chapter five.

A Cup of Romance
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Months had passed, seasons had shifted from cold to warm, and the two love birds were still smitten over each other like the first time they confessed their feelings together. They weren't exactly 'official' yet, but they were definitely exclusive. Siwon still kept to his usual routine, showing up at the cafe, more so to see Yesung than to get a cup of coffee. And Yesung agreed with the other two boys that he'd be opening from now on to maximize the time he would get to spend with and see Siwon. After work, Yesung would always walk to Siwon's workplace and wait for him outside until he's finished. From there the two would grab dinner and then Siwon would drop Yesung off at home.



One afternoon, Yesung finished his shift early (or rather, Ryeowook kicked him out so that Yesung wouldn't find him and Kyuhyun each others faces off in the back room.) so he decided to help out Mr. Park next door at the stationery store. After receiving a new shipment of pens and notebooks, Mr. Park moved his little old body, carrying boxes from the front of the store to the back storage room. Yesung had insisted on doing the heavy lifting but Mr. Park wanted to ensure Yesung that he may be old but still has strong bones and is capable of lifting boxes. Yesung couldn't fight so he stayed up front, sweeping and maintaining the cleanliness of storefront. Though the two were busy with their own tasks, they continued to have conversations varying in topics from Mr. Park's late wife to Yesung's childhood, to car mechanics ( Mr. Park loved working on cars) and movies - just to name a few. But after about ten minutes of silence and a sudden noise of boxes dropping, Yesung rushed to the back and to his horror, Mr. Park's body was sprawled on the ground, one box laying flat on top of his chest.


"Mr. Park!" Yesung lifted the box off of the old man before searching his body with his eyes to see if there were any evident injuries. He wanted to swear in panic but he knew that Mr. Park would've beat him for swearing in front of him. Yesung quickly pulled out his phone and called the ambulance, though it was difficult to form sentences, he managed to communicate with the operator to get an ambulance dispatched to where they were located. After ending the call, Yesung took several deep breaths in an attempt to calm himself down. Last thing the paramedics needed to see was two people passed out on the floor.


"Stay with me Mr. Park! Remember your promise to Leeteuk hyung and I? You said you'd watch us walk down the aisle on our wedding is on the way, everything will be okay..." Yesung wiped the tear that silently rolled down his cheek as he tried to persuade himself more than grandpa that everything would be okay.





Ryeowook and Jongjin saw the flashing lights as the paramedics drove past the cafe and stopped right in front of stationery store. In sheer panic, the two looked at each other before running out the cafe, wanting to and hoping that their Yesung hyung was safe. 


"Sorry, we can't allow you in. We're tending to the emergency right now, please give us space and time." An officer stopped them right before they could enter. Their necks stretching as they tried to look through the opened door.


"Sir, you don't understand. My brother is in there. Is he okay? Is he hurt?" Jongjin spoke, the lump in his throat making it difficult to get words out as he tried to push past the officer. The officer ushered them to take a few steps back.


"I can assure you your brother is fine. In fact, hes' the one that called for help. If he wasn't around, we don't know what the state of the old man would be." As the two sighed in relief, they turned around to put a face to the voice they were hearing.


"Where's Yesung? Yesung! Where is he?!" Siwon called out for Yesung and the two boys held onto Siwon to help calm him down.


"Don't worry, they said he's fine. It's Mr. Park who got hurt..." at the relieving news, Siwon's body felt more relaxed.


Though the three were restless, they couldn't do anything but wait, so that's what they did until they saw the medical team file out with a stretcher, Mr. Park's body looking more frail and fragile then ever. Yesung filed out of the store last. His eyes tired, his body weak. Siwon quickly moved through the people, pulling Yesung in for a tight embrace, "Thank God you're okay... I was worried sick-" He Yesung's hair and rubbed his back soothingly. Ryeowook and Jongjin joined the two, rubbing their hyung's back to soothe him. Yesung was silent, but by the way his shoulders moved, it was clear he was crying.


"I'm so stupid, I should've been the one moving the inventory... This is all my fault" He managed to say between his sobs and hiccups.


"Hyung, you're not stupid. There's no telling that old man what to say or do. But we all know how strong he is, right guys? Grandpa will be okay." Jongjin spoke softly to the older.


"Yeah, he's right. Remember all the times we've tried to send him home because he wasn't feeling well? He's always working too hard, no wonder Leeteuk hyung is a workaholic." Ryeowook tried to make a light joke which got Yesung to smile just a tiny bit.


Siwon pulled away and cupped Yesung's face, his thumbs the older's tear stained cheeks, "We'll skip our movie night and head to the hospital, if that'll make you feel better. But right now, you need to eat, or else I know you won't be able to later. Ryeowook, can you go through your 'secret' food stash and prepare us some instant tteokbokki and noodles? And Jongjin, if you could, make us all some coffee please. I'd really appreciate your help guy."


"Got it! Wait- How... Ugh, nevermind.' Ryeowook rolled his eyes and Jongjin shoved him gently, "I told you your food stash isn't a secret! You put it in the most obvious place!" The two bickered their way back to the cafe to prepare the food and drinks just as Siwon told them to.


Siwon pecked Yesung's forehead gently before resting his head against the other, "You're a brave soul, you know that? Let's head back to the cafe and call Leeteuk hyung to let him know what's happening.  And then after we eat, we can go to the hospital."


Yesung was frozen, still a little shocked from the dramatic events of the day. He shuffled closer to Siwon and wrapped his arms around the taller's neck, "Thank you... Thank you for being here with me. It means a lot, Siwon." Siwon wrapped his arms protectively around Yesung, giving his frame a gentle squeeze before planting another gentle kiss to his head. After their little intimate moment, Siwon led them back to the cafe and into the kitchen where they would usually hang out if Yesung had longer days than Siwon. When they arrived, Yesung immediately called Leeteuk, telling him all about what happened. The two agreed to meet each other at the hospital after their current activities. The three boys did whatever they could to help Yesung get his mind off of Mr. Park, cracking jokes, telling embarrassing stories, and even trying to do slapstick comedy. Yesung knew they were trying too hard, but instead of complaining, he was just grateful that he was surrounded by people who love him enough to go to such an extent. Before Siwon and Yesung left for the hospital, Ryeowook and Jongjin both agreed to let Yesung off from work for a few days, sure it meant the two would be stressed, but that stress, as they could imagine, could not be any more than what their hyung must be feeling. With a heart full of gratitude, Yesung pulled everyone in for a group hug, including Siwon. After Yesung's a thousand 'thank-you's, the two made their way to the hospital. The ride was quiet, as expected. Siwon felt bad that he couldn't do anything to ease whatever feeling his lover must be feeling, but all he could do was hold Yesung's hand in his own, the pad of his thumb the back of the smaller hand. Once they reached the hospital, they met up with Leeteuk who was tapping his fingers, rather impatiently, against the arm rests. As soon as he saw Yesung, he ran up to him and the two hugged.


"Hyung! How is he? What did the

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390 streak #1
Chapter 5: I read this chapter few months ago but forgot to comment, sorrrry~ You will be back, right?
390 streak #2
Chapter 4: I love the date!!! >_<

My favorite part of course the movie date! That's so fantastic!

And I kinda want to see Sungmin here, I miss him T^T
vpurple #3
Chapter 4: awwww that was soooo cute!!!!! so fluffy and adorable, i really loved it!!!! i really adore the vibe of this story too - just so chill and sweet~ thank you for writing!! <3 <3
390 streak #4
Chapter 3: so cuteeeee!!!

please make the date please pretty please~~~
390 streak #5
Chapter 2: sequel??? you're already planning about a sequel??? Not complaining tho! Make a lot of yewon stories pleaseeeeeeee
390 streak #6
Chapter 1: this chapter made me smile ear to ear XD
390 streak #7
yewon! yey!

#gonna read it
Chapter 3: Of course i need the yewon date 😃
cloudykuro #9
Chapter 3: That scene where siwon gave donut to the girl I can definitely picturing siwon does that in real life ^.^
Yes! Can't wait for our yewon date!!!
vpurple #10
Chapter 3: omg yay how cute!!! loved this chapter, and how bold siwon was at the end haha. thank you so much for updating!!! <3