Halloween Dates

Halloween Dates
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“Come on, Dahyun. It’ll be fun!” 

For as long as she can remember, Mina has always been able to rope Dahyun into just about anything with those words. When they were kids, Mina could tell that Dahyun was a little more frightful than she. However, that never stopped her from trying to get her to try out some new experiences. When an invite to their first college party arrived, Dahyun needed a little more encouragement from Mina, but eventually agreed. When a job application she had sent came back positively, Dahyun was terrified of being interviewed, but Mina managed to sway her opinion and get her to attend. She ended up getting the job with ease, and Mina was so very proud of her.

The same could be said with their relationship. Dahyun had been so nervous about making the jump from strictly friends to dating. Worried about whether or not their friendship would survive if they realized being a couple wasn’t going to work out. But, Mina assured Dahyun that there’s no one else on this Earth that she wants to spend her days with. From there on, they’ve become inseparable, and their friendship is still their favorite thing about being together. 

Halloween, however, is where Dahyun draws the line. The holiday has never been interesting to her. Frightening either yourself or others is not something that Dahyun wishes to partake in. But, Mina adores the spookiest night of the year, in fact; it’s her favorite holiday. But whilst she appreciates the pumpkin carving, poorly made costumes, and abundance of candy. Her favorite tradition is binge-watching horror films. 

Thus, Mina has landed herself on their couch with several blankets thrown over her body. Mountains of snacks lined up on the coffee table, wine glasses filled to the brim, and the television waiting to play the first Friday the 13th film. Dahyun detests the genre of gore, spookiness, and worst of all ghosts. She always has. But that doesn’t stop Mina from trying every single year to get Dahyun to watch along with her.

“Please! I got your favorite snacks, come on!” Mina whines, motioning toward the table. If all else fails, there’s a sure-fire way to get Dahyun to agree and it’s by catering to her grumbling stomach. 

Dahyun’s eyes flicker from the snacks to Mina’s pleading face looking up at her. It’s moments like these that Dahyun realizes just how much she’s fallen for her and how dangerous that pleading face could one day be if Mina decided to try and turn them into a couple of bank robbers. 

“I wanna watch all of the Friday the 13th films, but not the remakes. They’re awful.” Mina states though Dahyun doesn’t process her words, too busy focusing on her face.

Grabbing some of the snacks off the table, Mina wraps her arms around Dahyun’s waist and pulls her down to sit beside her, offering her cheek a quick peck before hitting play on the remote. Dahyun does her best to pay attention to the movie, but her stomach comes before Jason

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Aquarie #1
Chapter 1: Awww so soft...
Asianfanficreader1 #2
Chapter 1: Wooow it's so soft, I love it <3
Chapter 1: It was very sweet, I hope you write more in the future