
Letting You Go
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The day has been crazy for Sehun. He went to work really early in the morning to review some documents, then he had a meeting with the finance department. Right after that he had a meeting with the legal team. And now he is sitting in a meeting with the BOD. He can't wait for the day to end because he feels so sorry to Yeonhee for leaving the house really early.

This morning Yeonhee had to walk to the subway station which she really didn't mind anyway, but Sehun felt really guilty. Plus, it has been a while he didn't have his dinner at home. It was either at his office or he chose to sleep straight away after he reached home because of the exhaustion.

After 2 hours, the meeting finally concluded. The BOD seems to be really satisfied with Sehun's performance as of now. All of them are starting to trust Sehun taking over his father's position. To them, he has a quality leadership and has a good work-life balance. People see him as a quality leader and a devoted family man. But nobody knows the truth of his life.

As everybody is starting to leave, Sehun approaches one of the BODs who has been dormant for a while. He hasn't attended BOD meeting for a few weeks.

"Thank you for coming here today Mr Yoo. I know it's hard for you. How is your wife? She's getting better?" Sehun asked.

Yoo Sung Min is one of Sehun's father close friends. He has been absent in a few meetings before because his wife is currently not well. She has been admitted for almost a month due to complicated respiratory problems and needed to be intubated. 

"She's stable for now after finally regain her conscious yesterday. I'm sorry about the meetings before. I couldn't attend at that moment" Mr Yoo replied. 

Sehun gives Mr Yoo a light tap on the shoulder. "It's okay. Family first Mr Yoo. We totally understand" 

"Thanks. I'm very grateful to you and your father" he said to Sehun. 

But then, just when Sehun about to excuse himself, Mr Yoo says, "Oh, I saw your wife at the hospital too".

That got Sehun startled. "My wife?" he asked.

"Yes your wife. Jung Yeonhee right? I saw her at the hospital last week. Quite a few times" Mr Yoo said without realising he is giving out a secret that Yeonhee has been keeping from Sehun for so long.

"My wife?" Sehun asked again. 

Sensing that Sehun has no idea about his own wife whereabouts, Mr Yoo tried to shut the issue down. "Well... I didn't greet her anyway, but I'm sure it's her. She looked so troubled. Maybe she visited a friend in critical condition" 

"I guess so... Which hospital your wife is admitted to?" Sehun asked. 

"Seoul Medical Centre" Mr Yoo simply replied. 

'Seoul Medical Centre? What is she doing there?' he thought to himself. 

There's this uneasy feeling in him but he tries his best to brush it off. More like he is trying his best to remain his composure in front of Mr Yoo.

"Anyway, I'll try to attend the next meeting as well. If my wife's condition got worsened, I might not make it"

"It's okay Mr Yoo. Take your time"

On the outside, Sehun acts fine but in the inside he is not. Seoul Medical Center is the place where Namjoon works, which according to Sehun as Yeonhee's doctor friend. Of course the first thing that runs through his mind is 'Is she meeting that guy?'. He's a man in love after all, it's normal for him to get suspicious and burn with jealousy straight away. 

'Maybe she went there to meet Seulgi' Sehun said to himself trying to be positive.

He tries his best not to think too much but to no avail, jealousy is starting to rage in him.


Sehun returns home late as usual due to overloaded work. He usually feels excited to go home but this time he has mixed feelings. He misses Yeonhee but at the same time he feels mad at her. The thing that Mr Yoo told him keeps bothering him. He couldn't think of any other reason why Yeonhee went there other than to meet Kim Namjoon. 

"Hey... welcome home!" Yeonhee said to him with a big smile. She has no idea what had happened, what is running through Sehun's mind.

Yeonhee's smiling face immediately lowered the rage inside him but he still feels mad at her. Even so, he still tries his best to be calm and rational. "I'm so busy these days. Have you eaten?" he asked.

"Not yet. I'm waiting for you. Let's eat!" Yeonhee replied excitedly. She is really clueless.

Sehun let's out a heavy sigh. 'Let's not jump into conclusions Sehun' he said to himself.

They are having a normal talk over dinner. They talk about various topics but somehow along the way Sehun managed to squeeze in asking her about what has been bothering him.

"I had a meeting with the board members today" he said.

"Really? Is everything okay?" Yeonhee asked.

"Everything is on track. But someone told me he saw you at Seoul Medical Centre a few times last week. Did you go there?" Sehun asked her but in a calm tone hiding his doubt and suspicions.

That question is like a bullet shooting Yeonhee point blank. She's startled but she tries her best controlling her facial expressions. "Nn.. No.. I didn't. He might have mistaken..." she lied. The very moment she tells the lie, she immediately regrets it but she believe that is the best decision.

However, Sehun doesn't buy that because Yeonhee's tone is not convincing enough. But he choose to let this matter slide and trust Yeonhee this time. 

'She would never lie to me, right?' he thought. 


That night he couldn't sleep. He tosses his body left and right trying to shake off the doubt that keeps haunting him.

Meanwhile, Yeonhee on the other hand is fighting with her life that night. She is in pain physically but she tries her best to act like everything is fine. During the dinner she seems perfectly fine. No one could ever thought that she is baering the pain the whole time. 

The moment Sehun asked her about her whereabouts, she felt like her world stopped spinning. That's the thing she's afraid of the most. She tried to act cool and lied straight away. And judging from Sehun's reaction, she thought Sehun won't press on that matter anymore. Little did she know that thing is still bothering Sehun and it will soon lead to catastrophe.




After a few days, Sehun thought his suspicious feelings will fade away but apparently it doesn't. There's this uneasy feeling about Yeonhee still bugging him. 

Plus this morning Yeonhee told him she took a day off today. When Sehun asked if she's going out she didn't give a definite answer. 'I have some important things to settle' was all she said.

While his mind is wandering far away, he gets a call from his father.

"Sehun, are you busy later today?" his father asked.

"Thankfully not. What is it appa?"

"Could you go visit Sung Min's wife on HO Corp behalf? I'm flying to The States tomorrow morning"

"You mean Mr Yoo? I just met him few days ago at the board meeting. Why? Is his wife okay?"

"She's okay, she's getting better. I just think that someone from the company should visit. As a courtesy"

There's a pause for a while, then he says, "Of course, I'll drop by at the hospital later today". 

He lets out a long sigh as he ends the call. It's not that he doesn't want to visit, but he is annoyed that he has to go to Seoul Medical Center. "What if I bump into that Namjoon guy?" he asked himself.

Nevertheless, he'll still do what his father told him to do. He is an obedient son after all. 








"Why is this happening to me?". Tears start to fall down my cheeks. 

Just now I found out that the progress of the tumor is at alarming rate. My heart isn't funtioning well and my blood test didn't come out good either. My health is deteriorating. The worst thing is, they discovered a small mass attached to my liver and the biopsy result isn't good. It is sadly to be malignant, which means it is cancerous. Am I the unluckiest person on earth right now?

I cry shamelessly in front of Namjoon oppa. We are standing at a secluded area near the hospital visitors carpark. He's trying very hard to calm me down. 

"We'll do everything we can Yeonhee. Dr Song will try to remove them completely. It hasn't spread yet. It's good we detected it early. Put your trust on her" he said trying to console me. It's not easy for a person to face the truth about their worsening health condition.

"It's not the matter of trusting her. I trust her.... but I don't trust my own luck. Last surgery wasn't completely successful.... in fact I almost died. But I still survived because of luck. What if... what if this time luck is not on my side? What if.... what if this time I die?" I weakly said in between sobs. My tears are streaming down my face.

He then hugs me tightly as I said that. "Don't you ever say that. No one is going to die"

I just let him hug me. His warm hug somehow makes me feel calmer. "How.... can you be... so sure?" I asked him, still in between sobs.

He keeps on hugging me tightly and we stay that way for a while. After a few moment, I stop crying.

He holds my shoulders gently and look at me with a soft gaze. "Go home and get rest. Let's talk about the surgery in a few days. Okay?" he said to me but I don't even reply anything to him. He looks at me straight to the eyes and says, "Look at me Yeonhee. You. are. not. going. to. die"

There's nothing else I could say because I don't even know what to say. 

He gives a gentle pat on my head. "Come on. I send you home"

I shake my head declining his offer. "No... It's okay... I need some time alone. I want some time alone"

"You sure?" he asked.

I nod at him. "Yes. I want to be alone for a while"

I think he knows arguing with me will bring nowhere. "Alright. Stay safe. I'm just a call away okay" he said and gives me one last hug before excusing himself as he is paged by the ER. 

I look at his figure retreating and finally disappers from my sight. My heart is still very much fragile right now. I take a deep breath a few times trying to compose myself.

As I feel much better, I turn around planning to head straight home but boy..... much to my surprise Sehun is there standing not far from me, looking at me with a deathly glare. What is he doing here??

With the way Sehun is looking at me right now, it doesn't take a genius to realise that he had saw us hugging just now. 'Oh god! Not now! He sure misunderstands the hug!'

As we lock eyes, he walks toward me with an angry expression. Before I could even say anything, he looks at me furiously and says with full authority, "Yeonhee. Get in my car"

That voice. I know that v

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How have you been?? Hope you're doing good. I miss you and this story. It's been more than a year since your last update. I hope you can still continue this story.
For whatever you're doing now, I hope everything is doing well and good for you....
I miss you ^^
From all your loyal readers 😁😁
Chapter 39: Gosh😭I miss this story and u.Hope ur are fine.please comeback.
Chapter 39: Gosh😭I miss this story and u.Hope ur are fine.please comeback.
Chapter 39: Please enlighten us...
Where is Yeonhee now?? She should be fine, shouldn't she??
It's been a while, I hope you are always be healthy....
Chapter 38: I keep on coming back to this story😭
ririsriandini #6
Chapter 39: Authornim, I hope you always healthy and update this story again 😭
MissMong24 #7
Chapter 39: thank you for the update despite your health! get well soon!
AiiSoo #8
Chapter 39: A month after? Is Yeonhee well? Being that sick and alone like that for a month must be really hard for her. I just hope that she is safe somewhere and is enjoying her days doing things that she likes.
Thank you for this update..! I hope you’ll get well soon though. I don’t mind getting a late update. Health should be one’s priority, always,
Aadiillaa #9
Chapter 39: I cried for yeonhee
How hurt S he is and how bad feelimg left behind with people around us
The mental issues in getting more worst as in now
People that heart break usually can't talk to be help or asking of help, so hard for them to say it even for just hint
Just please we more aware and not say hurtfull words to other people and tell them if they still have friends have family or maybe us that can help if they need help.
Don't left her/him & don't giving up on her/him
Chapter 39: Take care. Focus on you first, then the others will fall into place.

Hopefully they are able to find Yeonhee fast.