Step Three: Outline a plan. Execute.

How to Sail a Ship: Yeri's Guide to High School Stardom
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A/N: OMG SHUT THE FRONT DOOR angrywater listed this story on her thread of SR fics, like you don't understand Avarice is basically the uber-cool, sophisticated, better thought-out, rich aunt version of SF, and she has bestowed her presence on my humble account, AND my idol pyrefly read and commented on A-Team, so I've thrown aside all my work to focus on updating a new chapter to celebrate! Also, idk who you mystery recommenders are that bring people to my stories (I've already seen one for Cupidity and one for Hit and Bust), but reveal yourselves so that I can send you virtual hugs.


QOTD: ‘When you have two suns instead of one, just fuse them together.’ -Yeri


“So, what exactly is your plan?”

            Yeri held up a hand to silence Saeron and furrowed her eyebrows, eyes closed in concentration. She nodded solemnly without answering and opened her eyes again.

            “I don’t have one.”

            Saeron’s eye twitched.

            “But I will make one very soon.”

            Saeron sighed and flicked an eraser at Yeri, striking her cleanly on the forehead. Yeri shrieked and lobbed the eraser back at her friend, but being the absolutely hopeless idiot she was when it came to physical activity, Yeri saw the eraser veer somewhere to the left and bounce off the wall, smacking into a picture and dropping the frame. It clattered to the ground with such a loud crash that both girls knew it was broken.

            “Your hand-eye coordination is even worse than your intelligence.”

            “You’re just good at sports stuff! I’m the normal one,” Yeri huffed. She made a displeased face before plopping onto her back on her bed. “What can we do that’ll force them to spend time together while also taking advantage of their need to always outdo each other?”

            Shrugging, Saeron walked over to the mess Yeri had made and started cleaning it up. “I don’t know. Lock them in a room?”

            “They’d probably break out. You forget Kang Seulgi spikes volleyballs on the daily. It’s basically her side job to being a student.”

            “Yeah, I guess I wouldn’t be surprised if they busted down the door between her biceps of steel and Irene’s superwoman legs from all those flips. Although I’m not sure if they would cooperate.” Saeron paused her actions briefly and blinked in thought. “Actually, never mind. I don’t even think they need both parties to escape. The tension between them both is enough to make the door apologize and open up.”

            Yeri shuddered. “I think I might know why they don’t have any enemies except for each other.”

            “Okay, but what is your plan?”

            Yeri hummed, tapping her finger exaggeratedly against her chin. She knew that both girls were too smart for her to pull off something easy, i.e. something that she could think up in thirty minutes, so anything she attempted would have to be meticulously planned. However, the only thing Yeri planned in an average year was her birthday party (yup, she was that girl who left her group mates to outline all the projects), so she would probably combust if she legitimately sat down with pen and paper to work something out.

            The school superstar wannabe glanced quickly at her smart and kind friend (of course she thought this all the time, not just because she needed Saeron’s help at the moment), watching Saeron toss out the broken glass and slide the picture of her and Yeri doing a sorority girl pose onto a table to put into another frame later. As if she could feel the eyes digging into her skull in an attempt to extract her knowledge, Saeron turned around and met Yeri’s wide eyes, backing away slightly at the creepy smile that followed their eye contact.

            “Don’t look at me like that, please. I have work to do.”

            “Come on,” Yeri whined. “It may take me days, but I have absolute faith in you to cook something up in a few hours.”

            “Please don’t have absolute faith in me. I really don’t want it.” Saeron scooted towards her books and picked them up cautiously, staring at Yeri like the latter was an animal that could attack with any sudden movements. “And I really don’t have a few hours. I’m taking two AP courses, for Christ’s sake.”

            “I’ll buy you ice cream.”

            “I have my own money for that.”

            “I’ll get you that cute lamp you’ve been wanting for a year.”

            “I don’t trust that you have two thousand dollars. Didn’t you just buy three twelve-pack sets of limited edition lipstick? What do you even need all that for?”

            “We don’t talk about that.” Yeri scrunched her nose. “I’ll just ask my mom for more allowance.”

            Saeron sighed. “You better not be doing social media giveaways again.”

            “I don’t—” Yeri blinked. She narrowed her eyes and pointed an accusatory finger at her friend. “You’re getting off topic.”

            “No , Sherlock. That was the point.”

            With that she bolted out with her study material, most presumably to go to the library, or school cafe, or really any room that didn’t have a sulking Yeri in it, leaving said sulking child to scream in frustration and flop dramatically onto her bed. She stayed there for a while, creating an entire internal monologue about how she should get a friend who wouldn’t question her every action before sitting up and pulling out her phone.

            ‘How to make enemies love each other.’

            Google gave her a bunch of writing advice, and even the ‘wikihow’ she added to the end of her search phrase only gave her stupid articles about befriending enemies, religious stuff, and one-sided enemy relationships. She frowned and pressed the back button, wondering if the enemy-to-lovers trope would give her anything.

Scrolling through the first page, Yeri only found vague advice about “forcing them to do things together,” “making it so that they had a physical attraction,” and “showcase their good qualities to each other.” As if the entirety of the school’s student body and administration hadn’t been doing that already by placing them in classes together. And Yeri was three hundred percent sure that the two of them were the most attractive beings on campus, so they’d be blind to not notice that about each other either.


            Several hours later, during which Yeri had scrolled through all twenty-eight pages displayed and even repeated the search with the omitted results included, the freshman realized that she had not gleaned anything of significance. But hey, at least now she could write a really solid slow-burn enemies-to-lovers fic in any setting—dystopian, YA, thriller—with confidence. But she was dealing with real life people, and as much as she’d love to create a zombie apocalypse in which they realize they’re the only two survivors in the building...actually, scratch that. Yeri wouldn’t want the entire student population to be zombified when they were the audience she needed for her platform. Anyway, as much as she’d love to make them run into each other after curfew on their way out to do secret superhero activities in which they realize that the other was the secret aide that had been helping with the purging the villains all along, Yeri was no Batman, and she didn’t have the funds, energy, or time to create a city of crime and convince the two girls to save everyone. She’d probably get arrested first.

            Yeri ran her fingers through her hair in frustration (she didn’t like ruffling it because it would make her look unkempt), groaning at the very slight lack of intelligence she had. If only she were good at planning, she was sure she would’ve been a genius, and that was unfair to all the other mortals, so maybe she shouldn’t complain. Yeri nodded contently at the odd flow of logic that somehow made sense to her.

            “Are you still squeezing your brain for a plan?”

            Yeri shrieked and jumped at Saeron’

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I know they're two completely opposing genres, but if you're looking for more densely updated chapters, I've been in more of a City of Vice mood lately. Promise you that mafia Irene won't disappoint


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Update please 🙏🥺
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #2
please update 😭
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #3
update please 🥺
433 streak #4
Chapter 15: Things getting spicy 👀🔥
napaka_ano #5
Chapter 15: I love this fic and I’m always excited whenever there’s an update!! Thank you for coming back! 🤧💕🥰
rxdacted #6
Chapter 15: thanks for the update!!
Chapter 15: Yay! An update! Thank you! I'm excited to see what Krystal brings to the table. Happy holidays author!
KaiserKawaii #8
Chapter 15: Hey!!!
21 streak #9
Chapter 15: That's right yerim. Learn from my princess
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #10
Chapter 15: yeyeyeyey finally, thank u so much author nim for update 🤍🤍🤍, merry Christmas*̣̥☆·͙̥❄‧̩̥࿌ིྀ྇˟͙☃️˟͙࿌ིྀ྇‧̩̥❄·͙̥̣☆*̣̥