

What do you do when the person you've been in love with has imprinted on someone that isn't you?

In which Sehun is hopeless and in love and hurting.

AO3 Link


Hello! thank you so much for stopping by. It really has been the longest time since I've written something so this is not my best work and I do think it's quite crap but it feels so good to write again. There's probably a bunch of mistakes in this. This is basically word vomit so I apologise for wasting your time on something like this.

That being said, ENJOY!


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Beau1996 1371 streak #1
Chapter 1: I love a/b/o - this was very cute!
961 streak #2
Chapter 1: Sweet!
Sehun could have just waited for his coming of age.
But that doesn't matter anymore. Because now he is Baekhyun's and Baekhyun is his.
Thank you so much for sharing.