They can't be ideal if they're human, but humans can be pretty damn perfect sometimes.

Just a Little Less than Ideal
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A/N: a little something for those who were wondering about Joohyun's side of the story. I won't be writing an epilogue or sequel for Hit and Bust; hopefully this makes up that. For some odd reason, JALLTI has gotten a lot more love than my other works despite being one of the most recent ones, so I thought it'd be better to put my energy here after finishing Tl;dr. This bonus may come off as a bit of a plot twist: you can just not read it or read it and go back to see if you can see hints of stuff in the original, so take it as you will. I'll be updating less because of school, but stay tuned for slow updates on HSS: Yeri's Guide and Parts of Infinity. Still got lots of shorts lined up for ABFFIL lmao. Those crackheads.



She met Wendy first in a calculus class that the two of them had to take. Wendy had known who she was off the bat, much like a large portion of the school did, so Joohyun wasn’t surprised when the younger girl walked up to her after class and waved at her.

“Hi! You’re Bae Joohyun, right?” Wendy stuck out a hand. “I’m Son Wendy.”

Joohyun gave her a polite smile and took the outstretched hand. “Nice to meet you. You’re in that class we just left, right?”

“Calculus? Yeah.” Wendy smiled as Joohyun stared quizzically at her, wondering what she wanted. “You’re probably wondering why I’m talking to you, right?”

Well, she’d be damned. Joohyun gave her an apologetic expression, lightly scratching her cheek. “I didn’t want to be rude.”

“Oh, it’s fine. I totally understand.” Wendy waved a hand nonchalantly. “I actually came to you to ask you something.”

“Is that? How can I help?”

Wendy peered around them, making sure no one was listening. “How would you like it if I help you with that crush you’ve got on my friend?”

Joohyun blinked rapidly, taken aback. “Excuse me?”

“I’ve seen you.” Wendy gave her a knowing look. “The girl with the camera? I’ve seen you staring at her several times while I was on campus.”

“I’m not sure what you’re talking about.”

Joohyun totally knew what Wendy was talking about. The girl with the camera. Obviously, Joohyun had been drawn by her looks at first glance, but the more she saw the girl around campus and the city, the more she was drawn to the raw passion in her being as she snapped away at the exciting and the mundane, documenting every corner of the place she physically inhabited. Joohyun didn’t really have the courage to approach her; she never had that courage, not since she quit playing the piano.

“No, I really need your help.” Wendy sighed. “Because I truly think you’re the only one who can get her on track.”

“On track?”

Wendy nodded. “She’s got his obsession with dating her ideal type.”

“I don’t see a problem with that.” Indeed, the girl with the camera was her ideal type just from what Joohyun saw of her. She’d be quite sad if there was a problem with that idea in itself.

“Oh, but there’s a big problem.” Wendy grimaced, seeming really concerned for her friend. “She’s into bad boys. Choi Seunghyun’s been her crush for two years now.”

“Choi Seunghyun with the tattoos?” He was bad news. Popping party drugs or protesting university policies. No in-between.

“That’s the one.”

“Well…” Joohyun trailed off. If that was the type of person the girl with the camera was crushing on, she felt that it was appropriate enough to help Wendy. Get to know her friend better. Perhaps more. “How can I help?”

Wendy grinned. “I hope you’re a good actor. Because we’re gonna be pulling off something real big.”


Wendy told her that Seulgi took pictures to help with her writing, and somehow it turned into her entire craft to write about places and events. The plan was to use this to their advantage: Wendy texted Joohyun one afternoon, telling her that Seulgi was going to take pictures of the laundromat and would probably take shots around the vicinity. Joohyun was to hang around the area and see if she could approach Seulgi in any way. Ask for directions. Point out that her camera looked expensive. Anything really.

Her plan was foiled, however, when she received a call from her parents while lingering outside of the laundromat. They were wondering if she’d received any offers from any jobs yet. She hadn’t. They wanted her to know that she would be graduating soon and needed to get employed. She promised she would. They told her that they knew she wouldn’t disappoint them. She assured them that she would try harder.

Seulgi wasn’t around by the time she escaped from her cycle of self-loathing. Joohyun had probably spent hours staring at the road as cars passed by. The sun had started setting. Another day wasted.


Joohyun received a text from Wendy saying that she’d managed to save a picture that had her in it. Had hyped her up and stuck the picture on Seulgi’s wall. It was only a matter of Seulgi keeping it there.

She constantly got updates about where Seulgi would be. Joohyun tried to visit the places Wendy listed via text whenever possible, but she couldn’t help the dreadful feeling that grew in the pit of her stomach when she spent time doing nothing productive. Maybe she was helping someone. But she wasn’t really doing much about her own growth.

They weren’t really supposed to run into each other at the café, but Wendy had texted her that Seulgi would be there, just not what time she would have to stay away to avoid looking like a stalker. Joohyun had walked in to grab a drink before ambling around the city again, but she made eye contact with Wendy:=; there was a panicked but also an accomplished look in Wendy’s eyes as she held Seulgi’s head and motioned for Joohyun to go about her business. Act natural. Joohyun turned back to her spot in the line and started ordering her drink.

She definitely noticed Seulgi swing her camera around to look at her ‘subtly’ and she definitely knew it was not Wendy’s voice who called out her name. She froze in the middle of ordering—a bit surprised at hearing Seulgi’s smooth voice for the first time—before resuming her actions and grabbing the drink to head over. Might as well make the most of it.

The two girls were bickering when Joohyun approached them so she interrupted with a cautious voice, not wanting to scare Seulgi, whose back was facing her. At Joohyun’s greeting, Wendy gave her a look that bordered apologetic while also seeming to suppress an extreme excitement that gave her features a quality of internal struggle. It made her look like she was going to faint from exertion. Seulgi unfroze after a while and turned to face Joohyun, pretty face tense with anticipation.

“Hi?” Her voice cracked, which made Joohyun want to smile. She reminded herself that Wendy had told her that her acting skills would be tested to the max if they were to pull this off behind Seulgi’s back, so she bit her tongue when Seulgi asked if she needed anything.

“Oh, no. I came over, because I thought I heard one of you call me.” Tilt of the head. Curious eyes. Act natural.

Seulgi smiled awkwardly and started to deny calling her over when she suddenly winced and bent over, muttering curses so softly under her breath that Joohyun could barely hear it over the bustling of the café. Wendy gave Seulgi a warning look before shooting Joohyun a quick smile. Fleeting. Fast. Seulgi didn’t straighten up for a while, so Joohyun asked if she was okay, receiving a thumbs up in response.

Wendy bit her lip slightly. She started rambling about some project Seulgi was doing, almost making Joohyun believe that her words were the truth. She pulled together a bunch of loose ends in her wild speech, which left Joohyun herself speechless as to what would be the proper response. There was only so much acting she could do, so she politely nodded as if Wendy was a stranger.

“I see.” Seulgi was sitting up now. “I’m guessing that you’re Seulgi?”

“I, uh, yes. Kang Seulgi.” The girl held out a slender hand. “Nice to meet you.”

Joohyun took a minute to appreciate the feel of Seulgi’s warm, smooth hands on her own. She thought they’d be rough from spending so much time outside and constantly pressing stiff buttons on her camera, but they were soft and pleasant and very fitting to her pretty face. But it wasn’t the time to admire her just yet, so Joohyun lightly passed off the rather abrupt method of introduction she had by means of Seulgi shouting out her name and asked if she could join them. Seulgi glared at Wendy but gave her the okay.

“So, you did call me?”

Joohyun watched the two girls carefully, wondering what step Wendy would take. She looked a little conflicted as she glanced at Seulgi but (falsely) admitted to being the culprit. The amount of care and dedication Wendy had for her friend warmed Joohyun’s heart, making her wonder if perhaps they too could be friends. She smiled. A genuine smile. “No worries! I’m always willing to help.”

She saw the way Wendy seemed to scream at Seulgi to give Joohyun a chance. It was endearing.

“So...What exactly do I need to do? Do we need to schedule regular meetings?” Joohyun knew that Wendy had set everything up, so it was now her turn to keep things rolling. Try to initiate contact. But Seulgi let out an exasperated sigh and started to turn her down, making both Joohyun and Wendy panic. Joohyun barely kept herself from screaming.

“No!” The girls looked surprised, and to be honest, Joohyun had scared herself too. In trying to suppress her panicking mind, she’d forgotten to control her volume. She coughed slightly in embarrassment. “I meant, I’m really okay with helping you.”

Seulgi nodded. “Okay. It’s sort of a long term thing, but I can give you my number or email or whatever and you can contact me whenever you’re available. I’m free most days with the exception of my morning classes and an evening class on Thursdays.”

Joohyun felt the corners of her lips twitch minusculely at the thought of getting Seulgi’s number. “Do we need to meet a certain number of times before the semester ends? Since it’s for a class.”

“No, it’s…”—Seulgi looked a little lost,—“for a class that is part of a two-sequence series for the entire year. This is almost like a thesis.”

“That’s good to hear.” Joohyun handed Seulgi her phone. Her lips were dry in anticipation as Seulgi punched in her number. “I’m free right now too, if you’d like to get to know each other a bit.”

Wendy suddenly let out a grunt but Joohyun paid no mind, keeping her eyes on Seulgi. Seulgi told her that she had to leave and slung her camera around her neck. “It was nice meeting you.”

No, she couldn’t leave yet! Joohyun turned the gears in her head for a way to continue the conversation when her eyes landed on the camera. “I’ve seen you around the city. Several times.”

Jesus, way to seem like a stalker.

Seulgi made a surprised expression. “You have?”

“It’s hard not to notice such a pretty girl walking around with a big camera.” It was the truth, but damn did it come out smoothly. Joohyun almost felt proud of herself for once.

Seulgi glared at something, or someone, behind her, so Joohyun turned to see what was happening on Wendy’s end. Wendy quickly dropped her hands, but her face was red. Joohyun tilted her head, silently asking Wendy what was going on.

“Uh, that’s cool to know.” Seulgi brought her attention back. She played around with some of the buttons on her camera, looking like she wanted to leave. “I guess I’ll see you around them?”

Joohyun smiled, knowing she couldn’t keep the girl any longer. “Yeah, of course. Sorry to keep you.” She paused. “It was an absolute pleasure to finally meet you, Seulgi.”

Seulgi looked at her a bit oddly but gave a quick nod as she left the café. Joohyun watched her walk out—the way she casually let her jacket drape over her arm and used one hand to support the bottom of the camera. Wendy tapped on the table to get her attention again.

“I get that you think she’s hot, but could you make it any more obvious?” Joohyun turned and blushed. “I’ve got good news.”

Joohyun tilted her head, watching as Wendy took a sip of her drink. “What is it?”

Wendy grinned. “She kept the picture. She kept all the pictures.”

“All the pictures?”

Wendy nodded. “I think since you were hanging around her, you found your way into several of her shots, and she told me about it. She’s using a new writing approach that’s character-based. I think she wants to base it off of you.”

“Off of me?” Joohyun blinked. “Really?”

“Yeah.” Wendy grinned. “She was actually asking me if I knew any way to contact you; she’s trying to learn some things about you to shape the character.”

Joohyun was flattered. “Well, I guess it’s good that I have her number then.”

“Yeah, you might want to text her soon. The sooner the better.”


It took Joohyun two days to build up the courage to reach out to Seulgi. She spent at least three hours writing and erasing and re-writing the text to send the younger girl before settling with a ‘Hi Seulgi! This is Bae Joohyun :) I hope I’m not bothering you!’

And she truly was worried that she might be bothering Seulgi. She double-checked her text to make sure that everything was spelled correctly; she had to leave a good impression. God, she hoped Seulgi wouldn’t leave her on read.

Joohyun almost pounced on her phone when it buzzed. It said a simple ‘hi! of course not’ and nothing else. Her fingers shook with nervousness as she asked if Seulgi wanted to meet up. Was it too quick? Would she seem too desperate? Joohyun tapped her finger against her kneecap as she waited for a reply. The phone buzzed again. She jumped. Seulgi said yes.

They met at the café from before at three, where Joohyun arrived ten minutes early as had been drilled into her since a young age. Seulgi hurried in a few minutes past their meeting time, looking a bit disheveled. She hurriedly settled herself and muttered some things about Wendy flooding the toilet. They’d known each other since freshman orientation, apparently. Joohyun wished she had a friend she was that close to.

“She’s like some parasitic creature, I swear.”

Joohyun found the phrase oddly funny. Meant to be offensive but without harming the integrity of Wendy’s character. Very thought out. “You’ve got a way with words.”

“I am a writer, after all.” Seulgi stared at her screen. “Well, I hope to be one.”

Joohyun felt her heart skip a beat at how determined Seulgi seemed to reach her goal. So full of passion and momentum. So different from herself. “I’m sure you’ll be one,” she assured, grasping her teacup with two hands. As she’d been taught to do. At least it hid some of the excited trembling of her fingers. “’s this work?”

Seulgi typed something before pausing. “I need to come clean to you about something.”

Joohyun had an inkling of what it might be, but she played along. “Oh, is this what’s happening? I’m not quite sure if I’m ready to confess everything to you just yet.” The words hit closer to home that Joohyun had meant for them to when she said it.

“Um...No, it’s not what you think.” She looked conflicted.

“I see. Please continue.”

“I actually don’t have a long term project of anything like that going on.” Seulgi paused, eyebrows furrowing in thought. “I usually base my writings around places and events, but I decided to experiment a bit and reference people to create a character-centric narrative.”

“And I’m guessing Wendy saw me then at the counter and suggested me?” As per the plan.

The younger girl blinked. “Uh...yeah.”

“I’m honoured,” Joohyun answered honestly, softly clapping her hands. She felt that Seulgi was probably taking a huge leap as a writer, and it excited Joohyun to see someone engage in such a venture. Something she wouldn’t do. But something she would get to be a part of. “I get to be the first person you do that with.”

“I guess?” Seulgi blinked a few times at her screen and asked Joohyun if she would answer some questions. They were pretty generic; Joohyun had been hoping Seulgi would ask something more philosophical, a comment she relayed to Wendy later that day via text, but she dutifully answered everything Seulgi asked.

“Favourite food?”

“Tteokbokki.” Joohyun rarely got to eat street food, because her parents preferred that she maintain a healthy diet. She saw Seulgi grin.

“Hey, I like that too.”

A point of connection.

“I know this really good place a few towns over. Would you like to go with me?”


Joohyun didn’t see Seulgi for another week. It was a long week, one in which she spent time smiling and chatting to people who liked her pretty face and polite mannerisms, but Joohyun couldn’t stop think about Seulgi and she couldn’t stop thinking about the fact that her mother had sounded exhausted when Joohyun told her that she hadn’t gotten past t

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A kind twitter soul let me know about the feature (shoutout to twt user seulgom23)! Thanks for loving this story despite its flaws and please give lots of love to my other works too!


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Jensoo4everlove #1
Chapter 2: Wendy paved the way for them lmao
Rereading this 🫶🏼
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #3
Chapter 2: 🤍🤍🤍🤍
ForeverLuvie #4
Chapter 2: Is there a better wingwoman that Seungwan?! Nope, none, Mam.
433 streak #5
Chapter 1: :) sweet
thank you for the story!
BBSR23 #8
Chapter 1: My heart, my soul, omygoshhh 😭😭 so heartwarming that i want to cry😭
A12345_ #9
Chapter 2: ❤️❤️❤️
Blooody #10