Red light

Kill em with Jealousy
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“Wasn’t that Seulgi unnie?” Jennie asked once they’ve settled on the backseat.



“Hmm? Seulgi?” Wendy asked, confused.



“Yeah, Seulgi unnie. She was behind you, just a few feet away. Didn’t you see her?” Jennie asked. She gave her own blanket to Wendy and went to search for another blanket. Wendy was pretty sure Seulgi went ahead of her earlier for a late night schedule.



“I don’t know about that. Maybe you’ve seen wrong,” Wendy said. Jennie can’t be mistaken. She was sure she’d caught a glimpse of the woman earlier. She decided to just shrug it off.



“Anyway, where are we going?” Wendy asked as she eyed her, still rummaging through her stuff.



“That fancy new restaurant that just opened downtown,” Jennie said, frustrated that she can’t seem to find another blanket. ‘Maybe it’s in the back,’ she thought as she mindlessly shrug off her seatbelt and tried to stand from her seat. The car suddenly stopped and Jennie would have been thrown off if Wendy haven’t pulled her down.



“Sorry! There was an ambulance!” Jennie’s manager called from the driver’s seat. The front compartment was filled with various bags that almost looked like a barricade that the manager can’t see the commotion in the backseat.



“That was dangerous,” Wendy’s voice went dangerously low and Jennie gulped at how she was pressed up to Wendy when she landed on her lap. ‘I didn’t know her voice could go that low.’ Despite the cold, her sweat ran down her back and forehead as Wendy slid her hand up and down her arm, probably trying calm her down.



“Don’t do that. Why are you even standing in the first place? Jeez, I thought you’ll get thrown off,” Wendy said with concern lace in her voice.



“S-Sorry. Blanket,” Jennie mumbled like the gay that she is. Jennie realized she’s been on her lap for a while and Jennie almost shot right up but Wendy kept her there.



“Wait, we’re still moving. Let’s wait for a red light. Just hold on to me,” Wendy said as she wrapped her arms around her. Jennie is becoming dizzy each passing second. ‘That stop must have winded me more than I thought.’ She can feel there’s something wrong with the temperature.



‘What the am I doing?!’ Wendy was having an internal battle behind her calm exterior. She didn’t know why she’s getting flustered all of a sudden. It’s just Jennie. ‘Why did this have to stand while they’re driving on a busy highway? Is she okay?’ she thought as gripped on Jennie when they came to sudden stop again.



“Sorry!” Jennie’s manager called out.



‘Is their manager okay too?’ Wendy thought as she gently placed Jennie beside her and buckled her seatbelt.



‘Oh, red light already?’ Jennie was in a daze then cringing because of her thoughts, smacking her head like an idiot. Wendy looked at her weirdly.



“You’re weird,” she voiced out, chuckling as she tucked the blanket over them. “Here, so you could plant that pretty of yours to your seat instead,” Wendy said and received a smack.










Everything was close. That fancy restaurant and all the restaurants around the area were temporarily close due to health inspections and a certain kitten was fuming.



“Déjà vu?” Wendy giggled, remembering a similar scenario a few months back.



“I. Am. Hungry!” Jennie proclaimed, as if the restaurant would miraculously open if she throws tantrums infront of it.



‘Cute,’ Wendy was amused. Jennie’s manager had gone ahead leaving the two to eat, so they have to walk around to get anywhere from now on. Wendy looked around and she knows there’s a small food market up ahead.



“Come on, let’s just go over there,” Wendy grabbed Jennie and pointed at the illuminated market. Jennie pouted.



“But—,” she whined. She was looking forward to catch up with Wendy where it’s cozy and comfortable. Wendy noticed this and tugged on her jacket. “Don’t worry, sometimes we just have to compromise and work on what we have,” Wendy gently said and pulled her down to earth. Jennie back tracked and suddenly felt embarrassed. She’s cranky and being a diva.



“Sorry, I’m being difficult. I just wanted to sit with you where its warm,” Jennie said, looking small. Wendy tugged her closer. “It’s okay, you had a lot on your plate these past few days didn’t you? It’s just single slip up. I know you better than that,” Wendy said and Jennie was thankful she’s got someone to keep her grounded.




“And you should know by now that both of us have a knack of being unlucky especially if we’re together,” Wendy chuckled. Jennie laughed, knowing it’s true.



‘When has it been that easy for them?’



“I’m sorry again, unnie, I didn’t mean to be cranky,” Jennie said, embarrassed. Wendy laughed,



“But you’re always cranky, kitty. But that doesn’t mean you’re not that cool and kind girl that you always were. We have bad days,” Wendy squeezed her hand and Jennie snuggled close.



“Now tell me you don’t miss your cool unnie?” Wendy raising her eyebrows and smirking, her patented finger guns teasing Jennie. She just rolled her eyes and this time she was the one leading them to the stands.



“Whatever unnie, hurry your short legs. I’m hungry,” she said and smile hearing Wendy protesting that ‘we’re only a few centimeters apart!’This is what she missed for a week? No wonder she was cranky.












“You know I never asked, but how did your friends react when you told them you’re friends with me?” Wendy asked as she took a bite of her tteokbokki. They were hanging out infront of a tteokbokki stand with their hoods up on their heads and the old lady giving them an amused smile. They’re probably going to finish everything because of a hungry tiger that’s scarily devouring everything.



“Well, since that night we met, they were actually relieved you were the one who picked me up. I didn’t really see how they reacted but since I frequently hang out with you since then, I guess they just accepted it. Since you know, you’re Wendy, the living saint. They w

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O_rul82_ #1
I always come back to this one, just to see if there is an update 🥲
Still checking up on this fic if in case you drop an update authornim. Please don’t give up on this, i love this au so much 🤧
Id3993 #3
What is that mean of quote in the poster? Jennie Kim, chapter 21? Is that a hint for this ship sailing?
Here I expect you will update 3 chapter soon!!
danedanedane #4
cptncat #5
Chapter 18: hihintayin ko kung kaninong black jeep sasakyan ni mareng wendy dito
dear author nim if you're going to jump off the timeline and straight to WYH era from LW era I wouldn't mind but I'm expecting jendy already married and have at least 2 kids 😭😭😭
I miss jendy 🥲🥲🥲
Chapter 18: can we go back in time when Jendy Agenda was ruling over wr?
Wendy243 #9
Chapter 18: God I love this story😤
Congratulations on becoming an MD, author! I hope one day you'll get to finish this beautiful story. Stay safe and hydrated!