The stars are beautiful


Wenrene one-shot au about time not being on their side.


tried doing angst. I'm tired and anxious, don't know if I did this justice. Sorry in advance.


"Isn’t it funny that we always look up to the sky and as soon as we see something like a shooting star, we immediately make a wish?"


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Thirdysaur #1
Chapter 1: Punyeta ang saket (goddamn it hurts)
Chapter 1: My goodness I shed my tear just to read this painful yet beautiful story in the mid of night. 😭😭😭
Chapter 1: I knew what I'll eventually get but still, I pushed through and read it. And now I'm here crying, full of regrets. Make no mistake, your story was well written and its really good. Now if you'll excuse my ugly sobbing self, I have happy silly videos to watch to mend my broken heart. D:
ReVeLuvyyy #4
Chapter 1: Gosh this is painfully beautiful TT
Chapter 1: It hurts so good👌, thanks authornim!
Chapter 1: looking for my dose of angst in my moments of sadness, just great
Love03 #7
Chapter 1: First heartbreak today. T_T