the heartbreak prince

invisible string
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"Gold was the color of the leaves when I showed you around Centennial Park."

When Joohyun finally found free time for herself, she jumped into the fluffy mattress and gently brought the gift to her lap. Junmyeon never wrote his names on the things he would send to her. Deep breath, she told herself, close your eyes.



Her cold hands became colder as she glanced out the window once. The snow showed no sign of stopping in London. And Irene thought she could do with another snowman, but no, she was already tired. Sometimes,while lying on the bed during the start of the day, she would want the sun to shine brighter for the day, for spring to hurry up and knock on her door already. She wrote about such a wish in her letter. She’ll post it tomorrow.



The parcel came just this afternoon, when she was at her university. So her neighbor had received it in her stance. She took her time, watching the elegantly packed gift Junmyeon had bothered to send her. There was a pink bow on top of the brown wrapper. Underneath, in a small card, was written, To Ms. Bae Joohyun. And Irene could swear she hadn’t seen such sophistication and beauty all mixed up together in some bare letters. Her name...looked so beautiful.



There was a bright grin on her face when she unwrapped the box. Inside, sat a rectangular box. Her smile widened. Jewelry once again? Anything he sent her way would make her heart flutter. Even she had no idea she was so smitten by him.



With all the care in the world, she pulled the wooden box out. Her finger throbbed with curiosity. She opened the box, to find a dancing couple made of ceramic. There was an antique sort of key on the side, a blue gem attached to its tail. Joohyun’s smile vanished.



He gifted her music in a box. Music, that he knew she was unable to listen to, he gave her just that. Her brows narrowed. No, Junmyeon would never do that. He was kind, and sensitive, and he always helped her in times she found herself in trouble. She checked the name again. No, it was sent to heer. Her name was Bae Joohyun.



Her heart ached. How could he do this? Was he trying to mock her too, like her classmates? Did he find pleasure in the pain she wrote down to him in the last letter? Joohyun placed the gift on the pillow. There was a man and a woman, looking intently into each other’s eyes as if they were enchanted. Joohyun sighed, was Junmyeon just mocking her all along?



This time, he had really broken her heart.




“Take a right, you’ll find Centennial Park.”



“Alright,” Sehun hung up. He took the designated right and walked onwards with his hands in his pockets. The snow had been shoved off the sidewalk. His dirty sneakers met the bricks underneath. His bag rested on his shoulders, brand new, but the heavy books inside were pulling him down. Sehun knew he needed to catch some time to take a nap. At this rate, his spine would bend because of all the studying he tried to do every night. Day was night and night was still day, the alteration of times made it even more difficult for the both of them.



Now he was on his way to bring Yerim home from her group study session with her new friends. He didn’t have much experience at studying in a park so he half-believed it. But Sehun knew, limiting her would only push her away from him. And he didn’t want that.



He entered Centennial Park and dialed for her once again. “You can’t meet at the gate?”



Yerim sounded a little uneasy, “Um...the thing is...I really need you to come here, Sehun.”



“Wait, are you in trouble?”



“Yeah..kinda, nothing serious--don’t get a heart attack.”



Sehun narrowed his brows, “How can I not,” he mumbled under his breath, “Where are you?”



“Basketball court.”






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Chapter 34: This was such a fun ride. I binged read it all in 3-4 hours. It was such a sweet and cute story. I've barely come across a cute story which doesn't have pacing issue and not a drag. I liked all the characters in this story even Junmyeon and Jennie. Both of their situations as silent lovers is understandable, both of their fair share of edgy moments but I'm glad non of them acted y and tried to intentionally create any misunderstanding. I think even if the letters went to the right address then also nothing was ever going to work between Joohyun-Junmyeon and Sehun-Jennie cause Junmyeon was just the least terrible guy out of all the people Joohyun met so she latched onto the idea of holding onto him, that wasn't truly love tbh. It was just her way to hold onto life during all difficulties. Junmyeon too only held onto the idea that someone could genuinely like him when everyone around him is just after his money. If the letters did reach him and they eventually did start dating, it would be just to escape their own realities and with the way Junmyeon behaved so insanely when he met her years later in closure chapter, it just shows their relationship would've reached a rock bottom eventually cause a time would come that he will lose his composure and patience so in his haste he wouldn't even let her have an equal chance of say in the matters or arguments. Same with other case where Jennie is in love with Sehun, although she can genuinely like him, keep him happy and try to mold herself but they're both just too different. Not that it's a bad thing cause Sehun truly do need a happy person to cheer him on but they can't see eye to and eye on matters. Jennie is a social butterfly while the crowd scares Sehun, sometimes love can't be the only common ground in relationship. Sadly in Jennie's case even that was just one sided cause it's so evident throughout their moments that Sehun hold onto her because she was there during the tough moments of his life. Nothing about their interactions was ever romantic to him so even if they had settled down together it would be because Sehun is are too scared or too busy to actually take interest in someone so he'll just settle with Jennie cause she knows him well. He'll never really know what true love actually is cause he'll mistaken familial love he has for Jennie as really love. That type of relationship would seem good in starting phase but would grow over time especially on Jennie's behalf who is truly in love with him and it'll eventually even crack their beautiful friendship. Joohyun and Sehun however just clicks instantly even from the start. Joohyun on the other hand is perfect for Sehun because she grew up from her experience positively. Her actual personality and situations are relatable to Sehun so he relates to her while her approaching method are fast forwarded and heart fluttering which Sehun really needs in life while Sehun himself on the other hand gives Joohyun genuine feelings which she has always craved for. Together they both comfort, grow and heal each other. Both breakthrough their own shells together. I was sad around the chapters when Joohyun gave Sehun a hard time but at the same time her situation is understandable. There was so many coincidences in their story with Sehun ignoring obvious signs about her identity that she must've thought he intentionally approached her, it doesn't help that she has terrible past experiences even with Junmyeon that her defense mechanism kicked in. However I'm glad towards the end it was a sweet ending. I think my favorite moments from this story is the bedroom scene where Sehun showed Joohyun how to dance and their kisses.🥰 Next comes their wedding moments which are exactly how I imagined to be given Sehun's personality in this story. To be honest I was getting tired of seeing toxic Sehun in most stories (ngl I dig that Sehun in stories) but haven't come across much stories where he was a genuinely such a cutie pie😘. I do remember reading a positive Sehun story back when I first joined this site which was really good but the story was too slow paced and slow-burn for my liking. I still have to finish that one 😂 I'm really curious about Yerim and Jongin. Are both of them over or they'll eventually find their way back to each other? Thank you for the beautiful story authornim ❤️
⋆。°✩Reader Comment⋆。°✩

Hi author velvelatte!!

I hope you are doing well!! I am commenting to let you know that I recommended this story of yours here>>

Have a star day!!

Chapter 34: Hi author velvelatte!!

I thought the story was done but I was wrong. This is even more beautiful..I am glad that Rimi got through all the bullying but I do wonder if she and Jongin ever patched up their friendship. I guess they might not have..

Chapter 33: Hi author velvelatte!!

This is so beautiful. Thank you for this story.

Chapter 31: Hi author velvelatte!!

Wow! There has been so much growth for the two of them in the last few chapters!! However it is especially for Irene. I love every moment of it. I have a feeling that she would maybe give him another chance. Maybe not right away but later probably. Or maybe not. I do not know but I am alright with the outcome even if it is not the ideal happy ending for Sehun. So long as Irene is happy and Sehun somewhat happy.

Chapter 22: hi author velvelatte!!

it makes me sad to think how she will feel like once she finds out what sehun has been doing to her letters..intercepting them in the stead of junmyeon..will she be mad??will jun be mad??how will it be revealed??through jennie??on accident??will sehun piece it together??

Chapter 17: hi author rosa!!

these last few chapters have been a roller coaster ride but a good that is necessary and i enjoyed reading it so much..all the emotions were so strong that i felt them even through my screen..just wow..i am speechless by it all..

Chapter 9: hi author rosa!!

uh ohs i sense some danger coming especially if junmyeon is very much like this about irene..

Chapter 8: hi author rosa!!

the last chapter is my second most favorite chapter of all..and i hate that jenny did what she did..i can see why she did though..however that is so mean of her..

Chapter 6: hi author rosa!!

i absouletly love this chapter!!but i am also sad with sehun about the letters possibly stopping..
