
Revealing us
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[Jihyo's POV]


Ok, I can take it if someone backslashes me and says mean things, but I won't let anyone treat my girlfriend like this. I don't know how I can interfere since nobody knows that we are close and even more that we are in a relationship. The thing is that we were forced by our parents to marry in the future.


Since we are still young, they decided that we should spend our time together. We both hated the idea since the beginning, not even knowing something about each other, other than our name.

We made a deal that we only have to spend time together after school so that nobody would know that we are a couple. It was hard at first but we both realized that nothing could change our parent's minds so we tried to be at least friends.

Friends my . I was falling slowly for her after only a week of becoming friends. We were so obvious with our feelings for each other but our first kiss was only after a party where we drank a bit too much.


After this night, I never let go of her but we still wanted to keep our relationship a secret from everyone except our close friends. It was a bit difficult every time I saw her in the hallway laughing with her friends.

Jealousy was also one difficulty at first since our status was still single.

The worse moment was when my girlfriend was asked to prom by a guy who was popular in school.


Even after rejecting him, he didn't stop bothering her, buying her flowers, chocolate, which is her weak spot. The thing was that I was always a few meters away and watched every single detail of their interaction with each other.

Some of my friends said I should just show everyone that she is mine but we don't want the attention, even more, when everybody knows how we even become a couple.

We had a big fight when she told me that she accepted his offer.

I didn't let her explain and ignored her for a week until one of her friends was my partner in a school project and explained that there were rumors about Dahyun dating a girl, so she accepted but will do nothing with him other than maybe have one dance.

I was still a bit mad since I rejected everyone who asked me to the prom but I couldn't be mad at her anyway so I made up with her which ended with us watching some Netflix and cuddling the whole night.

After graduating from High school it got a bit easier since we decided to live in a dorm together.


Our parents found it funny that every time we went to a family dinner Dahyun and I thanked them for introducing us to each other. Everything was perfect in our relationship except the thing that we were still a secret.

Dahyun is because of her music skills very popular in college which leads her to many fanboys and fangirls asking her to a date which she of course rejected every time.


Luckily it wasn't the same case for me since I was involved in many projects that game me this strict school president image so that nobody really bothered in asking me or stopped in the middle of their question after one look from me.

Dahyun was always the bubbly one between us and I was glad to get my days to sweeten by her.


But she was also a bit naive and some kind of a pushover for people. I was glad she has her friends with her who sometimes had to say no to her before Dahyun could even answer, knowing the intention of those people was bad.


For example right now.


One soccer jerk had asked her to help him with homework and wanted to meet at his dorm which Dahyun agreed to. The thing was that the guy told his friends about his plan to sleep with Dahyun even though he already has a girlfriend.

One of the girl's friends heard the conversation and told the girl about her boyfriend's plan.

Of course, he wasn't the one she was mad at.


In the middle of lunch break, she yelled Dahyun's name and went to her table and said the most horrible things about her she thought of, calling her a , and she wants every boy for herself and doesn't deserve to find love and such things.

I was boiling in anger but hoped that she would stop before I lose my temper.

I even had to stop my friends from going over, knowing that Dahyun and her friends were part of our group, some of their girlfriends were over there as well.

Luckily Dahyun's friends were with her and yelled back at the girl for saying those things to Dahyun.

I was stunned when I saw my pale little girlfriend standing up from her seat and went between her friends and the girl with her friends.

When I looked around for a moment I saw that every student was looking at the scene, and I was getting annoyed at the fact that the guy was grinning all over his face at the side watching everything.


When I looked back at where Dahyun was standing, I saw the two groups finally separated and Dahyun had a hand on the girl's shoulder.

She said something with her small and lovely smile, that I couldn't understand from where I sat.

The other girl's expression changed from anger to confusion and ended with a sad one.


Suddenly Dahyun opened her arms and the other girl hugged her and I could hear sobbing.

Now I was confused but I wasn't the only one when I looked around. When they pulled away, she turned around and walked to her boyfriend. The next thing everyone heard was a slapping sound.


I saw how the guy holds his cheek with a shocked and hurt expression. The girl and her friends went out leaving the guy and his friends following them while he was pleading for her to come back.

When I looked back at Dahyun I saw her sitting like before, eating as if nothing happened.

I smiled and got my phone out of my pocket.


'You did great baby'

only after a minute, she replied with an


'I know ;)'

I looked up at her rolling my eyes which she saw.


After staring at each other for some time she carefully looked around which I did the same wondering why she did it but I had to smile when she looked at me again and gave me a flying kiss where I acted as I catch it.

I know cheesy right? 

After that, we continue our college routine as always.

We only had two more classes until we could go home. I couldn't wait to have her in my arms and kiss her again.

When I went inside our apartment's door, I could react fast enough and was almost ran over by my girlfriend hugging me.


"Hey, seems like someone was missing me"

I said while she was hugging me tighter, now with her legs around my waist.


I laughed and went inside and closed the door before someone could see us. I tapped her shoulder as a signal to let me go since I still had my jacket and shoes on and my bag around my shoulder.

She let go and went to the sofa but I could see her pouting which made me smile.


"Don't be sulky my small Baby"

her pout added a glare in my direction.


"You don't need to add the word small to Baby since everyone knows a Baby is small"


"I know Hyunnie but I love your expression when I call you small"

I said with a teasing smile while I walked to our bedroom to put my bag away and change to comfortable pants.


After putting them on I turned around to walk back to the living room but I was pushed on our bed by my energetic girlfriend.

She hugged me again but when she talked I could hear that she was still pouting


"Didn't you miss me at all?"

I chuckled, spin the two of us around that I was on top of her, and pulled away even if she didn't want to but she giggled when I kissed her on each spot on her face except her lips.

I stopped and looked at her with a smile


"Of course I missed you too" I said.

We were lost in each other's eyes for a while until I noticed her expression got a bit sad


"You witnessed everything what happened in the cafeteria right?"

she asked in a small voice.


"YEAH I did but I think you handled it well"

I said and caressed her cheeks


"I think I made a small mistake"

she said and I looked at her as a signal for her to continue


"To make her stop saying those things, I told her that I like girls" she confessed.

I looked shocked but after how insecure she looked, I captured her lips in a soft kiss.

While we were kissing I felt something wet on my cheek. When I pulled away I saw her tears streaming down her cheeks.


"What's wrong Baby?"

I asked her softly


"You're not mad at me?"


"Why would I-" she didn't let me finish


"I just couldn't hear any more of her insults which aren't even true and I-" 

This time I stopped her from rambling by kissin

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Chapter 1: I think it's really sweet to see how much Jihyo cares for Dahyun. Hope to read more Dahyo in the future!!!
saidahmo0902 #2
Chapter 1: This is so cute! I was looking for some Dahyo fluff.Thanks!
Chapter 1: Fluffy! Love it
Cherrie14 #4
Hi I love your stories can you make more Dahyo stories ? I really love it thank you
Aquarie #5
Chapter 1: So fluffy. Dahyo is so sweet
Val54280 #6
Chapter 1: I love it. I want more Dahyo stories, too
Saida57 #7
Chapter 1: So sweeetttttt i hope i can read more dahyo storyy
14 streak #8
Chapter 1: this one shot was so heartwarming to read! thank you for feeding us today haha!
Chapter 1: I always really like your twice stories, This book is so sweet and very fluffy for meeee