12. ain't that bad

love and hatred

"Minju oh my god, stop sulking you look ugly." 


"Says the one who's also wearing a long face." 


"Shut up Chaewon." 


"Am I gonna witness a break up part 2021?" 


"Shut up Hitomi!" The two Kims said simultaneously. 


The entire squad of the pretty idiotic besties (Hitomi was the one who came up with the name) went back to their homes feeling betrayed. They lost their money. Again. Their poor allowance? Gone. Energy? Depleted. 


They should've known that something like this would happen. It's Wonyoung and  Yujin that they were talking about here. Minju can't help but sigh. The amount of stress she got from her friends, her friend's enemy's friends (she's kind of close to them now but not Wonyoung), not to mention the feud between those two people. God, she even felt like the competition will never end. 


Thankfully, it did. Only with a result most people never anticipated, except for Hitomi and Hyewon. 


Because the spelling bee competition ended with a draw. And the Kang-Honda tandem bagged the money, that's for sure. 


"I still can't believe it, how come it's a draw?" Chaewon leaned to her girlfriend's shoulder. This girl really be acting as if they weren't on the verge of breaking up seconds ago. 


"Do you seriously want them to spell all the word in existence until the end of time?" Minju snapped back whilst scrolling down her phone. Her timeline is full of interesting things and some are funny as hell. Most of them regarding today's event, also known as the Yujin-Wonyoung battle. 


There is something about walking down the road with her friends entertains Wonyoung. She loves it especially when they're going home. 


"You guys are too loud." She sighed in defeat. 


And now she wishes she rode taxi instead. 


Speaking of taxi, a car pulled over just near them. It's not really a taxi but it's still a car. Minju took her eyes away from the phone and watched how the window slid down, showing the face of the driver. 


Their faces brightened up at the sight.


"Hop on." The driver said, giving them a familiar grin that they all missed. 






"What's wrong with her? She's been real silent since earlier." 


"She's literally a quiet person ever since she was born into this world what are you on."


Yena gestured a small peace sign with a sheepish smile to Hyewon but she only rolled her eyes.


The three of them walked into a convenience store. Yena of course, picking whatever she likes and making sure that they will leave with Hyewon's wallet being empty. Food is great but it tastes greater when someone else pays for it.


Yujin only grabbed a single triangle kimbap and a soda as her drink. She wasted no time as she headed to the counter to pay.


"Hey, I thought it's her treat today?" Yena asked, her index finger pointing to their other friend who seem to be unbothered with the amount of food she took.


"Who said I'm paying for this?" Yujin exchanged glances with Yena, slowly forming a grin on her face.


"That's the spirit!"


Later on this day, both Yena and Yujin found out Hyewon has another girlfriend. No surprise at this point, their friend is hella pretty and a huge flirt anyway.


Hyewon may have a goal of reaching 20 ex-gfs, at least she's not a cheater. This trio does not condone cheating thank you very much.


"So what's her name?" The blonde chick with duck lips chewed on her food, giving her bestie a teasing look.


The oldest of the three sighed, silently wishing for Yena to shut up and eat her food. She's more than glad to treat Yena food in exchange of not prying to her lovelife.


"It's Noze."


"Is she pretty?"




"But Kwangbae what about me?"


"Ew." She eyed Yena from head to toe, "No thanks." Hyewon added. Disgust evident on her tone.


"Yah!" As the two continued to bicker, Yujin on the other hand kept on thinking.


There's something wrong with barbie for real. She looks so bothered. Was she sick? She could've said she was not in the condition to do that !


And while Yujin was immersed in her thoughts, she didn't realize she was walking out of the convenience store. Her two friends also didn't notice because they were still busy arguing about useless things. All Yujin wants is to drown in her own thoughts and be alone as of this moment.


"Look out!" A voice shouted. Suddenly arms were wrapped firmly around her and and pushed her strongly towards safety. It all happened so fast that Yujin can't even process it all.


The next thing she knew the car drove away at full speed and the fact that they're already at the side of the road.


"What the hell?" The familiar voice was shaking and gasping for air. "Are you crazy? How can you be so careless!?"


Then it all came in to Yujin that she almost got into a car accident if she wasn't saved on time.


Still trembling, her eyes darted to her side to see the person who saved her. 


Hold on, why isn't she surprised it's her? 


No other than Jang Wonyoung herself. 


God, she wanted to say something snarky, or just simply be a when talking to her but all she said was–


"Oh my barbie."


Wonyoung only gave her a questioning look, one of her eyebrows raised. She stands up, and pats herself clean removing some of the dirt on her pink pajamas.




"Don't do that again." A glare. "We both may hate each other, but I still value your life and I hope you do for yourself too."


"I—" Wonyoung offered her hand to Yujin, which the latter gladly accepted. She stood up with an awkward expression.


the speedy car and Wonyoung's cute pajamas. She can't move nor talk for .


She faked her cough to ease the awkwardness. Wait, why was she being awkward to this barbie girl anyway?


"I, uhm, thank you for saving me." Yujin slightly faced the taller girl, who shrugged her shoulders in a cool manner. There she noticed Wonyoung was also avoiding her gaze, looking anywhere but Yujin.


"No problem."


"You live here?"


"No, my friends and I have a sleepover. I just went out to have some not-so-fresh air then I saw your idiotic on the road."


"Oh. Sorry."


"No need to apologise."


"So uhm..." They simultaneously said. They looked each other for a brief moment and started to laugh as if they heard the best joke of the year. They both don't know why but they found this situation funny for some reason.

It slowly died down, the awkwardness gradually returning. Wonyoung was fiddling her fingers, wanting to say something but is shy. Yujin scratched her nape, her cheeks feeling hot for some reason.


She's usually cool in dealing with such situations. So why the ? 


"Wh-what," her voice cracks, her inner self was already screaming for being a mess, she clears her thoat, "What can I do to repay you? You know... to express my gratitude or something— god, I'm terrible at this." 


Her eyes quickly darted to Wonyoung. The girl was trying so hard not to laugh and bust a lung. Oh my god.


Yujin bit her lower lip. She suddenly found her shoes quite interesting. (A terrible excuse to avoid Wonyoung's teasing stare) 


But Wonyoung saw it. Wonyoung saw how the older one bit her lip. Here comes the thoughts again. 




"Ahem." Both girls whipped their heads as fast as they could. Their cheeks filled with strawberry pink were replaced by paleness. 


There goes the light feeling. 


"What is going on?" 


"What did I just witness..." 


Yena was sipping her banana milk and Hyewon was holding a bag full of ramyeon and potato chips. Both of them were looking at the two girls with an expression Yujin cannot decipher. And it looks kind of bad. 


"Hey, haha! It's good to see the both of you! Sup?" Yujin is not only terrible at this, she's probably the worst ever. 


"I should go now." Unlike Yujin, Wonyoung handled it better. She showed she wasn't really affected, or if she was, she did an amazing job in hiding it. 


Wonyoung bowed, showing her respect to the two unnies, then she looked at Yujin once again. "An iced coffee would suffice."  


"Ehhh?" It was the three of them made the sound by the way. 


"I was just saying," Wonyoung was trying to explain with a sheepish smile, and Yujin thinks it was kind of... cute, "If you still wish to repay me, I'm always free. I can never refuse free stuff you know, if the offer still stands that is." Her eyes looking towards the two older girls and to Yujin back and forth. 


"...Cool." Was all she said. 


"Great." Wonyoung giggled, "I should really go back now."


"Oh, right. Bye." 




Yena and Hyewon said nothing, but they nodded as a sign of acknowledgement. Wonyoung smiled at them back then she started to walk away, waving her hand goodbye. 




Wonyoung stopped her tracks. Then turns around to see her. 


"Is lunch okay with you?" 


First few seconds was the athlete looking so shocked, next was her blinking a few times, then her gaining composure and smiled. That was the most genuine smile Yujin has ever seen from her today, or maybe ever? She's not really sure. All she knows that she's.... hella pretty.


What the .


"Fine by me." She nodded as she grinned, her hands now slipped into her jacket's pockets and continued to walk away from them. Yujin saw how she entered one of the buildings near the convenience store. But she can't help but think about the fact that despite being in cute pajamas, Wonyoung still managed to look that fine. She has no business in being that fine.


Since when did Jang Wonyoung look so cool? 


Yujin can only wonder. 


Pain started to appear on her left arm, apparently Yena slapped her arm a little bit too much, "What the hell?" 


"What was that!?" 


"What was what?" She feigned obliviousness. 


"Talk woman." Hyewon shot her a cold stare. And this is the part where Yujin should wave a white flag. She knows she got lots of explaining to do. 


One thing Yujin realized, Wonyoung isn't really that bad after all. 




The moment she entered the apartment, she rushed over to her room. She quickly jumped to her bed and hugged her favorite pink pillow. It's the only thing that's under her possession in Chaeyeon's apartment. 


Heavy breathes and slight squeals enough for the pillow to filter (she can't let her friends hear her gay panic thank you very much). 


Wonyoung wanted to kick herself. What was she doing earlier? 


In all seriousness, thank god she saved Yujin on time. God knows what will happen to her if she didn't. 


Although her worries were replaced by something she cannot explain. Like what the .


Since when did Ahn Yujin look so attractive and cute? 


Seeing her all awkward and shy made Wonyoung scream in utter devastation. How can a person be this illegal?


They were supposed to hate each other for pete's sake but here she was, gushing over a girl with adorable dimples she wanted to poke so badly. 


"This isn't right." Wonyoung punched her pillow. "But I nearly lost my composure there, argh you Ahn Yujin!" 


She began screaming, punching and murdering her pillow under Yujin's name. So much for being discreet. 



"What's wrong with Wonyoung again?" Chaeyeon had her worried expression. She was thinking of visiting Wonyoung's room when Chaewon beat her to it. 


"Just let her. Maybe she's having her own moment." 


"Thinking of ways to kill Yujin maybe." Hitomi said. Ignoring the sounds coming from the youngest's room, her face showing unfazed. Everyone and their grandmother knows she's already used to it.


"It's her usual business then." Minju spoke, and the rest nodded except Chaeyeon who only sighed.



What all of them didn't know is that Wonyoung was starting to see hues of pink on Yujin. 




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Chapter 14: I- NO PLEASE, I KEPT READING WITHOUT REALIZING I WAS ON THE LAST UPDATED CHAPTER (TT^TT) the fluff was just starting to make me squeal in my bed. Authornim huhuhu please update, I need to see the fluff
1752 streak #4
Chapter 14: haven't been commenting but really like the story! keep up the good work! and merry christmas!
reigngrey #5
Chapter 14: Ohhhh……. Now they starting to see who really the person is.
Chapter 14: omg annyeongz awwww
Chapter 11: PLS UPDATE:((((
Chapter 11: nope, annyeongz still bickering
reigngrey #9
Chapter 11: Destiny..... i call destiny..... fate....
aiisaka #10
Chapter 10: so cute