to play it off. "I mean, she even sent roses. How basic of her."

"Quit lying," Jennie teases. "It is a big deal because no one has sent you flowers before and you absolutely adore roses. You don't have to downplay your excitement in front of us."

Excitement? Pff-I'm not-no... She only sent it for the act, Irene keeps repeating to herself. Anything to do with Wendy Son is meaningless and annoying. 

I do not like her.

3. When she was in the Quidditch stands.

Irene was watching the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw scrimmage.

Of course, she's not entirely there for "cheering-on" (as the taller girl had requested) Wendy. She's also there to scout both teams in order to prepare for when she and her Slytherin's would face them. It was simply for strategic purposes.

Even so, she kind of had to watch Wendy a bit more closely because similarly to her, Wendy was the Ravenclaws' seeker. In a legitimate sense, they were truly rivals. As she watched, she hated that she understood why the Ravenclaw was a top prospect. Wendy flew effortlessly and her eyes never seemed to have lost track of the Golden Snitch whereas Irene had lost it a few times herself.

Guess I gotta step my game up.

The scrim overall was fun to watch too. It was the classic Hufflepuff vs Ravenclaw in contrast to the Griffyndor/Slytherin one. Since it was a rivalry, their games were always a bit scrapier.

Maybe a bit too scrapy for one player in particular.

Irene looked down only for a few seconds, to write one of her observations of a Hufflepuff player, when a voice yelled out.


By the time Irene looked up, she saw a flash of blue falling from the sky. With her instincts kicking in, she managed to yell out the cushioning charm just in time. 

Before she even realized, Irene was already making her way down to the pitch as fast as her legs could carry her. Once she was finally on the field, she ran to the huddled player in which she swears she got down there in record speed.


Instantly, the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw players made way for her.

"You're hurt?" Irene kneels down next to Wendy, who was holding her shoulder. "I thought I said the charm in time!"

"You did hon," Wendy starts laughing. "But I think you missed the part where I got slammed by a bludger."

At that, Irene's face became a bit more serious as she stood up and glared at the Hufflepuffs.

"Who. Was. It."

There was no response. 


Finally, a female player slowly raised her hand. 

"Minju?! I am gonna-"

Irene started to charge at the girl, but soon found herself being lifted in the air and slung over a shoulder. 

"Who the hell-Wendy!?! Put me-Put me down! Your shoulder!"

"It's my good shoulder," Wendy reassures before talking back to Minju and the others. "I'm so sorry about that. She's a feisty one."

Once they were in the locker room, Wendy finally placed her down.

"I am not feisty!"

"Irene, you were literally about to attack the poor girl."

"Why are you on her side?! She hurt you and you could have been severely injured!"

"Sides? I'm not on any sides! It's part of the game-"

"So!? Am I not allowed to be worried for my girlfriend?!" Irene says with an angry huff and stomps away from the Ravenclaw.

4. When she was heading to the Great Hall.

By now, a few days had passed since their mini argument and Irene was surprised, yet grateful that Wendy had given her some space. As of late, the other girl has always found ways to invade her thoughts and so she hoped that this short time apart would help put them at ease.

However, word had quickly spread about their small 'lover's quarrel' and so no matter how hard she tried to not think about the other girl during these past few days, the whispers would always bring Wendy right back up. Of course, she knew at some point that they'd have to make-up, but Irene would rather be caught dead than be the one to apologize first.

So, for what feels like the millionth time, she tries to get Wendy out of her head as she makes her way to the Great Hall for lunch when suddenly she's forced to a halt.

A pair of arms had wrapped around her waist from behind her. She nearly jumped out of the person's arms in fear, but stopped as she heard the person mumble into her shoulder.


Irene's body relaxes as she recognizes the muffled voice and vanilla scent, but then she crosses her arms.


"What did you say?" the Slytherin asks as she faces her head away from the other girl, the anger in her voice just barely noticeable.

"I said I'm sorry," Wendy says a bit more clearly as she lifts her head off of the Slytherin's shoulder.

She feels Wendy loosen her grip around her waist, "Can you turn around and look at me, please?" 

With Irene being as stubborn as she is, she didn't want to. But, she notes all the eyes on them and realizes that now was the time to make-up with the girl.

"Babyyy," she hears Wendy whine and at that she finally turns around while still in the Ravenclaw's arms.

Irene nearly regrets doing so because the sight she saw after the fact washes away her remaining anger and almost made her want to melt on the spot.

She was met with Wendy giving her sad eyes and an endearing little pout.

Now that's just unfair.

"Look, I'm truly sorry for making you upset... and for calling you feisty, but if I'm being honest that's one of the things that I like about you. I'm sure I told you before, but I always find you very attractive when you're mad," the Ravenclaw teases, trying to lighten the mood.

Irene's face gets hot and lightly slaps Wendy's arm at the comment, causing the taller girl to laugh. Irene tries to wiggle out of the girl's arms, but that just makes Wendy pull her in a bit closer.

''But in all seriousness," Wendy's voice softens and meets Irene's eyes. "You're right. I should and will always be on your side, no matter what. I'm sorry for making you think I'd choose anyone but you when that is definitely not the case. I'll always pick you."

The two stare at each other quietly for a moment, a million thoughts running through their heads.

Finally, Irene sighs.

"I accept your apology and I'm sorry for yelling at you too," she says sincerely. "You didn't deserve that and I was just really worried. I hate seeing people get hurt."

In another world, their conversation would've ended there, but the people around them reminded Irene of the role she's in. The relationship she's in. So, she goes on.

"You make me worried because you mean so much to me, Wen," Irene lets out a fake groan. "Gosh, I hate how much I like you."

For a split second, something flashes in Wendy's eyes, but she manages to compose herself quickly before Irene could try to decipher it.

"Not really like me?" the Ravenclaw grins.

Irene wraps her arms around Wendy's neck, "Fine, I hate how much I really like you."

"Good," Wendy leans in to plant a kiss on her forehead. "Because I really like you too."


"I meant it, you know?" Wendy speaks up as the two were seated across from each other, now eating lunch in the Great Hall. "I didn't say it just because people were watching us."

Irene's breath hitches.

"I really am sorry for making you upset," Wendy finishes.

"Oh uh-me too... I'm sorry," Irene replies after a few seconds, realizing that the Ravenclaw was only referring to the apology for making her angry, not everything else that was said after it.

It makes her wonder what would've happened if Wendy meant it all...

and if she did too.

5. It was in the courtyard.

What was normally just the trio of Slytherins hanging out in the courtyard during free period, it had now included two Ravenclaws.

Ever since Irene and Wendy had started dating, Wendy and Jisoo became fast friends. Not only were they from the same house, but now they both had girlfriends that were best friends too. Before, Jisoo would only join the Slytherins a few times, but since Wendy was now added to the mix, there was someone who'd help her deal with the crazy trio.

And so, five instead of three people were now sitting on the grass.

"This ," Joy pouts. "It was cool when I had another single person, but now I'm a fifth wheel! Fifth! Where's Yeri when I need her?!"

All the other girls couldn't help but laugh.

"You'll find someone one day too," Jennie reassures. "If someone like Irene can, you can too."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Irene pouts too as she crosses her arms.

"I'm just teasing," Jennie giggles and so do the two Ravenclaws.

Then, Wendy wraps her arm around Irene and starts rubbing her arm in hopes to console her a bit. Unconsciously, Irene nearly shrugged the girl's arm off, completely forgetting that she wasn't supposed to. Although she managed to stop her movements from continuing, Wendy still felt the slight jerk and proceeded to lean in to whisper in her ear.

"Sorry," Wendy apologizes sincerely and removes her arm.

After feeling the absence, Irene oddly felt bad. She didn't mean to make Wendy think she was uncomfortable. Admittedly, she actually kind of liked the warmth it provided considering the fall weather. Since she couldn't outwardly tell Wendy that she didn't mind having her arm around her due to the presence of their friends, she hoped her next action would convey the message.

She scoots a bit closer next to Wendy and grabs her arm, causing the other girl to get slightly startled. After grabbing her arm, Irene puts it back around her shoulders but then leans her body in to rest her head on the taller girl as well, readjusting until they were both cozy. 

The thought of how well they fit together flickers through her mind and she unconsciously finds herself snuggling closer to the girl.

After a second of realization, she tells herself it's because she's cold and is simply seeking warmth. Nothing more, nothing less.

Once in a satisfied position, she looks up towards Wendy to see if she was okay with it as well and to her surprise, Wendy was already looking at her. As she looked into the Ravenclaw's eyes, it was as if they were trying to ask her something in silence too, but she couldn't figure it out.

"Hey lovebirds, stop staring or get a room," Jisoo jokes.

That manages to break the couples' trance and Wendy picks up a stick with her free arm and chucks it at Jisoo, "Shut up, loser."

"You can't throw, idiot!" Jisoo grabs the same stick and throws it back at the girl. 

"You can't either, !"



"That's the best you could do? HA!"

The two Ravenclaws keep bickering when Irene hears Jennie speak to her.

"Can you believe these two idiots are ours?" Jennie says with affection as she looks to her respective girlfriend.

"I really can't," Irene glances up at Wendy who was still arguing with Jisoo. Then, she looks back to Jennie with a small smile.

I can't believe it because she isn't mine.

Not that I want her to be.

A/N: Well, well, well... the fake-dating has commenced and I think they're doing well so far. Wendy's such a good actor, right? And Irene too? Wow.

Happy Wendy Day!!! It's still her birthday where I live so I wanted to post the chapter to celebrate!

Also just to clarify what the listed unexpected firsts were for Irene:

1. Holding hands with someone intimately (and seeing Wendy jealous?).

2. Getting sent flowers.

3. Worrying about/defending Wendy despite never thinking she'd ever do such a thing. (It's for the act though, ya know? hehe)

4. Back hug uwu and it was their first make-up after a fight as a couple.

5. Cuddling. (But again, it's for the act ;) and that she's cold)

Phew, this chap was a lot longer than I thought it was going to be. Were there any other firsts that you guys expected/would like to see?... be appropriate y'all lol

See you in the next one!

- S

(Let's be moots on twitter: rv_twice5)

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Million thanks to everyone for the congratulations and it warms my heart knowing how much love this fic has received. I started this over a year ago and never imagined this to happen. Thank you and I hope to see you all when this story comes to an end <3

- S


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Chapter 29: Please comeback author-nim we've veen waiting for an update so bad .
Hope you update this soon
Chapter 29: With a beauty like Bae Irene's it's hard to missed her in a sea of people. I remember Hermione and durmstrang guy on HP. I'm guessing that Sehun holds higher position in their school now after Wendy left? Can't wait for Wendy to become jealous tho i know her and Rene are moving forward. The feeling is still there so yeah I'll just see your next update hehe
Chapter 29: Hello there, author! Thank you for your continued updates despite of your busy (most probably) life. The story is becoming even more interesting so I'll keep on waiting for your next update :)
rvlv_bless #4
istg wenrene authors are too nice lol. Even the most recent popular fics from y'all never really put particular other member in the same group to be the loser/ bad guy and Wendy/Seungwan was often being used as one in other ship fics 😭😭 Y'all really mind your own business huh
mklarisse_ #5
Chapter 29: Phmygosh i missed this story 😭😭 so refreshing thank u for the update!!! Cant wait to see wan's reaction when she meets sehun n rosie again
165 streak #6
Chapter 29: Yay update~ thank you~ 😄

incoming drama 😅
WluvsBaetokki #7
Chapter 29: OMO! welcome back author-nim!!!
Chapter 29: I think when U put them all in the same place see what it will happen next
113 streak #9
Chapter 29: Chapter 29: Chapter 29: idk what to feel anymore 😬😬😬
Chapter 29: i think it’s good to have rosie back imo cause wendy can finally have closure, rosie pretty much traumatized her relationships and made her feel unwanted. they don’t have to get together but maybe even having a talk would be good cause wendy seems like she could have some support and encouragement. sehun though i couldn’t care less about him 😭