




Lying down on her bed and staring at the ceiling, a tear escaped Yeri’s eyes as she heard Seulgi’s loud cries. She wiped it with the back of her hand and decided to plugged in her AirPods and put the volume on max, silencing everything.


When the song started playing, Yerim thought that the world must be messing up with her because out of all the songs that would be on shuffle, RBB (Really Bad Boy) played, a song that reminded her of Seungwan’s kindness towards her.


Despite it being a upbeat song, she teared up recalling that every time they performed it before, Seungwan would always protect her by covering her at the beginning of the choreo.


For Yeri, ever since their trainee days, her Wendy unnie have always been one of the kindest person she had ever met. There was not an ounce of jealousy or the desire to surpass others that can be felt around Seungwan and Yeri always find it amazing about her unnie because not everyone can be like that.


Even when she just joined the group, Seungwan would always take care of her along with the other members. She would cook the food the members would request and even prepare and named cut-up fruits for Yerim, making sure the maknae have snacks to bring before proceeding for school when she’s still studying.


They may bicker a lot, but the two of them never failed to lift each other up. Seungwan would always complement Yeri’s hardwork for the group and will wholeheartedly say that she’s proud of Yerim. And Yeri, even though she’s the youngest in the group, she’s the one who would tell Seungwan to do whatever she wants, to prioritize what she wants too and not just give in and adjust for everyone every time.


She looked up to her Wendy unnie a lot, she even said in a live before that she wanted to be like Seungwan when she's older. She always thought Seungwan as a kind and a strong unnie who could do everything. And that’s one thing that she wants to do for herself too, to improve and do a lot of things to grow; practicing her english, learning the guitar, and continue writing her own songs.


Thinking about those things, Yerim can’t help to remember the last time that she wrote a song, the song that she proudly first sang in Yerinhanbang, the song that she had Seungwan in her mind while writing it.




August 31, 2020 - 3:30 pm


Seungwan was settled in her home’s living room just like any other day as she browse for a movie to watch on Netflix, when she heard her phone ring. 


Before answering, she looked at her phone and smiled as she saw who it was, “Yerimmie?” 


"HUH?! Are you sick, unnie? or will the world come to an end already? or am I just dreaming? I can't believe you actually picked up my call!" Yeri exaggeratedly greeted her the moment she accepted the call. 


Seungwan was surprised at the maknae's greeting and laughed as she imagined her reaction as if she had witness some kind of a miracle. Seungwan can't blame her though, because she was really kind of guilty of having a mannerism of not answering calls and messages she receives immediately.


"What are you even saying? I always answer your call!" Seungwan grinned on the other line as she wait how the younger girl will react to what she said. 


"Well, if your definition of 'always' is not answering my calls 8 times in a row then yeah, you really do answer my calls 'always'." 


Seungwan chuckled at Yerim's response that was full of sarcasm and smiled softly as she answered the maknae, "I missed you, Yerimah". 


"I missed you too, unnie! But, you know what? If only you answered my calls, then maybe we'll miss each other less!" 


"Hmmmm.. I want you to miss me though. That's why I don't answer." Seungwan laughed again as she joked around with their maknae. 


"Whatever, unnie. I've finally decided, I won't call you ever again." Yerim told her while rolling her eyes on the other line. 


Hearing this, Seungwan just shook her head and let out a small laugh, knowing that the maknae wasn't serious at all. 


"Why did you call, anyway?" Seungwan asked her still smiling from the bickering she had with Yerim. 






“Do you watch Yerihanbang?” 


Seungwan laughed at Yerim’s random question, “Did you call just to ask me that?” 


“No, I was going to tell something. You can’t answer because you don’t watch huh? Answer my question first unnie, Do you watch Yerihanbang?” Yerim asked her again. 


“Of course.....not.” Seungwan teasing her. 


The older girl laughs again hearing Yeri’s “tsk” on the other line and imagined her annoyed face. 


“Why would you even ask that? Of course I watch your show! I even subscribed to the channel.” Seungwan proudly said. 


“Hmmm... I don’t believe you unnie.”


“Come on, ask me any question about the show.” 


Yerim paused for a while thinking a hard question to ask.


“Okay! Who is the first guest on the first episode?” 


Seungwan smirked hearing Yerim’s question. She gave her a tricky one, but Seungwan recognized immediately the trick in the question. If she asked that to a person who doesn’t really watch Yerihanbang, one might answer “Nayeon” but Seungwan really keeps up with their maknae’s show since the very beginning that’s why she knew the correct answer. 


“You, Yerimmie is the guest in the first episode” Seungwan told the maknae feeling proud of her answer. 


“Woah unnie! You really watch Yerihanbang!” Yeri exclaimed.


Seungwan smiled hearing the amazement in Yerim’s voice and proceeds to ask Yerim the real reason why she called. 


“Well...I wrote this new song, but it doesn't have a title yet. And while I create it, You’re the protagonist I had in my mind while writing it.” Yeri excitedly told her unnie.


Seungwan’s mouth dropped in a gape hearing what Yerim shared, followed by the biggest smile she had on her face today. She knew that Yeri liked writing her own songs and the fact that she wrote something while thinking of her really touched Seungwan’s heart. 


“Really?! Wow Yerimah!” 


Yerim can’t personally see Seungwan’s reaction but just from hearing her voice, she knew that what she said brings much delight to her unnie. 


“I really love that so much. Thank you!” The older girl said ecstatically.


Hearing that, Yerim smiled knowing that what she said really made Wendy unnie happy, “It’s not a big deal unnie and you’re welcome” 


"It is a BIG deal!, you keep on doing and learning a lot of things! our Yerimmie is really so amazing!"


Yerim got flattered at her unnie's compliments because she knows that Seungwan was saying that genuinely and not just for the sake of telling. And indeed, Seungwan is really proud of her. 


She felt happy and proud of Yeri because the girl always strive to get better at things she wants to improve. Not only that but she also felt so grateful for their maknae, they may not be both vocal about each other's affection but Seungwan is very much thankful for everything that Yeri does for her and for the group. She cares and shows her love in her own way, her smile and personality bring so much fun and make other people comfortable around her so easily. It has been always so tough for the youngest since the very beginning of her career but that doesn't stop Yeri to show the appreciation that she have for the people that supports her and being friendly and carefree person that she is with everyone.


"You flatter me so much. You should keep on saying those words to me" Yerim laughed loudly at her own remarks.


"Uhm... I'm taking back everything that I said" Seungwan jokes around her too making the both of them laughed in unison. 


"By the way unnie, when will you go to the dorm?" Yerim asked.


"Hmmm, I'll go there by next week. I have to start cleaning up my room before I stay there for our preparation for the comeback." 


"Okay! I'll see you by then. Unnie, the episode where I'll sing my new song will be aired in three weeks. Look forward to it, okay?" 


"Of course! Thank you so much Yerimah. Take care and be safe."


"Yes, you too unnie, bye bye" Yeri said before hanging up the phone. 


Seungwan placed her phone beside her and browse the television again on what to watch. However this time, she had a smile plastered on her face. It may be just another dull day for Seungwan but calls like that can really make her day already. 




The pillow that Yeri was lying on was now so damp with all of the tears she cried as she remembers the memories she had with Seungwan. Wiping her eyes, she sat up straight and got her phone to do the thing that she wasn't able to before because they weren't allowing them yet.


After she was finished, she got up and went directly into Seungwan's room. As she opened the door, she immediately saw manen (Wendy's squirrel stuffed toy) placed on the bed with its sleepy-like eyes looking directly at whoever enters the room.


"Unnie, I'll enter your room okay?" Yeri asked for a permission outloud as if Seungwan was there.

Having tears streamed on her face again, Yeri entered the room and wrapped manen on her arms wondering if Seungwan could ever read what she posted and hoping that her Wendy unnie can feel the tight hug she's giving manen as if it was her.




Hi unnie,

Wherever you are, please don't worry about us, we will be okay too. Unnie, I hope you're smiling brightly in the lovely place that you're in right now. I hope you think of 

yourself this time, I hope you're eating all of your favorite fruits, And I hope you're singing your heart out with all the songs that you love to sing. 

Unnie, just like what you always do, please watch over me and all the unnies too. I love you.

You're always in me Wendy unnie,



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1702 streak #1
Chapter 8: Yes, we know. I don't get it why they always do this to RV... To us? Haven't we proven them RV able to achieve that high? I hate SM (╬`益´)
Wanniebebs #2
Chapter 1: Pabalik balik na lang ako dito.. Masarap naman kasing masaktan paminsan minsan..
Wanniebebs #3
Chapter 1: Di ko alam kung ba't kailangang manakit ni Author.. Huhuhu
wanhyuun #4
Chapter 2: me at 1am: 😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔
Chapter 9: I really love this beautifully written of your story! 😍😍
weninkorea #6
Chapter 6: Oh my God, this story got me SOBBING. I cherish these girls a lot, maybe that's why I cried. I love them all so much, they're so special to me. Loved your writing, it made me feel like I was each of the members, this is so good!
1702 streak #7
Chapter 9: Thank you for reminding other luvies to stream and vote. Right now we need to vote on MUBEAT app. Hm, I think it's okay to post focused members here, just make sure TAG it~
Winkle #8
Chapter 7: You made me ugly sobbing author-nim. The story is heartbreaking yet comforting at the same time, idk 😔 . Red Velvet is my comfort person, I love them with my whole heart and I can't imagine being in this world without them. Thank you for this wonderful story you created.
WluvsBaetokki #9
Chapter 2: This is too hard to read... I'm only in the beginning and my heart broke already.
1702 streak #10
Chapter 8: Oh... Thank you. On AO3 we can chat in comment section too. See you there