Delicate heart


They have no idea what the hell happened. They were joking, laughing and simply having fun and the next thing they know is that Yesung is lying on the floor. This was supposed to be just a regular variety show and not some horror, but no one asked them, everything simply changed and they have to deal with it. 

Few minutes ago

Hyukjae is telling another story about his weird turtle hyung and Yesung definitely doesn’t have fun. Are they filming variety shows only to make fun of him on the TV? He hates that other members are making fun of him all the time, their stories about Yesung hyung did that and this are not funny in his eyes. Yesung’s face is red thanks to his anger, but it just makes everyone laugh harder. Yesung is desperately trying to stop Hyukjae from saying such personal things about his behavior inside their dorm, but Hyukjae is deaf to his pleads and insults. Yesung is trying to speak louder than the laughing members who are adding more details to Hyukjae’s story and suddenly his heart is seized with a strong wave of pain. Yesung gasps for air and presses his hand on his chest and he feels sweat running down his face. The studio around him is suddenly blurry and first tears left his eyes. The pain is still there and he can’t get enough oxygen no matter how hard he tries. 

“Stop it …”

Yesung weakly whispered the last plead and only Ryeowook who is standing next to him heard him. He turned to Yesung with a smile still on his lips, but then gasped in shock when Yesung collapsed out of nowhere.


His scream freezes everyone in the studio and Ryeowook tries to catch Yesung before he can fall down and get hurt. The rest of the members surrounded them and Leeteuk kneeled down next to Yesung.

“He is not breathing!”

He looked up at the members and the filming crew and doesn’t know what to do. Someone is yelling that an ambulance is on the way, however, they need to do something right now! Leeteuk can’t remember anything from his medical training which he underwent in the army. His head is empty and he stares at Yesung’s peaceful pale face. The biggest surprise is that Shindong remembers the medical training and he knows how to perform CPR. Leeteuk is suddenly pushed away from Yesung and Shindong kneeled down next to Yesung’s unmoving body. He knows that they can’t hesitate, every second matters right now when Yesung’s life is in danger. Shindong is pushing hard on Yesung’s frail chest and he is sure that he hears how are Yesung’s ribs breaking. Shindong slightly tilts Yesung’s head back and lifts his chin. He pinches Yesung’s small nose shut and quickly put his mouth over Yesung’s and blows to make his chest rise. Nothing happened and Shindong continues in doing CPR while everyone watches him. They feel useless, but none of them knows if they are able to do this. Shindong is the biggest hero in their eyes right now and after a few minutes, which felt like an eternity, the ambulance finally arrived and two paramedics rush to Yesung. The members can’t see Yesung because the paramedics blocked their view and soon they rush in the ambulance. Super junior members run to their van and get inside. 

They are following the ambulance and Ryeowook starts to cry. He is terrified and looks at the other members who are sickly pale. The ambulance stopped in front of a hospital and the paramedics run inside with the gurney where is lying Yesung. The members are stopped by two nurses before they can run in the emergency room where the doctors disappeared with Yesung. The nurses told them to patiently wait and promised that doctors are going to speak with them as soon as they take care of Yesung. The members sit down on chairs in the waiting room and Leeteuk is glad that he can sit down because his knees are shaking really bad. He can’t stop thinking about Yesung. He looked like a corpse. Suddenly he feels a hand gently shaking with his shoulder.

“Hyung, this is the same hospital where Kyuhyun fought for his life.”

Leeteuk woke up from his shock and looks around. Siwon is right, this is the same hospital where they almost lost Kyuhyun. Leeteuk looked at Kyuhyun who looks like he is going to collapse. Leeteuk leaned closer and grabs Kyuhyun’s hand.

“It is going to be okay.”

Leeteuk knows that he sounds pathetic, but they need to believe to this lie. 

Shindong knows that he did everything he could, but was it enough? What if he only hurt Yesung more with his CPR? Shindong rubs his forehead and looks at the nurses and doctors rushing back and forth. He doesn’t want to think, he wants to turn his brain off because otherwise he will imagine Yesung dying alone in the middle of an unknown place.

Yesung’s parents arrived but the doctors still aren’t coming back. They don’t know what is taking them so long and they wait for long six hours before a doctor came and called Yesung’s parents. Leeteuk wants to go with them but he must respect that they are his parents, they have the right to speak with the doctor alone. They wait for Yesung’s parents and after a while they walked out of the doctor’s office. Yesung’s mother and brother are crying while his father looks broken-hearted. Leeteuk quickly gets up from the hard chair and hurries to Yesung’s mom who cries harder after seeing him.

“The doctor said that he had a heart attack.”

She cries and her husband wraps his arm around her shaking shoulders.

“They did coronary bypass surgery, but now we need to wait.”

Leeteuk nods and watches Yesung’s family sitting down. His mom is trying to suppress her crying and presses a tissue to . They sit there for a while, but then the door leading from the operating rooms opened and few nurses are wheeling Yesung out. They are taking him to the ICU and Super junior members run toward the gurney. Breathing mask is placed over Yesung’s mouth and nose and his dark hair is swept back from his forehead. They all rush to Yesung and follow the gurney but then a nurse gets in their way and says that no one who isn’t his family can visit him for the next week. Heechul tries to move around her, but she moves to block him again. They manage to catch one last glance and see that Yesung’s hand slips off the bed.

“Hey! Be more careful!”

Heechul is getting impatient and angry because they let his hand hanging in the air like this. A nurse lifts his hand with the hospital bracelet loose around his petite wrist and she places it back on the bed. The bed is wheeled around the corner and disappears from their sight. Leeteuk sighs and rubs his forehead.

“I think we should leave if we can’t see him.”

Super junior members reluctantly left the hospital and go home. They are thinking about Yesung and can’t stop worrying about him.

It lasted three days before Leeteuk got a call from Yesung’s mother. She told him that he could visit her son for a few minutes and Leeteuk immediately agreed. He can take one more person with him which started a fight. Of course that Leeteuk is going to visit Yesung, but the second place is free and now the members fight. In the end Heechul won because he poked every opponent in eyes. So Leeteuk and Heechul arrived at the hospital and now stand in front of the door of Yesung’s room. 

“Do we really want to see him?”

Heechul is a bit scared, he can’t imagine what will they find. Is Yesung going to be okay? His doctor said many hard and weird words to describe Yesung’s current condition, but they didn’t understand him. 

“Everything is going to be okay.”

Leeteuk squeezed Heechul’s shoulder and opened the door. The room isn’t very spacious because it is packed with machines which are connected to Yesung. Leeteuk comes closer to the hospital bed while Heechul stands next the door. He is hesitating because he isn’t sure if he wants to see Yesung like this, when he is so vulnerable. It is weird to see Yesung like this, without make-up, without earrings and with the tubes and wires leading in his body. A breathing tube is leading in his mouth and a piece of tape is making sure it won’t slip out. White bandages are wrapped around his chest and hide the ugly, long scar. Heechul is grateful for that because he hates the sight of blood. Leeteuk slowly touches Yesung’s small hand and then brings the frail hand to his lips. He gently kisses the short fingers and starts to cry. How did this happen?

Maybe that Leeteuk did something wrong, he wasn’t taking the best care about the members and they are his responsibility. Leeteuk cries for a moment, but then a nurse kicks them out. They head back in the dorm and the members are immediately asking thousands of questions about Yesung. Leeteuk or Heechul doesn’t know the answers. The atmosphere in the dorm is tense, they often argue due to the smallest possible things and they have no news from the hospital so everyone is nervous.

Leeteuk is exhausted. The members argue and yell all the time, he has no news about Yesung and their boss is mad at him. Leeteuk can’t stay in the dorm anymore or he would need to get drunk. Leeteuk escaped from the hell and aimlessly walks around until he got an idea. He could go in the hospital. He knows that only Yesung’s family can be with him for longer time so Leeteuk probably won’t get inside the room. Leeteuk walks through the long hallways and stops in front of Yesung’s room. There is a small window and Leeteuk sees Yesung’s mom inside. She is pressing her forehead to Yesung’s shoulder, hugging his slim arm to her chest. It is clear that she is crying because her shoulders are shaking. Leeteuk wants everything to be the same as few days before. Few days ago everything was okay, Yesung was okay and they were happy. And now everything is in deep s.

Leeteuk is lost in his deep thoughts and didn’t realize that Yesung’s mom is looking at him. She goes to the door and opened it. 

“Hello Leeteuk.”

She doesn’t want to leave her son alone but it is clear that Leeteuk needs it. She offered him to spend few minutes with him and said that she will go and get a cup of coffee. Leeteuk thanked her and walked in the room. Yesung is still enjoying his dreamless sleep, they placed him in a medically induced coma. Leeteuk smiles a bit and grabs Yesung’s small hand in his.

“Hi, I missed you.”

Leeteuk placed a soft kiss on Yesung’s forehead and grips the railings on the bed. He doesn’t understand why are the railings necessary when Yesung sleeps and won’t move a finger. Leeteuk sat down on a chair and caresses the small fingers. He closes his eyes and finally feels peaceful. Leeteuk doesn’t know how he fell asleep in the uncomfortable chair, he only knows that now Yesung’s mom is gently touching his back between his shoulder blades. She isn’t mad at him, she is also exhausted.

“I … everything is too stressful. I just needed few minutes alone.”

Leeteuk rubs his face and gets up. Yesung’s mom sat down and drinks her warm coffee while Leeteuk doesn’t know what to say so he just pats her back and left. 

It takes few more days before the doctors say it is possible for Yesung to have more visitors. It means that more members can visit Yesung who is still in coma. After long nine days the doctors take the breathing tube out and now just the cannula provides oxygen with a hushed sound. Yesung breathes in and out slowly and steadily. Leeteuk Yesung’s hair and thinks that he needs a haircut. Siwon nervously grips the bag with a gift for Yesung and slowly walks to the bed. He opened the bag and pulled out a small stuffed toy - it is a puffy cloud with a wide smile and few rain drops attached. Siwon put it down next to Yesung and smiles a bit. Leeteuk, Siwon and Kyuhyun sat down around the hospital bed and just watch Yesung. They feel calmer when they know that Yesung is going to be okay. He isn’t so pale any longer and there are less tubes and wires leading in his body. And the most important thing is that he is breathing on his own. 

The doctors think that Yesung will wake up soon and then he will need few weeks to feel as he did before the heart attack. His mother doesn’t want to baby him and annoy him so she will let him decide if he wants to recovery in the dorm or at home with his family. However the members are already planning what they will do during the difficult weeks. Leeteuk knows that Super junior is going to have problems with not cuddling and nursing Yesung like their 36 years old baby. After all they have spent 15 years together and it is hard to not being overprotective.

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390 streak #1
Chapter 1: I need chapter 2 for sure 😭
Chapter 1: Oh gosh, it's just- ;-; just crying
Bangtanboys1952 #3
Chapter 1: This was so cute and emotional at the same time. Just amazing
Chapter 1: 😭😭😭
Chapter 1: Its really great story >...<
Chapter 1: niice story thanks authornim
Chapter 1: niice story thanks authornim
Chapter 1: niice story thanks authornim
coloring_grace #9
Chapter 1: ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ