Ch 5

General's Lady: to the Other Side of The Dream
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Ever since Duke Rui’s family members returned to their mansion, they were living in worry and slightly fear. For some, worried for Shen Jin, and others, feared on what could happen to them.

The latter was in the mind of Mistress Xu and her two daughters.

The Duke never once paid attention to them and what Rani said was always on their heads.

Let’s just hope he doesn’t angry enough to sentence the three of you to death.

They have seen how the general was when he arrived and stayed at the mansion. He was polite, refined in literature, and not to mention, handsome. He was nowhere near the title of General Demon.

But, they also have seen how the general was when anyone dared to hurt or provoke his wife.

And what they did by causing the family to be prisoned was beyond hurting or provoke anymore.

The Earl of Yongning didn’t allow anyone from the family to visit his mansion, not even Shen Jin’s mother, but the day before, a servant saw Shen Jin and the general walked together in the market. They looked so happy and in love.

The news, of course, being told in the mansion, and they were all happy although they couldn’t see Shen Jin yet.

But, for Mistress Xu and her two daughters, deep inside their heart, they knew the general would never let them go.

The question was, what would he do?

A letter arrived at midday, sent by a servant from the General’s mansion. Stated the Earl and Countess of Yongning would visit Duke Rui tomorrow.

All the family members gathered in Duke Rui’s study, trying to decipher the meaning of the letter.

“My lord, in my opinion, this is not a family visit,” Rani said. “If it is, the letter won’t mention their title.”

Duke Rui nodded. “What do you think Earl of Yongning meant to do?”

Rani sighed, looking at Mistress Xu, Shen Zi, and Shen Jing. “This is what I fear. He will come for them.”

The three women stared at each other and Mistress Xu dropped on her knees. “My lord, Shen Zi didn’t mean it when she told His Majesty. You must tell the general we didn’t mean it.”

Mistress Chen raised her eyebrows. “You still have guts to ask for forgiveness. I don’t think even Duke Rui can stop Earl of Yongning.”

Mistress Xu turned to Shen Jin’s mother and walked on her knees, hugging the latter’s foot. “Mistress Chen, please, talk to Jin’er, to forgive Shen Zi and Shen Jing.”

Shen Jin’s mother raised her eyebrows. “Do you even listen to yourself? The letter said the Earl and Countess. Jin’er will also come here for the three of you.”

Shen Zi and Shen Jing also dropped on their knees.

“Father, I’m your favourite daughter. Will you do nothing about this?” Shen Zi said.

“If I do something, all the members of this house will be dead,” Duke Rui stated.

“Father, if only they didn’t mention General Demon, sister Zi would definitely marry the general and none of this would happen,” Shen Jing added.

Mistress Chen sighed. “Do you think Earl of Yongning didn’t know about this? Rather than breaking his marriage, he’s still married to Jin’er. You can’t joke about this matter. You chose to be in this position, even since the beginning.”

Shen Zi broke to tears. “I didn’t mean to go this far. I was supposed to marry the general, I just wanted to give her a lesson.”


To everyone surprise, it was Shen Jin’s mother who slapped Shen Zi.

Mistress Xu approached her daughter with tears in her eyes. “Zi’er...Zi’er…”

“A lesson? So, do you think you can marry the general and make him leave Jin’er? Even if Jin’er was the one being punished, Earl of Yongning would never let you go. There is no other way for you,” Mistress Chen said clearly.

Rani took a deep breath. “Sister, calm yourself.” She looked at the three women. “This happened also because of the three of you and now, you have to deal with the consequence. Go have some rest. Let’s hope for good things tomorrow.”

And then, Shu’er’s mother stared at Shen Zi. “Sister Chen is right. Zi’er, you already chose this path, there’s no turning back for you. I really wish you also can learn from this matter. You can plan or scheme something, but Fate often one step ahead from you. Even if you were the one who married the general, if Fate decided otherwise, Jin’er will always be the one who will go to the border to marry Earl of Yongning.”

Shen Zi and Shen Jing only cried while hugging their mother.

In the General’s mansion, Xiuyuan and Xiao Su were already present in Xiuming’s study to discuss their plan for the next day.

“Brother, are you really going to do this?” Xiuyuan asked.


“Then, we have to think clearly. This could happen not only because of sister in law’s sisters, but Duke Rui also could be involved,” the lieutenant added.

“Jin’er said to me when she first arrived at the border that she married me for her mother. She also told me about how her father didn’t like her and her sisters always locked her in a room. You also seen how they treated my wife when we first arrived in Duke Rui’s mansion.”

“Lord Jin rarely told me about her blood sisters, but sometimes my wife did. Rou Rou also told me it was Lady Zi who forced Lord Jin to marry you,” Xiao Su interjected.

Xiuming nodded. “I was guessing right, then. She didn’t want to marry because of the rumor about me and she put Jin’er to sacrifice for the family. And now, she was also the one who told His Majesty about Jin’er wasn’t the second daughter.”

“General, how did you feel when you knew?” Xiao Su asked.

“It doesn’t matter. A trivial thing like this will never make me give Jin’er up. I also told His Majesty about this and he pardoned Jin’er.”

“Could it be she was jealous with sister in law?” Xiuyuan concluded.

“It could be,” the general answered. “Duke Rui may be involved, but he didn’t say anything. That means he doesn’t have plan to put my wife in danger.” His eyes glinted. “Those sisters are cunning. They even wished Jin’er to be killed from the beginning and will never stopped until it happens.”


“I made a vow anyone shall pay for hurting my Jin’er.”

“Are you really going to beat them to death, then?” Xiuyuan asked again.

“I wish to, but I can’t. Although I don’t like them, but also because of them I can meet my wife,” the general said. “That’s why I need Jin’er’s help.”

Xiuyuan and Xiao Su only glanced at each other.

Shen Jin was sitting alone in the yard, looking at the stars. Her husband was still in his study, discussing something with Xiuyuan and Xiao Su. True to his words, the general gave her friend a lot of wedding gifts. Looked like the General Demon could think for others now. The reason Shen Jin was being alone because she knew she and her husband would come to Duke Rui’s mansion tomorrow.

Shen Jin sighed, and then, she felt someone’s arm wrapped her shoulders and she looked up to see her husband.

“Jin’er, you’re still awake?”

The lady nodded and smiled. “I want to see the stars. They are beautiful.”

Xiuming also smiled and sat next to his wife. “Then, let me sit next to you and admire the stars with you. Although, my lady is more beautiful than the stars.”

Shen Jin chuckled and leaned her head to her husband. “So, how is it with Xiuyuan and Xiao Su?”

“They will come with us to Duke Rui’s mansion tomorrow.”

The lady furrowed her eyebrows. “Must they come?”


Shen Jin was silent and remembered what her husband told her about her blood sisters, and when he said he would need her help.

“Is it about my…”


The lady leaned away and stared at the general. “My dear, what are you planning to do?”

“To give them a lesson.”

“You said you need my help.”


“What kind of help?”

Xiuming took a deep breath and looked at his wife, holding her hands. “My dear, I know I’ve promised not to keep anything from you, as for now, I can’t tell you my plan yet.”

“How can I help you if I don’t know anything about your plan?”

“You’ll see tomorrow. Actually, your help will change the dynamic in your father’s mansion.” He smiled and poked Shen Jin’s nose with his finger. “You’re a clever woman. I know you’ll understand my plan.”

Shen Jin rnarrowed her eyes. “Chu Xiuming, you’re being mysterious.”

The next day, the nervous atmosphere was around Duke Rui’s mansion. Everyone gathered in Duke Rui’s study, waiting for the uncertainties. Nearly noon, a servant came to the study in hurry.

“My Lord, Earl and Countess of Yongning are here.”

Not long after the servant announced the news, Xiuming walked into the study with Shen Jin next to him and Xiuyuan along with Xiao Su behind them. The

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KristyThomas #1
Chapter 5: can you write somemore fanfics pls
Jakumo1 #2
Chapter 5: This is such a great story! Awesome writing! 😸
Steph25 #3
Chapter 3: Bonjour
Merci pour cette histoire.. J'espère vraiment avoir bientôt la suite
gaurigupta #4
Chapter 5: I really like this story. I searched for a lot of stories about the series and so far this is the best. The general and his lady truly love each other. He handled everything being righteous and fair.
Looking forward to know what will happen next. I hope you can update soon.
Chapter 5: The general is really a righteous person even with his own wife. He still keep his marriage, defend his wife, and wanted to make her happy after all they've been through.
Looking forward for what will happen next :)
Chapter 5: There are lots of things we can see from this chapter. Shen Jin and the general are starting over, re-bonding their marriage in a good way and the sisters finally receive what they deserved.
And Shen Jin stopped the general from punishing her sisters, mentioning about letting go hatred is really a good thing. She's indeed very clever.
Can't wait what will happen next ig you wanted to syncronize the scene in the final episode.
Chapter 5: Ah finally the general shows them he really are. Altough we think it's cruel, but it's the way it is in that time. I also love how he's being honest to Shen Jin without telling the whole thing. Thankfully, Shen Jin could catch up quickly.
And finally the justice has come.
Chapter 4: The general is always full of surprises....he's worth the big
This chapter is very heartwarming....we can see the general's warm gesture towards others, perhaps he learn it from his wife.
And curious what he will do to the evil sisters...
Chapter 4: It's not hard to fall in love with this chapter.
Really love how they re-bond their marriage. And what will the general do with the evil sisters?
And naughty Shen Jin xixixi....
Ahhh...finally they can be a normal husband and wife...and their conditions....I'M MELTIINNNGGGGG...
You are so good, dear author. Your writing has the power to make me want to rewatch the drama again uwuwuwu....