Part 5

Stop and Stare
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It has been a week since Joy and Wendy’s article came out and it became another instant hit. As expected of a coordinated counterattack, Irene’s name was splashed across all media websites and she was further propelled to fame. Everywhere she went, there would be a hoard of reporters on her tails. However, this time round, there was another individual who gained as much fame as her, Yuki.

Joy and Wendy had met with Yuki prior to the release of the articles and had given her a chance to explain herself to the public. Perhaps it was due to pride or perhaps Yuki did not expect the gravity of the situation, she had brushed both writers off carelessly. Little did she know that she would have to bear the consequence of her sabotage of another idol’s career and was soon personified by the public as the scheming villain all these times. Even Director Yoon who had given her biased views about Irene for her attitude during the variety set was not spared of the public’s dissents either. Together they were branded as the colluders who sought to bring down an innocent idol’s career. It was an angle that Wendy thought would be the most fitting and fortunately, the public bought it.

They had been rather satisfied with their work until things began to take a violent turn. Supporters of Irene and haters of the people who doomed her started to show up at the companies who manages them and began to destroy the companies’ property.

Unfortunately, as Yuki was Irene’s label mate, the management company which was being targeted was Irene’s management company as well. In fact, they received two folds of the hate because the public saw the company’s silence over Irene’s incidence as a betrayal and non-protection to their own artiste and a condonement to Yuki’s atrocities.

Irene realised she did not feel that happy nor liberated as the events unfolded, even though she had been absolved of her earlier scandals. In fact, she felt some sort of guilt. Guilt towards Yuki. Guilt towards the Director. The backlash that Yuki had received was far greater than Irene had anticipated.


“Hey, how are you feeling?” Wendy asked that night as they got into bed.

Irene pouted. “Still not so great… it feels that people are driving Yuki, Director Yoon and others to their graves… but this is not I want to see either.”

Wendy winced. “I agree. They seem to have gone overboard.”

Silence passed between them, so palpable that they felt as if they could hear their own heartbeats.

Irene spoke first.

“Wendy… I want to be able to stop all these. I want the public to stop being so critical and sensitive about everything. I want them to know that idols, even though we have chosen to live our lives before the rolling cameras, we are still human after all and are allowed to make mistakes once in a while.” Irene said with a wealth of emotions.

Shutting her eyes, Wendy let those words sink in before she reopened them and regarded Irene with a stern gaze. “How do you plan to do it?”

Irene’s mouth was pressed into a hard line as she pondered but she knew Wendy knew of her answer even before she did. As Irene shared her ideas, Wendy had worn a look that was crossed between seriousness and pride. Wendy was listening to Irene’s plans seriously and at the same time proud that her lover would think up of this idea.

They shared a kiss that night before tucking each other in.


The next day, Yeri bore the news that Irene had passed the audition for the movie, something which Irene had nearly forgot about completely given the mess that they were in. Director Cho had called Yeri personally and explained that the reason Irene had passed the audition had completely nothing to do with the recent chain of events that occurred. In fact, the decision was actually made on the audition day itself however Director Cho required more time to affirm her decisions as per her usual practice.

The company and Yeri had been ecstatic and Executive Jung had very nearly accepted the assignment on Irene’s behalf if not for Yeri’s reminder that Irene should be consulted first, especially with the numerous ongoing issues. Irene might be once again tossed into the spotlight for her role and it would create a new wave of discussion which could add on to the mental stress for the idol.

Irene, upon receiving the news, had decided to pay Director Cho a visit to clarify the director’s decision for picking Irene. Wendy had offered to accompany Irene but she rejected her accompaniment.


Irene had arrived at Director Cho’s hotel room. After exchanging greetings with her assistant, Irene was ushered into the grand room and found the director anticipating her presence by the coffee table, clad comfortably in her sleeping robe. Irene cleared noiselessly before taking a seat before the director. The director’s assistant offered her a slight smile before going off and returning with a tea set with cakes for both of them.  

“Thank you for agreeing to meet me, Director Cho. I am very aware that you have a busy schedule and appreciate that you made time specially for me. I will make this quick. Why did you choose me?”  

The expression of the director remained as stern as the day during the interview as she affixed her gaze at Irene.

Irene felt herself being judged critically. Conscious, Irene tried to keep a mask of calm and shifted slightly before daring to meet the director’s gaze.

After considerable seconds which felt more like minutes, the director spoke.

“I have over 30 years of experience in judging a person’s character,” Director Cho began, then took a sip from the teacup before her. “You have been through some things and that made you perfect for the role.”

Irene found herself at a loss for words for a while as she interpreted what the director was trying to say but still found herself unable to comprehend.

A wry smile crawled across the director’s face. “The second female lead of this movie and you have some parallels, about the hardships that the character has experienced of course. I am glad that the person who sabotaged you left you with this script instead of the female lead’s role. To be truthful, the female lead’s role is pretty vanilla and it was intended to be that way. Just like the performance in the audition room with your partner, your emotions have captured the character’s own pretty well even though I criticised you harshly for it. You will receive the full script for your role and understand what I truly mean. It is the trend for second leads to outshine their leads these days and I am hoping to ride on that trend. So, with sincerity, I hope you would take on this role and prove your acting capabilities to the audience.”

Finding herself dumbfounded, Irene broke the eye contact with the director for seconds. Took a couple more seconds to recompose herself before asking her next question.

“Who will be the female lead?”

A full smile graced the director’s lips. “Yuki.”

Irene blinked stupidly and found her jaws slackening.

The director pushed the plate of cake towards Irene, the wide smile still of her face. “I would like to see your professionalism, Irene. I am very well aware of what transpired over the past few weeks. The scandal between Yuki and yourself. I believe it will be more interesting for you two to prove to the public that you could work together. Of course, that requires both of you to agree to accept the roles.”

Steadying her hands, Irene took a fork and ate a piece of the cake before replying. “Thank you for telling me these. I will consider, seriously.”


Wendy did not tell Irene that Yuki had requested to meet her in privacy over lunch. Yuki had booked a private room in a Japanese restaurant famous for their Omakase menu.

Wearing a thin smile, Wendy greeted the idol as she took her seat on the tatami mat opposite Yuki. Despite the thick layer of makeup, Wendy could tell that the scandal must have taken a toll on Yuki as the sunken cheeks and eye pouches were clearly visible.

They exchanged very superficial greetings as they waited for the tea sommelier to prepare their tea for them before Yuki delved into the main topic.

“Wendy, take down your article. I will pay you however much you want,” Yuki said, trying to sound imperious.

“And if I refuse to?” Wendy countered.

“I have many writers who are very willing to write based on my accounts of Irene since we were trainees. I am sure you would not want that, don’t you?” Yuki smiled in a friendly manner.

Wendy squinted at the display of friendliness. That smile that Yuki had one was so fake that she wanted to tear it away from her face.

Yuki continued with that feigned friendliness, “you see… Irene and I go back a long way and I do have many more evidence against her to be used.”

“Fabricated evidences you mean,” Wendy countered and got the satisfaction of seeing the corners of Yuki’s mouth quivering.

“Fabricated or not, what do you think the public will believe? As long as they are fed with scandals, they will just absorb it like sponge and perpetuate it,” Yuki said, the smile still plastered on her face.

Wendy nodded and offered an equally friendly smile. “You are smart in knowing how the internet community works. That much credit I would give you. However, I cannot believe that you would be so foolish to commit the same mistake twice.”

Yuki raised her brow. “What do you mean?”

Dissolving all courtesy between them, Wendy opened her blazer to reveal the bug that was attached within it and got another round of satisfaction of seeing the colour drain from Yuki’s face.

“Don’t worry. As long as you keep those fabricated evidences to yourself, today’s recording will be held in custody by me, Yuki,” Wendy said coldly.

With trembling hands, Yuki took a quick sip of her hot tea and nearly scalded herself. Wendy continued, “Yuki, I would very much like to see you get what you deserve in sabotaging Irene’s career, but I know Irene would not receive joy as I do. You should be glad that Irene, since her trainee days, has not had ill intentions against you, not even once. However, please do not mistake my mercy as cowardice. I will not hesitate to shred your career just like how you almost did with Irene’s.”

Wendy stood up to leave right after she had spoken those words.

When she returned home to find Irene already waiting for her at the couch, her face was lit up with a smile.

Irene had a slight smile on her face too but that did not hide the uneasiness in her eyes.

“Tell me what happened,” Wendy coaxed gently as she sat beside Irene.

And so, Irene told her, everything. From her discussion with Director Cho to her own feelings about it.

Tucking a lock of hair behind Irene’s face after the emotion-filled narration, Wendy regarded her lover with calm eyes.

“Take up the offer, Irene.”

“Do you really believe I can rise up to this challenge?” Irene asked with uncertainty.

Offering a smile of confidence, Wendy nodded, “of course, you are Irene. The Irene Bae who…”

“Barrelled into your house and made you follow me for seven days,” Irene continued

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It has been a long time since I last commented on all of your comments but since I am on MC and have some time on my hands... why not? :D Thank you all and sorry for the spam in comment replies... orz


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Chapter 5: its been a long time since i read stories in this app fully again. i missed your writings so much 🥺
WenRene_77 14 streak #2
Chapter 5: thank u authornim for the wonderful story😊💙💝
WenRene_77 14 streak #3
Chapter 1: the slap, yeah already anticipated that coming from that yuki b*tch. she will not fight fair of course😠
Chapter 5: I just binge-read this and god, i loved it so much, it was simply beautiful
wenrene's relationship was so touching, especially the way they supported each other in times of need and i'm honestly really glad there wasn't a breakup or tension between them bc irene already went through so much. i was glad to see that wendy stood by her no matter what (and joyri and the bae family as well)
and them proposing at the same time? we love to see it <3
but fr their relationship was so romantic, so lovely i think my standards just rose way too much lmao

thank you for writing this!
Chapter 5: Re-read this story again 😍
Cyrell #6
You are definitely one of my favourite authors. I love how matured your writing style, the characters and the storyline are. Please continue writing. I really enjoy reading your stories.
Dodoistwo #7
Dodoistwo #8
Dodoistwo #9
Chapter 5: rereading this story again and god its beautiful