Please don't go

Your true love lives & you marry the other

Taemin didn't want to get married, not like this, not with her, he wanted to be able to choose the person he would spend the rest of his life with, he wanted Minho, he wanted the actual love of his life. Yet there he was in front of the mirror, looking at himself on that ugly white suit while his mother keep on speaking about everything he had to do; like his entrance to the church, his vows (that she wrote herself) and the farewells at the end of the reception.  

Taemin, honey, are you listening to me?his mother asked when he saw him lost in his thoughts Darling your father and I know you don't want this, but you have to think in your family and all the benefits of this unionshe paused— So, stop playing around and get ready, we're leaving in 40 minutes—  she left slapping the door behind her. 

He was aware that it was too late, Minho make it pretty clear that he wasn't begging him anymore and he wasn't strong enough to stand up for his feelings and tell his parents that he's in love with someone else. Although he doubt his parents cared if he was in love, no, they just want to sign that contract and save his father company.

God, he doesn't even know her! How is he supposed to marry a complete stranger? She lived overseas and came back to Korea a day before the wedding so Taemin didn't even know how she looked like. He couldn't believe his parents will be capable of this, they only cared about the money and themselves. Did they even love their own son?

Minho was his best friend, he didn't plan on falling in love with him, it came so naturally that he didn't even notice when it happened, how their friendship start escalating to something more. When he started that weird relationship with Minho, he really thought he would be able to break his engagement, he didn't want to get married at first place, the older just have him more reasons not to.      

Taemin wanted to wake up every day for the rest of his life with Minho by his side, he wants to feel the older calm breath on the back of his neck while he pulls him even closer to his body while they're snuggling in bed like they always do; but now he lost him, he wouldn't be able to feel Minho's lips in his anymore, all the sweet words; he lost the only thing that felt real in his life.

He understands Minho's decision, he didn't deserve all this bull, he deserved to be loved by someone who's willing to fight for that love, someone capable of giving the older the entire world and even more. Taemin really wanted to be that person, he wanted to give his all to Minho just like the older has given his all to Taemin. Yet he did nothing to protect their love.

At some point while tying his tie Taemin couldn't hold his tears anymore, being forced to get married to a female when he was clearly not attracted to women was bad, but thinking that Minho was gonna be there watching him marry someone else was simply heartbreaking. He was being too cruel to the older, to himself, he had to let everything out of his chest, he had to tell Minho how he feels for one last time; he was 100% sure the older wouldn't accept to have a last chat with him so he decided to write him one last letter.

A little after Taemin finished his letter, his friend Kibum came into his room with an anguished look on his face TaeminKibum sobbed while hugging like his life depends on it You don't have to do this, you don't want to do this— he said with tears in his eyes, he didn't want to see his friend get married with someone he clearly doesn't love.

It's okay, i had the opportunity to break the engagement and i didn't so i guess i deserve this— Taemin said I do need to ask you a big favour, i need you to give this letter to Minho, please make sure he reads it— he finished with a smile while giving the letter to Kibum.

He looked at himself in the mirror for one last time before leaving to the church with his mother.


Minho arrived to the church quite early, the ceremony hasn't stared yet and there wasn't a lot of guests so he looked around searching for his friends so he can sit down with them; when he reached them, he found Jonghyun sobbing uncontrollably on Kibum's shoulder, at the same time Key was trying to comfort his boyfriend while also ugly sobbing; Jinki, on the other hand was dead serious, no expression in his eyes, Minho knew his friend was trying his best to keep calm; even Taemin's friend, Jongin, was crying; the four of them were the only people who knew about their "affair".

When his friends notice Minho's presence Jjong practically tackle him and hugged him while keep on sobbing —You're gonna wrinkle my suit— Minho said with a smirk —Please tell me you're here to stop this stupid wedding— Jjong said looking at Minho with his big teary eyes, Jonghyun looked like an abandon puppy —Please tell me you're not letting him get married, please Minho, please...— Minho just move his head, incapable of saying no, it was too hard and he didn't want to cry, not anymore.

Kibum interrumpe their conversation before Jjong could say anything else, —Taemin sent this to you— Key said —Could you please read it? I know it's hard, but maybe you can change your mind— Kibum smile when Minho took the paper, he thought it would be harder to convince him. 

Minho wasn't sure about reading it, it didn't seems like the best idea but Key was still looking at him and he wasn't in the mood to be scaled by him, so he open the letter. In that moment the ceremony started, but Minho wasn't paying attention, his mind was on that piece of paper:


I know i don't deserve more of your attention, but i really need you to read this, please, just let me tell you everything for one last time. Since the moment we met, my life changed for good, you bring colours to my black & white world, you showed me how great life could be if you shared it with your love ones, you helped me accept myself for who i am, that i didn't have to be like my parents; thanks for always loving me without caring about all my insecurities and issues.

Being loved by someones as special as you are has been one of the biggest blessing in my life, you always made me feel so special and unique and loved, i'll be forever grateful for that, seriously, you are the best thing that happen to me.

I know i'm being a coward, so please forgive me; forgive me for not being able to fight for what we had, for not having the guts to tell my parents i couldn't get married because i was in love with you.

I understand if you can't forgive me, i just want you to know that this is killing me on the inside, i never wanted to hurt you, please don't think you were only a game for me, you don't deserve any of this i know, but my feelings for you are all real.

I will cherish the time we spend together forever, every single one of fights every reconciliation, our deep conversation at three in the morning , every kiss, everything; there will not be a day in my life from now on that i won't miss you, i know i take the wrong decisions but i need you to know that i love you Choi Minho, i love you with every single piece of my heart and soul, you're the only one, and i will love you until the day i died.

Honestly i have no idea how am i supposed to live without you, you're my entire life and im loosing you, i'm an idiot, i know, i ruined my own life but i also ruined yours, and that's something i won't be able to forget myself for. I hope at least you can find happiness again, i'm sure you'll find someone who can love you the way you deserve to be loved, i want you to keep on living, so please, promise me you'll keep going and that one day, if we meet again you have that pretty smile of yours in your face, instead of that sad face i left you with.

We should known better, the way we started our relationship wasn't the right way, it was meant to fail, i guess we were aware and just decide to ignore it. Maybe our we weren 't destined to be with each other.

So this is it, our time to say goodbye has come, thank you for loving me, i love you too Choi very very much, never forget it.

I'm sorry



Minho had tears in his eyes by the time finish the letter, he couldn't do this anymore, it was so unfair, he was sure he won't be able to forget Taemin, How is he supposed to keep going? If Taemin really do love him he wouldn't be marrying someone else, he would have fight for their love.

He realised the ceremony was already in vows part, and that he may be crying a little too hard (the weird looks he guests give him confirm that), in a desperate attempt to stop his tears so he decided to pay a little more of  attention to the ceremony and look at the groom, he hadn't looked at Taemin since he arrived and he looked gorgeous on his white suit. Just when he thought he could control his tears, he made eye contact with the groom, and his tears start coming down his cheeks again, he couldn't control it, his life was crumbling apart in front of his eyes and he couldn't do anything more to stop it, he already did all he could.  

It was really hard for him seeing Taemin trying to hold his tears while they made eye contact, he wasn't even paying attention to what Taemin's future wife was saying; he was losing the love of his life, there was no turning back, Taemin wasn't his anymore.

Minho knew he shouldn't had come to the wedding, it was pure torture, not only for him but for Taemin, he was clearly suffering with Minho's presence, so, before he lose his mind completely to the pain, he did what was obvious, he got up, all his friends look at him with hope, thinking he will finally interrupt the wedding, but no, Minho look at his friends and almost as a whisper he said —I can't... I'm... I'm sorry— Minho got more sobbing as a response, the entire situation was hard for them too, so he understand their sadness.

So, trying not to get a lot of attention on himself he start walking to the exit, for his bad luck, he found Taemin gaze again, there was so much pain in his eyes and he was already crying, Minho smiled at him, trying his best not to fall apart in the middle of the church and throw him one last kiss, he look at him for the last time —Goodbye my love— he said; then turned around to leave that place as fast as he could.

When he was outside he let himself cry, he could barely see where he was going so he decided to sit down on the pavement near the church, this was it, he lost him, he lost the love of his life for real.

Meanwhile, in the ceremony, Taemin's future wife was finishing her vows, he wasn't paying attention to her, he couldn't understand how the hell was she able to write so much if they had met for the first time yesterday, but that wasn't relevant for him right now he was looking hopelessly at the door, Minho was gone, and he was crying mess. He looked back at his friends, he knew for sure Jonghyun and Kibum would be ugly sobbing, what he did nor expect was seeing Jinki and Jongin in the same condition that his other two friends; they didn't even notice Taemin gaze.

The stranger was marrying had already stopped talking, it was his turn to speak, so he took a deep breath in an attempt to calm down a little bit —I, Lee Taemin... I— he fixed his gaze to the exit one more time, then he looked at his friends, all four of them where waving their heads so he could understand that he didn't have to marry her if he didn't want to —I... Lee Taemin— he says again, looking at the woman in front of him, he couldn't do this, the pain was too strong, Is this the way he wants to spend the rest of his life? He couldn't bear it, he had to be selfish for once in his life and think about his own happiness —I... I can't do it, i'm sorry— he said and then proceed to leave that place.

—Lee Taemin! What do you think you're doing?— he heard his mother shout at him —I have no time for your stupid dramas— she kept shouting but Taemin didn't even look at her, he kept on walking.

Once he was outside the church he start running looking for Minho, he couldn't be that far away; and he found him pretty quickly, sitting on the pavement not so far rom the church, with his face covered by his hands, Taemin was so relieved (and happy, really happy) —Minho!— Taemin shouted while he was running to his lover; Minho took his hands off his face and looked up —Tae... Taemin?— he said with a confused look while get up the floor, the younger ran to his arms, Minho barely had time to react when he already had Taemin clinging on him like a koala; Minho felt alive again, having his Taemin in his arms again.

—You didn't get married— with the biggest smile on his face —If it's not with you, i don't want to get married at all— Taemin answered with a smile —Are you proposing to me Taemin?— Minho said with a smirk, Taemin rolled his eyes —You wish Choi, i'm not making your work easier— the younger said —So if you want me to marry you, you better elaborate the most romantic proposal ever— Taemin finished jokingly.

—As you wish, my love— Minho said and then proceeds to kiss Taemin like his life depend on it, he couldn't be happier, he know for sure that nothing would break them apart anymore, he wouldn't let anyone get between them and their love; they will fight for their happiness; they'll fight the entire world if necessary to protect their love.                                        


"Never forget, that no matter what they say, we have always fight for this"  

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Chapter 1: It just so sad ...... and breaks my heart.
The poster and the title totally drew me in! Now I'm very curious about the story *__* ♥
Chapter 1: I'm really enjoying this first chapter,,,, you can feel the pain minho feels??? Also I love your writing style overall!! I'm tired now so I'll keeo reading tomorrow AND I CANT WAIT ♡
Man the poster is really nice~
Beau1996 1378 streak #5
Chapter 2: Very sweet!
Chapter 2: Wow such a niceeeeee story 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 i m looking forward to see more from you......i like the genre angstwithhappyending