Pieces of You


The Lees are natural-born leaders raised from a golden spoon heritage while The Kims started with humble beginnings. When two powerful families clash in a battle of pride and conquest, it becomes a difficult road for Minji and Siyeon who must choose between love or loyalty.


A/N: First Dreamcatcher fic! Hope you guys enjoy it. Comments are greatly appreciated <3

Twitter: @insomnicsy

A03 version:Β https://archiveofourown.org/works/27641731/chapters/67632811


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Chapter 9: nice story by the way, it made me feel things HSHSHHS while at it
Chapter 9: If i were minji i'd also take a bullet
Kpopstan123 #3
Chapter 9: Yay I love this storyy definitely going yo reread
Chapter 9: Yay all's well ends well!
Chapter 9: Yay all's well ends well!
Kpopstan123 #6
Chapter 8: Cliffhanger let's go ahhhh I'm so excited
Chapter 8: Oh wow another cliff hanger. Siyeon do the right thing!
TheSmolNub #8
Chapter 8: No, what if Mr. Lee shoots himself.
SheikahGirl #9
Chapter 7: Nooooo I need to know what happens next how could you stop here 😭
Anyway, awesome update thank you so much for this !
Kpopstan123 #10
Chapter 7: Oh no