when life gives you lemons...

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39-year-old Song Ji Hyo has decided to have a baby alone via a donor despite the objections of her long-time best friend, Kim Jong Kook.


Hello! A one-shot or two-shots, I'm not sure. The story will all be from Kim Jong Kook's POV.

But Happy New Year 2021! This story is inspired by a movie and thanks to @windflower01 for the suggestion not to write a family fic again.

Because I've been writing stories about them being a family a LOT (I can't help it), here is one when they're only best friends.

Little blurb:

"I'm having a baby."

"You're pregnant? With who? Do you even have a boyfriend right now?"

"No, silly, I'm not. Not yet. But I'm working on it."

"What do you mean?"

"I've gone to the doctor and she said all my levels are really great, considering my age, and I started agreeing with her about timing and why do I have to wait when I can just easily have one by myself."

"You're going to destory your career."

"Public opinion is honestly the last thing on my mind. I'm just ready to do it now and I don't care about anything else. The clock keeps ticking."

"And how do you achieve that? How will you be able to find the 'man' for the production of your baby?"

"I've been looking into a bank."

Side note: I'm SO not good in writing fluff. This is not my main forte, so bear with me please.


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jihyosicedtea #1
Chapter 2: This is so beautiful ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Berlianvelia #2
Authornim.. i just realize i can't find ephemeral story.. ks there any chance we can reread it again? ๐Ÿ˜ฅ๐Ÿ™
ccfncff #3
Why I can't find ephemeral story?
spartaceid #4
Chapter 2: authornimmm im so late but thank u for this story, its different from ur usual story but still written so well and i just love this so much , i cant stop smiling and giggling ! thank u !
cancergirl88ak #5
Chapter 2: So sweet, like the story so much... Amazing author nim๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
cancergirl88ak #6
Chapter 2: So sweet, like the story so much... Amazing author nim๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
cancergirl88ak #7
Chapter 2: So sweet, like the story so much... Amazing author nim๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
Chapter 2: im cryiinggggg, this is soo damngooddd
liulishi #9
Chapter 2: hm.. not the doctor..but you oppa...do mischievous things..hm...hahahahaha