loving you is like loving a cold machine


"Master, what is a heart?" Android 04 asked, voice layered with curiosity. "Why the question?" Chanyeol crooked his head, eyebrow raised in question.
Android 04 looked up, eyes wide. "I read it is something that beats in your chest, but nothing is beating inside mine. Do you have a heart, Master?" The question made Chanyeol suddenly chuckle, for it seemed so obscure. It tasted bitter but it was nothing that 04 could decipher anyway. “I figure there is something similar inside.”


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efiana #1
Chapter 1: Did baek realy leave or 04 do something? The last word "sin in his hands" got me confuse
cycynyny #2
Chapter 1: I feel so bad for Baekhyun (04) he just need some love chanyeol. And really never expect human Baekhyun can be like that. This is such a wonderful story i can feel emotion from Baekhyun(04) more than chanyeol. Thank u so much for writing this .
Chapter 1: Ohh my, I just checked your profile and you're actually one of my fave writer here in AFF! I wasn't able to identify at first because you changed your username. No wonder this story is so PERFECT! You never disappoint!!! Thank you again for writing another story! Reading them really makes me so happy! They're soooo wonderful! VERY VERY WELL WRITTEN!
Chapter 1: OHH MYYY~ I'm so happy I found this story! This is so amazing. I wasn't planning on reading it tbh because

(I'm supposed to study >.< hahaha) I was just skimming it at first, but then I got so hooked. THIS IS TRULY A WONDERFUL STORY! I cried so much though, reading this. This is so very well written that I could feel the emotions of the characters, especially Baekhyun (Android 04). This is very creative and unique! This is not the type of story that I usually read but THIS IS DEFINITELY WORTH READING! Thank you so much for writing this. You're so gifted in writing! If only I have talent like yours, I'd be happy to write such wonderful stories. Thanks for sharing your talent with us! I got quite confused in the end though... I thought baek's gonna shut down Android 04, how come he left? Baek's (Human) character is quite confusing to me. THANK YOU FOR THIS STORY! I'll keep on supporting your future works~ Love lots <3
Beau1996 1371 streak #5
Chapter 1: Very intense - it kind of reminds me of Bible story if Cain and Abel, committing murder is very much about the fall of man - how much more human can you be - appreciated this story author-nim, thank you!