I Could Watch You For Hours

A Subtle Romance

“Can I do this to Rosie?” 


Chaeyoung looked up at Jennie, who had just asked the film crew if she could say a chat-up line to her. 


“Sure,” Chaeyoung said confidently, or at least she thought she did. Her heart started beating faster as she was unsure of what Jennie was going to say. 


How would she be able to act cool if Jennie gives her a knee-weakening line that sends her through the floor? 


She was suddenly super aware of everyone and everything around her. All eyes were on her and Jennie, and especially her reaction. It wouldn’t just be the film crew that sees it, it would be millions of people on YouTube too. 


Chaeyoung didn’t know what to think as Jennie turned to her as she prepared herself, putting her left elbow on the back of the sofa, and putting her right arm holding all of the chat-up line cards down to rest on her lap, opening up her body to the younger, taller girl, who she so willingly wanted to say this line to. Jennie looked deep into Chaeyoung’s eyes, as the other girl accepted her advances by maintaining eye contact. The pink-haired girl’s heart started beating even faster. 


“Are you Netflix?” Jennie began.



Chaeyoung tried her best to keep a straight face, as the gorgeous, brunette began. She thought she did a good job, as she barely moved a muscle in her face, except for a smile, which lit up her face as Jennie began trying to jokingly seduce her. Chaeyoung’s smile demonstrated that she knew that this was just for fun, but her hands came together, fingers clasped, to form a stage beneath her chin as if trying to emphasise her facial beauty. Maybe a part of her didn’t want it to be just for fun after all. Her hands remained a stage beneath her chin as her smile subsided into a simple smirk and a look of contentment. The same look an art fan may give when beholding their favourite masterpiece. As Chaeyoung entered audience mode, as she settled to watch Jennie perform in all of her glory, her head tilted ever-so-slightly forward towards the ground, with her eyes every-so-slightly looking up at Jennie; a subtle sign of submitting herself to the brunette.


“Because I could watch you for hours,” Jennie finished while putting a cat-like growl on the last word, accompanied by a cat-like gesture, clawing at the air towards the younger girl. Jennie was confident with her seductive abilities, but something about saying this line to the gorgeous Aussie girl made her end the chat-up line with a comical twist. Maybe she regretted asking to do it to Rosie, so ended the line comically in order to mask her true feelings. Or maybe she really wanted to do this line to Rosie because she wanted to show everyone how she really felt about her girlfriend but added the cat-like growl to hide her affection. 


Whatever the reason was, when she finished the line, Jennie smiled to herself and to Chaeyoung, who lifted her head up off of her hands, while exclaiming “oooooh”, as she was clearly impressed with the line. However, she couldn’t maintain eye contact with the brunette. She looked towards the film crew and to the camera, trying to avoid Jennie’s eyes, but also scanning the film crew for any suspicious expressions towards her and the brunette. As Jennie dropped her hand from the clawing effect, Chaeyoung tapped the brunette’s forearm with a single finger, being careful as to not allow her touch to linger. In Chaeyoung’s mind, the quick touch on Jennie’s forearm served as a slap on the wrist, a mini punishment for trying to expose the two of them on camera. Rosie knew it was just a game, and that most people would just think the chat-up line meant nothing among friends, but she knew that if something too real had happened during that chat-up line, there would have been people watching them like hawks. If Rosie even so much as blushed, or touched Jennie’s arm for too long, or maintained eye contact for a suspicious amount of time, then their secret romance would have had to become even more secret. 




Later that night, Chaeyoung was at home with her sister, cleaning her bedroom, while listening and singing along to an Ed Sheeran vinyl on her LP player. Her phone chimed with the receipt of a message. Chaeyoung went over to her bed where her phone lay. She turned the phone over and put her index finger to the back of the phone to unlock it. She opened WhatsApp to see another message from Jennie. Now the number next to Jennie’s name read 17: the number of unopened messages that she had from her lover. That number quickly changed to 18, 19, 20, 21, as her phone chimed in her hand with every message. 


Chaeyoung let out a sigh and slightly shook her head as she finally opened Jennie’s messages. She read through all 21 unread messages, with the last half of the messages centering around Jennie asking for forgiveness for anything she had done wrong. 


20:17   Why aren’t u answering me baby? 


20:18   Hubby did I do something wrong?


20:20   Please don’t ignore me. Tell me baby


20:20   Was it because I ate the rest of the kimchi fried rice this morning? 


20:23   C’mon baby talk to me


20:23   Hubby I’m sorry for whatever I did. I’ll make it better. I promise


20:24   Just tell me what I did so I can make it better. 


As Chaeyoung read through the messages, she felt a bit bad for ignoring her lover. Sure, she was upset with Jennie for hinting at their relationship on camera, but she knew Jennie had a more devil may care attitude than she did; something that she found very attractive in her girlfriend. She continued to read the last few unread messages. 


20:36   Okay that’s it. I’m coming round


20:36   And I’m bringing food


20:36   I hope ur hungry


20:37   Stupid thing to say I know


20:37   See you soon hubby


Chaeyoung’s eyes widened as she didn’t know when to expect Jennie. Did she send those messages from her place or whilst she was already on her way? Chaeyoung ran to the bathroom, hurrying to make herself look more presentable for her wifey. She had been cleaning the apartment in some sweatpants and a baggy AC/DC t-shirt, one that her dad had given her when she was a teenager. In a hurry, she checked her makeup in the bathroom mirror. Not bad. Then she ran to her bedroom and pulled her t-shirt and sweatpants off, and threw them towards the laundry basket but hit the wall behind it instead. She saw her clothes fall behind the laundry basket but didn’t care right now. She needed to get ready for her wifey. Sure, Jennie had seen Chaeyoung in unflattering clothes before. They had been together for several years, so they had spent many days together with makeup-less faces, bun-tied hair, and ragged clothes. But this time, Chaeyoung needed to look gorgeous for her wifey, as she had the higher ground in the upcoming argument, and she needed to display her dominance through her appearance. 


The doorbell rang as Chaeyoung was putting on a gorgeous black dress, something that she had worn to a music award event. 


Chaeyoung answered the door in all of her iness and beauty. Jennie’s eyes widened and her jaw fell at the sight of her stunning lover. “Oh, are you going out somewhere?” Jennie asked while looking Chaeyoung up and down like a piece of meat that she wanted to devour. 


“No, just been cleaning the apartment,” Chaeyong said nonchalantly.  


Jennie furrowed her brows, and pulled in her chin, as she looked at Rosie with confusion. “Since when do you clean the apartment looking like that?”


“Looking like what?” Rosie answered, trying to act innocently as she turned around and started walking away from the front door towards the kitchen. Jennie followed and closed the door behind her. 


“Like on legs,” the brunette said quickly as she followed her on legs to the kitchen. 


Trying her best not to gush at her lover’s compliment, Chaeyoung changed the subject. “So, what food did you bring?”


Sensing an unexcited tone on her girlfriend’s voice, Jennie made a concerned look. She put the bag of food on the kitchen counter as Chaeyoung began washing up a few dishes in the sink. 


“I know why you’re upset with me.”


Chaeyoung stopped the motion of cleaning a plate in her hands for a second, as she waited for her lover to continue. “Really?”


“It’s because I said that chat-up line to you today, instead of saying it to Jisoo, like I was supposed to.”


After hearing her girlfriend’s accurate deduction, she rinsed the plate in her hand with water and put it on the drying rack. “Why would I be upset about you saying a chat-up line to me?” She replied, playing dumb. 


“Because we’re keeping our relationship a secret, and I got too excited when I read that chat-up line, because it’s exactly what I do.”


The taller girl turned around with a kitchen towel as she dried her hands. “Do what?”


“Watch you for hours!” The brunette almost screamed, extending her arms with open hands, with her palms facing the ceiling.


The pink-haired girl almost took a step back as Jennie’s roar of passion hit her. 


“I could watch you for hours, baby. I have watched you for hours,” Jennie confessed with a loving smirk.


Chaeyoung couldn’t help but melt to her lover’s confession, as a warm smile melted through the cold facade that she was trying so hard to maintain. Jennie took two steps towards Rosie until they were face to face. She put her arms around the taller girl and brought her in for a hug that squeezed the bitterness out of her girlfriend. Rosie’s head lowered to rest on her lover’s, as she put her arms around Jennie to reciprocate her affection. 


“I was just worried that my reaction to your chat-up line would, you know, show our true relationship somehow. I know it’s stupid, but the game was basically ’try to be seductive to your partner’ and then you suddenly decided you wanted to be seductive towards me…on camera! I mean, you know how I react when you seduce me in the bedroom. For a second, I was worried that the world would see you seduce me for real. I even had to look away from you after you said that line,” Chaeyoung confessed.


With her head buried into the nook of her girlfriend’s neck, “I’m sorry. But when I saw that line on the card, I instantly wanted to do it to you, and I just blurted it out…that I wanted to do it to you. I didn’t even think, but then it was too late, so I did it anyway. I couldn’t be as seductive as I normally am with you, because I was, you know, scared of people seeing something real.”


The taller girl squeezed her gorgeous brunette tighter, as she totally understood her and sympathised with her. Jennie melted into her lover’s body as the embrace brought them together as one. Jennie’s face radiated with a smile of complete contentment as she nestled in her girlfriend’s love and warmth. Chaeyoung’s head still rested on the brunette’s head, with her chipmunk cheek serving as an adorable cushion. Her face was also warm with a smile of adoration and completion. 




“Yes, wifey?”


Jennie pulled back slightly to make eye contact with Chaeyoung, while they still held each other. Then Jennie mustered up her best seductive voice possible.


“Are you Netflix?”


Chaeyoung couldn’t help but let out a beam of a smile as she anticipated the next line. 


“Because I could watch you for hours.”


Chaeyoung trembled at the sound of Jennie’s seduction. The taller girl breathed in a deep breath as she tried her best to calm her trembles. Her eyes firmly fixated on the brunette’s, losing herself in the dark chocolate ocean of her lover’s eyes. She bit her lip as she felt a warmth run through her body, trickling its way south. 


“That’s more like it,” Chaeyoung whispered through a tremble. The seductive brunette replied with a smile, as she lifted herself up to meet her lover’s lips. Their lips pushed against each others' as Rosie let out a quiet moan of passion. Jennie slid her tongue into her girlfriend’s mouth, which was greeted by the taller girl's own. With every opening of their mouths, their tongues collided and entangled as each girl took in the taste of the other. Their moans became a language of their own, as they took turns replying, like a dance of sound. 


“Bed?” Jennie whispered into her lover’s mouth. The taller girl didn’t break away from their kiss. Instead, she released a sound that the brunette understood completely, a sound of submission and eagerness. With that, Jennie tore herself from her girlfriend’s lips, something she found incredibly difficult to do, but could do with the solace of knowing she would be on them again in seconds. With a look in her eye, which Chaeyoung knew all too well, Jennie grabbed her lover’s hand and led her to the bedroom. 


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Chapter 4: Chaennie are just super sweet
2 weeks in LA authornim...
Einstein_genius #3
Chapter 1: Cpr moments they did that two times in sound check, concert.
The moment when jennie pull rosé head to look at her also in concert.
The moment when jennie but rosé cheeks. Jennie point her finger in her cheeks asking rosé to kiss it and rosé did. Long hugs. All concerts moments 😅
adbtran #4
1. when chaennie went scuba diving on the Hawaii summer diaries
2. when Jennie comforted Rosé when she lost the game in 2020 summer diaries
Chapter 4: We demand that chaennie vlive!
We have been deprived for way too long, its too not right.
SaintRosie #6
Chapter 4: And we still don't have chaennie vlive :(
Dianaparker #7
Chapter 4: Ah that v-live 🤣 Blinkd are still waiting for that Chaennie vlive 😆
Rosie_Jennie #8
Chapter 4: Ahahahha que lindura ♥️♥️♥️💞💞💞
AnDEUSAgrega #9
Chapter 4: They are so cute and for what?
Chapter 3: I hope someone said those words to Jennie, because she worked her off to get here.
We always leave supporting comments, but never sure if they are actually read.