Eight Chapter

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The first time Soyeon saw her, it was Valentine’s Day.


Music, class, food, sleep-- everything was a routine for Soyeon the past two years. Ever since she entered the campus, all she had were the previously mentioned things with her. Well, adding Soojin, too, of course, her childhood best friend. Usually, school meant wasted times for Soyeon, considering how she could efficiently study the lessons in her home while producing more songs-- which were more beneficial because she could earn money from it. Sadly, capitalism and society instilled in everyone’s mind that success always meant having a diploma and not the skills needed for a particular career. She would have honed her production skills if it wasn’t for the mandatory attendance of dull, lifeless, uninspiring, and lackluster classes.


That was until a certain freshman entered their campus. Well, not just ANY freshman, for that matter. Soyeon heard the newcomer is the daughter of one of the most influential magnates in Beijing. The first-year made a stir already just with the announcement. It was the topic of the week, if Soyeon recalled correctly.


And if it was luck or curse on her side, she could only sigh in defeat when she knew that the famous Chinese was going to be sharing the locker room with her. Moreover, it was as per the request of the first-year, too. She vividly recalled how she had to beg the admin to reserve the room for her and even used her ‘genius producer and pride of the campus’ card so that she could have the room all to herself. Apparently, the Chinese only had to pass a paper --cheque-- for the admins to agree instantly. Soyeon understood, though. Money could make the world go round, after all.


So here she was, inside the locker room, with a bright energy ball that unfailingly brightened the once bleak room. They never talked even for once, though, despite Soyeon noticing how the foreigner always wanted to greet her. She heard that the Chinese was famous for being friendly, and yet, she never had the guts even to utter a single word. It was quite funny, actually.


The first time Soyeon looked at her, it was Valentine’s Day.


How could she not notice her, though? With countless students lining up her locker and leaving love letters despite the overflowing papers already, Soyeon could never forget the clutter and mess that ruined her once peaceful area.


Soyeon’s compartment was just a few doors away, and it irritates her so much to witness yet another mayhem near her space. Last year, she chose this spot because it seemed more pleasant than the floor near her classroom. Moreover, this was the only locker cabinet with its room, unlike the ones in the hallways. Albeit it might take a few minutes for Soyeon to reach her locker, the tranquility she got from the room was worth the sacrifice of her time. However, ever since the new freshmen entered the campus, the once quiet locker room turned to the trash of letters, gifts, and atrocious clobbers with new strangers coming in and out to leave their ridiculous and hopeless wishes for the Chinese.


Song Yuqi.


The first time Soyeon heard her name was during Valentine’s day, where suitors and pretentious friends confessed their feelings inside their cramped locker room.


The Chinese was clearly uncomfortable and embarrassed, unable to control the growing crowd that continuously built up to catch her attention. Soyeon could only groan in irritation as she squeezed herself to reach her locker, slamming the metal door shut to announce her aggravation. But that didn’t seem to faze the wild horde. In fact, they all looked deaf and fanatic. However, Soyeon caught the Chinese’s surprised and fearful expression, and she wished that was enough for her to realize next time to not bring such annoying fans inside the small room.


As she was about to exit, a certain senior suddenly entered, and Yuqi was fast to hide behind the tall woman. Soyeon didn’t bother to look back anymore. The scene was nothing of her concern now. Such a situation always occurred anyway that Soyeon already got used to it. But for some reason, she couldn’t help but look back. And when she did, she briefly locked eyes with the Chinese. Whatever was the message passed between the air that only their eyes could ever convey, Soyeon ignored it and quickly turned her heel against them.


But there was this certain feeling she couldn’t forget.




Plugging her earphones back, she raised the volume at max and sighed. The hard beats and soft melody combined somehow comforted her, drowning the unpleasant noise of the outside as she entered the euphoric state of beautiful harmonies. Just then, the image of those huge, doe-like eyes flashed her mind. And despite the blank expression resting on her face, her mind swirled into confusion. She could not forget the innocence, the passion, the--




Combining the intensity, warmth, and blooming curiosity, Soyeon’s head naturally began to create a tune based on what she was feeling, snapping her fingers with the beat while humming an obscure sound. She switched her phone to the recording app and left it open while she hums. Simultaneously, she began to type different lyrics, playing with random words until she came up with Hwaa.


Satisfied, Soyeon smirked. Perhaps, having Yuqi in the locker room was quite beneficial. Not that the girl gave her an inspiration or anything since Soyeon usually gets it everywhere and anywhere. But she must admit, Yuqi’s eyes were quite enthralling. It was honest, yet at the same time, mysterious and considerably apprehensive. Of what? She wondered what kind of secrets the popular freshman holds. Being the daughter of one of China’s most influential families, Soyeon’s actually impressed at how Yuqi upholds a perfect image until now.


‘Interesting,’ She thought as she sat next to her best friend, Soojin, who seems to notice her indifference.


“You found a muse,” Soojin pointed out.


“Just an inspiration, not a person,” Soyeon replied casually.


“Tell me about it.”


“I haven’t figured it out yet. But I’m working on it in my head right now.”


Soojin only nodded. Being with Soyeon for years now, she knew these moments were crucial for the genius producer to be bothered.


“Let me hear it once you’re done,” She said, and Soyeon murmured a soft response.


“I will.”


But Soyeon knew she wouldn’t.



Jeon Soyeon. The genius producer with a size of an ego taller than her height. Rude, harsh, frank, and downright relentless!


Upon hearing that information from none other than her Taiwanese fighter best friend, Shuhua, Yuqi snickered. There’s no way that her locker roommate Soyeon was anything like that! In fact, whenever she’d have a chance to spend some time with her alone in the room, Yuqi always thought how cool and cute Soyeon was. Despite not having the courage to talk to her for months, even if they’re mostly together inside, Yuqi never believed that the Junior was scary. Soyeon’s a downright snob, though, so that must be what they’re typically talking around.


However, after their first-ever conversation last week, where Shuhua was shamelessly following Soojin to her next class, leaving Yuqi to stand side-by-side with Soyeon, Yuqi’s perception of the genius producer quickly shifted following the rumors. They were right. Soyeon was really, really scary. Their conversation didn’t even last more than a minute, but Yuqi was already shuddering just with Soyeon’s mere existence!


After that incident, Yuqi started to get warier, entering the locker room, checking if a certain small woman was inside. Normally, Soyeon comes around the afternoon after her classes, so Yuqi had the mornings all to herself.


“What are you so afraid of?” Minnie asked, collecting the piles of love letters again from Yuqi’s locker. “She seems nice. She got to bear with this… trash.” She rolled her eyes upon reading a disgusting pick-up-line in one of the notes.


“That’s rude. Those letters were made from the depths of their hearts and effort!” Yuqi pouted, slumping herself at the long bench across Minnie.


“And obsessive thoughts of you.” Minnie quickly retorted. “Jeesh. Every month it gets worse! Be glad you met me, or no one would ever dare clean this up!”


“Well, Miyeon-unnie could---”


“Don’t even try,” Minnie said sternly. “But seriously, it’s so early to do these. We could’ve done the cleaning after class?”


“Nooo!” Yuqi whined. “Soyeon’s here around those hours.”




“She’s scary.”


“I thought you said she’s cute and cool?”


Just as Yuqi was about to argue, a certain blonde entered the room, ignoring their presence, and literally just went straight to her compartment to leave a book before she exited as soon as she came in.


Yuqi blushed hard. Soyeon didn’t hear what Minnie said, right? Right?? She was wearing AirPods, after all!


But the small smirk that tugged the corner of Soyeon’s lips says otherwise. The music must’ve been off.


Minnie had to stop herself from laughing when Yuqi started to whine and turn red in embarrassment. The Beijing puppy was now slapping her arm while blabbering incoherent words in Mandarin. Minnie barely caught some of it, but she was sure she heard Soyeon’s name, and it’s not that I’m crushing on her, but she’s really scary!


“You’re so weird, Yuqi ah. It’s just another human being. But definitely not like your fanatics.” Minnie teased, and Yuqi only blushed harder.


“She’s not my crush!”


Minnie raised a brow. Her smirk was growing wide. “I never mentioned such a thing, and here you are so defensive over nothing. Jeesh. You’re obvious. Try to be a little more discreet.”


And Yuqi could only scowl in defeat while Minnie tortured her with endless teasings.



Several more months passed, and Soyeon was getting acquainted with seeing Shuhua clinging and following Soojin around. She didn’t mind, though, as long as the Taiwanese never bothered her. However, that also meant getting used to another loud foreigner, who happens to be her locker roommate as well.


Yuqi was nice, although she could be very persistent, too. Soyeon learned over time that she and Yuqi share the same competitive personality, albeit the younger was more stubborn and often sulks when upset. She couldn’t blame Yuqi, though. Being raised from a strict and equally powerful family, the Chinese must’ve had difficulty processing negative emotions. Unlike Soyeon, who grew up with countless rejections, shame, and ridicules from her physical features and personal works in music. She just didn’t give a anymore as she went through the hardships of life. Thankfully, she had a supportive and loving family to pick her up every time she falls. As for Yuqi, well, they never talk much about their personal lives. It was more often Yuqi boasting as she accompanies her to her next class, while her best friend gawks over Soojin.


That was until Soyeon caught her staring aimlessly at the ceiling inside their locker room. A soft, sad smile was hinting at Yuqi’s lips while her cheeks were stained with dried tears. Just like how the sun suddenly turned into a Moon. An Eclipse.


It was already late, and the campus was about to close. Soyeon ran as fast as she could to the locker room to fetch the music sheets she needed to pass next thing in the morning. She mentally cursed herself as to why she even left it there if she could have just squeezed it inside her backpack. Nonetheless, the flickering lights of the empty hallway were honestly scaring the out of her already. The last thing she wanted to remember were the countless horror stories shared and then seeing a ghost out of nowhere!


As she neared the room, however, she wondered why the hell the lights were still on. Maybe Yuqi forgot to switch it off. But as soon as her eyes landed on the figure sitting peacefully at the long bench, with blue and lifeless orbs, Soyeon just had to pause.


Yuqi looked breathtakingly painful. But beautiful.


The first time Soyeon finally noticed her, it was Valentine’s Day.


It had been only close to ten months since she met the freshman, and usually, she’d just see glimpses of her around the campus. But she had been hearing Yuqi’s name like wildfire from growing fans and suitors: that, and those doe-like, sunflower eyes that captivate even the darkest and gloomiest clouds. There’s just really no way of not noticing this energy ball in the center of the crowd. Yuqi shines too much to be ignored. Apart from the fact that the Chinese was quite a people-pleaser, too, as per Soyeon’s keen observation.


But tonight, Soyeon was seeing a different Yuqi. Like an eclipse, where the sun hides behind the Moon to cry.


“Hey,” she called as soft as she could, feeling as if she was invading her.


Yuqi was startled by the voice but flashed her charming smile at Soy

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I apologize for the unannounced hiatus and super delayed update! I'm slowly getting back to writing again, so hopefully, updates will be consistent, too! Plus, more stories to be uploaded for GIDLE crumbs!

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Gidle04 #1
Chapter 11: is this complete?
Chapter 11: I love this story very much Is amazing!!❤️🥰
Chapter 11: God i need more pleaseee <3
Chapter 11: oh the dad urghhh i hate abusive parent ㅠㅠ
lampi5 #5
Chapter 11: 😭😭😭
Chapter 10: mimin and angsty cannot be separated this is one of brilliant fic with emotions. cant to see how and what would happened next in their current life.
Chapter 10: Finally a so-not-depressing chapter 😭 even tho i knew this story would be heavy af, its still nice to have fluff once in awhile right :)
rubyjanesh #8
Chapter 9: TOO CUTE 😭😭
Yougotnjms #9
Blacklight21 #10
Chapter 7: So good!
Please keep going, i want to know al the background stories 👍