Beautiful Life

Thief of Words

Jeong Cha Sik- Beautiful Life


"Fei, wake up, Fei." Someone was whispering while also shaking her lightly. Seeing how that didn't work, he tried another method. "OH MY GOD A SOUL ESCAPED!" 


Her eyes opened faster than the speed of light and the first thing she did was to turn her laptop on. Nothing seemed to be wrong, so she turned to the one that dared scare her like that with a glare. 

The young man smiled at her innocently. He was dressed in a black suit and his hair was parted to one side. He looked like a brand new dealer at a car shop. 

"Wow, Minjae. Have you gone to a salon? Why are you all dolled up?" She asked checking out his whole look.

"You should follow my example and change. We need to go to a wedding today, remember?" He asked crossing his arms in front of his chest.

She stood there a bit confused until she realized what he was talking about. Her eyes widened and she hurried into her room. 

Two hours later and they were both walking into the building where the ceremony was held. Most guests were already inside so they quickly went to place the money in envelopes and exchange them for their buffet tickets.

"You could have dressed in a brighter outfit." The handsome man muttered from the side.

"What's wrong with this dress?" 

"Didn't we agree that if one of us wears black then the other has to wear something light? We both look like we are grieving not congratulating." 

"We are not doing either. We are here to find the vengeful spirit and drag him back to hell." She said as they approached the registry. "Hello," she smiled at the innocent human and signed both their names on the envelope.

"Are you guests of the groom or the bride?" He asked staring at the way her eyes glinted in the light.

"Sure." She answered interpreting the question as she liked. 

"The bride," Answered Minjae seeing how he knew she wanted to get it over with quickly. "We are here for the bride."

The human nodded and smiled at them before he pointed politely at the door. 

"You two are the last to arrive so you will find your seats easily." 

The lights were dim and they had to use their reflexes in order to see the remaining two seats. Unfortunately they were quite close to the front. Once they sat down she couldn't help but sigh at the person she was seating next to. 

"Why hello there auntie," she said with a fake nice smile.

"You're late. And why are both of you dressed in black? This isn't a funeral." She replied coldly. 

"It could be," Fei mumbled to which she got hit under the table by Minjae.

"Nice to see you're doing well, auntie." He interfered in a more gentle way. The auntie rolled her eyes and scoffed at the pair. 

Once the ceremony begun, every eye moved on the happy couple. As the music started and they walked up the aisle towards the legal representative (because that was definitely not a priest) Fei turned her attention to the people in the room. Most of them were happy but there was one little prick who was there to bring chaos. Fei wasn't quite sure which one he was because she only saw a picture of him alive and he probably looked slightly different now. 

"To your 4 o'clock. He is standing next to a woman wearing a huge hat." Minjae informed her since he had the vision of a raven. 

She nodded and swiftly walked towards that table with her fork. Once she got relatively near him she dropped her fork. 

"Oh, excuse me," she started as she bent and took it before she stuck it into his thigh. His eyes widened and he looked down at her in shock and anger.

"What are you doing?" He asked through gritted teeth. 

"A reaper is just outside waiting for the package. Don't dare make a fuss, I hate it when I have to use force." She replied grabbing him by the neck. 

"I am not leaving until I get to say what I want." He hissed and suddenly balloons started to fall from the ceiling.

Everyone looked up in delight but not anymore after they all blew up, some next to the lights. 

Fei's attention was drawn to the balloons and the spirit grabbed something from his pocket. When she turned to him he sprayed something at her face and she couldn't help but fall on her bottom. 

"It stings!" She couldn't believe how he actually used pepper spray on her.  

Minjae inspected the room from his seat but couldn't locate the spirit. Instead he noticed Fei on the ground rubbing her eyes. Then his eyes widened when he saw a shadow figure crawling in the darkness towards the couple. 

"Bora! Lee Bora!" He yelled grabbing the attention. "I-"

Without thinking twice Minjae ran and pushed the spirit on the ground.

"Sorry, he drank too much! Go on!" He came with the easiest excuse there was but they bought it. "You be silent and come willingly."

"Or else what? You'll kill me?" he mumbled grumpily. The spirit got angry and pushed Minjae off him, making him land on a table. 

People got up and the spirit succeeded in grabbing the bride and pulling her towards him. 

"You wench, this is what I receive for being a loyal husband for so many years?!" He asked agressively holding her arm. 

"I didn't do anything, let me go!" She screamed not at all surprised that her former husband, who was very much dead, was there. 

"You crazy woman how dare you! I gave you years of my life just so that you could live longer!" He continued screaming. "If I go to hell, you come too." He hissed, his whole expression growing more like a ghostly apparition. 

The poor groom was confused but he grabbed his wife's other arm and pulled her towards him. 

"Let go of her!" 

The spirit exceeded his breaking point. He was full of hate and that heightened his powers. He only growled lowly and every glass on the tables broke in tiny pieces. The guests were already scared enough so most of them decided to just hurry outside. 

With so many people running out, Fei was caught in the whole fiasco. The crowd led her towards the door, more or less stumbling from side to side since she couldn't see anything. 

She was trying to feel what was happening around her but nobody was bothered to help her. A man or a woman ran past her and pushed her enough to make her fall on her face but somebody caught her right in time.

"Are you alright?" 

"No. I have pepper spray in my eyes and it stings like hell. Does it even look like I am alright?" She was already annoyed so the question only came as fuel to the fire. 

The man, because she grabbed him by the chest for support and noticed he did not have s, didn't say anything but he didn't let go either.

"What can I do to help then?" He finally asked.

"Help me get near the wall, please." 

It was so strange because he really kept her safe among that crowd and once she felt the cold stone wall he still kept a firm grip on her. 

"Is there someone to call?"

"No." She answered feeling the itch to open her eyes but not being able to. "Thank you. I can manage now." 

She didn't look like she could even find the bathroom in her state. The man watched her with worry and was ready to wrap one hand around her so that he could guide her to a place where she could take a seat. However, a strong person caught his hand and pushed him away, lightly enough to appear polite.

"Thank you for the aid but I'll take it from now." 

"Minjae? That had the guts to use pepper spray on me!" She hissed completely aware that the man who helped her might still be there. 

Minjae was a tall man who in that moment looked rather dependable and authoritarian so the helper decided he could leave. His friends were waiting for him anyway so with a curt nod, he left. 

"What happened?" She asked after a short pause.

"I got him but auntie is angry. She has to wipe a lot of memories because of us and apparently this incident will be added on your record." 

"What record? I am their slave anyway. Besides, what type of deity decides to marry after having had a jealous husband before? Pff," she scoffed at the whole situation. "How do my eyes look?" She asked able to barely open one eye. 

Minjae's eyes widened when he saw that her whole orb disappeared.

"Come on, let's go to the hospital." Minjae whispered.

He couldn't help but glance over his shoulder in case the man that helped Fei was still around. It was luck that she didn't see his face or else she wouldn't have been as chatty now.

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2034 streak #1
Chapter 38: Hey, I just read the start of the sequel but since you haven't updated for a long time, I was wondering if you have started to post the sequel separately. I'm curious of what all would happen in the sequel and which all deities or mythical beings be introduced there. Will be eagerly waiting to hear from you ^^
2034 streak #2
Chapter 37: Oh... I didn't realise I haven't finished the story yet. Anyway, I have finally caught up! Glad everything worked out well in the end. Hades was kinda funny here XD anyway, I had fun reading this story ^^
PS I think there's a sequel to this?
2034 streak #3
Chapter 36: Hmmm... Definitely wasn't expecting that. Wonder how Dohyun will react when he finds out what she did. And what about Minjae and others who genuinely cared for her. Although I'm not sure if I really want to read the final chapter guessing how things would go down, still I will be back later to read it...
2034 streak #4
Chapter 35: Wait! That ending! Noooooo~ anyway, I'm pretty speechless now. And I guess I gotta go and do more research about the Greek mythology. Can't wait to read more and see what happens herein. But will be back later to do so!
2034 streak #5
Chapter 34: Wait! What did Athena say? Was it mentioned in the previous chapters? For some reason I can't seem to recall. Anyway, since there are only a few chapters left for the end of the story, I'm curious of how things would go herein. Can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2034 streak #6
Chapter 33: Aww... Definitely wasn't expecting that. Poor her! And does this mean that Dohyun has read her journal before? And his grandfather knows Greek? And wouldn't that be ancient Greek since she wrote it long time ago? I'm curious of so many things but no spoilers please.. anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #7
Chapter 32: Hahaha Fei teasing Dohyun was cute... I wonder why Ares shared his powers with his grandfather. Was that explained already? Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #8
Chapter 31: Ahem, ahem *clears throat* that ending though!! Anyway, can't wait to see how this story develops herein. But will be back later to do so ^^
2034 streak #9
Chapter 30: It was kinda nice to have a glimpse at the other library deities. Made me wonder who was the one incharge of y library in India. Also, a lot curious of the house Dohyun took her to. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #10
Chapter 29: Ah, so Hades is portrayed by Woosung? That's nice... I could put some face to them now. This is simply getting interesting with every chapter. I don't exactly understand the connection Ares made between Fei and Dohyun but I'm definitely looking forward to learn more. But will be back later to do so ^^