7 minutes with you

Kill em with Jealousy
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“It's rude to stare,” Jennie said as she went to where Wendy was. Jennie glared at the a male crew member as she sat down on the chair infront of Wendy. The poor soul ran away as soon as he’d been caught staring at the unusual pair. Everyone has been stealing glances ever since Jennie arrived with Wendy in tow.



“I don’t think me being dragged here uninvited will make that argument less valid,” Wendy said as she ignores the curious glances of the staff. “Who do you think you’re fooling?” Wendy thought as she’s practically sinking in her chair, trying to hide herself. Jennie lightly kicked her by the ankle to stop her from being embarrassing.



“I invited you here,” said Jennie. “You are very much welcome to help—“



“You mean do your bidding—“



“—To help me here,” Jennie said as she crossed her arms. Wendy just rolled her eyes. She has been dragged by the very persuasive socialite after she finished her schedule that day. And since they can’t go on another date in the amusement park like Jennie wanted, Jennie took it upon herself to drag Wendy to her own schedule. Wendy cursed her non existent debate skills when she easily surrendered after being promised free dinner and bubble tea.


“Oh Seungwan, how low have you’d fallen into the pit of shallow bribery and bubble tea,” Wendy thought as she rested her back on the chair.



“I didn't drag you here just because Im bored." Jennie said as Wendy squinted at her. Jennie continued.



"Of course, going along with our plan—"



"We actually have a plan? Where—," Jennie glared at her so she stopped talking.



"We are going to make people talk. If we want someone’s attention, gossip is key," Jennie said confidently. Wendy took a sip of her precious bubble tea. “Don’t you think waiting for the episode with the two of us together is easier?” Wendy argued. “It’s not gonna air anytime soon. So let’s just enforce the idea,” Jennie smiled confidently, no doubt laughing maniacally in her head. Wendy just nodded, already expecting another disaster of a plan courtesy of Kim Jennie.



“I don't think people seeing us together will do anythough,” Wendy said as the make up artist came to her and painted her lips. A natural pink lip to complement a simple yet stylish baby blue top and a pair of lovely white trousers in which Jennie forced her into wearing after declaring she will accompany her to this event. Apparently, Wendy needs to dress worthy of standing beside the fashionista. “So what if Wendy and Jennie hangout for a food drive for charity? Other people in the industry do these things too,” Wendy argued.



“That’s it unnie. Because like you said, we’re Jennie and Wendy. We never talk and we never mix. It’s odd and unusual. People pick up scandals like this more than the millions you donate to charity or how good you’ve behave throughout your career. Netizens are cruel like that,” Jennie said as she sipped tea. Wendy was quiet for a while.



“That’s a very sad description of our relationship but most of it is true anyway,” Wendy sighed. Jennie felt a chill down her back. She didn't mean to word it that way.


“I-l didn’t mean to phrase it that way! I—“Jennie stammered she waved her hands, afraid Wendy was offended on what she said. That was not supposed to be the point but Wendy only responded with a smile.



“It’s okay, kitty,” Wendy patted her head. Jennie was about to say more when her manager came to tell them to proceed to the podium. “Me and my big mouth,” Jennie thought as she walked with Wendy to a mini stage. It became awkward for her and they were never awkward before. She doesn’t want Wendy to think anything bad about their friendship. She was about to open when she felt Wendy intertwine their fingers. She was a bit taken aback and looked at Wendy.



“Let’s go put on a show, shall we?” Wendy said as she pulled Jennie with her.










Fortunately, Jennie is stuck on lunch duty. She doesn’t mind giving out the meals for the kids. Unfortunately for her though, she was separated with her partner. Which was not supposed to happen. “How the hell are we supposed to carry out the plan!?” she thought.



Wendy was assigned to interact with the kids. “A very slim chance to apologize to her sooner,” Jennie thought. From where she was, Wendy looked like a very eager teacher with a lot of expressions. The children were instantly mesmerized. Jennie snorted as she watched Wendy tell an inaudible story from where she was, but Wendy with eyebrows perking up and eyes wide tells Jennie it was a pretty interesting story.



“I’m glad Wendy-sshi could join us,” the event organizer said as she went up to Jennie. “The children likes her very much! She’s so engaging and encouraging. I’m glad you brought her here Jennie-sshi,” the event organizer said to her. “Yeah, she’s a charmer so it’s quite easy for her,” Jennie smiled as she looked for her friend. She didn’t question what she said because from what she learned while spending time with Wendy, there was never dull moment spending time with her.



She was surprised when she felt someone gently pulling her sleeves. She look down and about 5 kids were looking up at her expectantly.



“Noona, Wendy-noona said we have to get you to play so she could play with us,” a small boy said to her. “She said to get you out of here so we can play tag and hide and seek,” the boy said. “Tag? That girl expects me to run? In this dress? No way, forget I just complimented you!” Jennie thought. She was about to decline but the organizer butted in.



“Of course she can. You can go with them Jennie-sshi. Don’t worry, we're finished with lunch already,” the lady said to her. “I guess karma's a ,” Jennie sighed and removed her apron. She went with the kids to where Wendy and the rest of the patrons were playing in their mini groups. Wendy smirked when she saw her while Jennie gave her a glare in return.



“Alright kids,” Wendy addressed the children assigned to her to get their attention. “Show of hands, who wants to be It?”







Jennie found herself hi

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O_rul82_ #1
I always come back to this one, just to see if there is an update 🥲
Still checking up on this fic if in case you drop an update authornim. Please don’t give up on this, i love this au so much 🤧
Id3993 #3
What is that mean of quote in the poster? Jennie Kim, chapter 21? Is that a hint for this ship sailing?
Here I expect you will update 3 chapter soon!!
danedanedane #4
cptncat #5
Chapter 18: hihintayin ko kung kaninong black jeep sasakyan ni mareng wendy dito
dear author nim if you're going to jump off the timeline and straight to WYH era from LW era I wouldn't mind but I'm expecting jendy already married and have at least 2 kids 😭😭😭
I miss jendy 🥲🥲🥲
Chapter 18: can we go back in time when Jendy Agenda was ruling over wr?
Wendy243 #9
Chapter 18: God I love this story😤
Congratulations on becoming an MD, author! I hope one day you'll get to finish this beautiful story. Stay safe and hydrated!