
Mr. Pool Boy

As Baekhyun maneuvered around the moss brick wall, his opponent stalked him from a far with their machinery aiming straight at his head. Just when he thought the coast was clear, his enemy wasted no time pulling the trigger, making it an instant kill. 

Baekhyun's mouth dropped as he watched the cut scene of his player fall to the ground. His screen darkened as the words "Game Over" appeared on his screen. Devastated, he jerked his head back, bellowing out his usually cries, "BAEKHYUN-AH!"

"H-Huh? What happened?" His teammate Satansoo696, asked through his headset. 

"I died."

"Already? I thought you said you were great at this?"

"Shut up, I am," Baekhyun sulked, pressing a button on his controller that allowed him to spectate on his partner. Sitting back in his chair, Baekhyun snatched up one of the snacks off the desk and opened it. His scrawny fingers dug into his chip bag, pulling out a handful of shrimp flavored bites, letting a few pieces carelessly drop onto the floor as he ate it. 

Judging his teammates combat skills, he leaned in closer to the screen and moved the mic on his headset closer to his lips, "Yah! What the hell are you doing? Go the other way!" 


"No, you shush! You're gonna get yourself killed. Look at your health!"

"I know," his friend grumbled. "I don't think it's wise for me to take advice from someone who just died five minutes into the game."

Ready to snap back with something witty, Baekhyun was swiftly cut off, "Baekhyun! Come downstairs!"

"What?!" Baekhyun yelled back to his housemate, not wanting to look away from the screen.

"Come here! Now!"

"Oooh, sounds like you're in trouble," his friend snickered, "Tell your boyfriend I said hi!"

Baekhyun rolled his eyes and pushed his chair back to get up. "Shut up. He's not my boyfriend." Taking a break, Baekhyun sat his headset down and he kicked a few dirty clothes out the way as he left the room. 

In the kitchen, Jongdae stood with his arms crossed, tapping his foot. "Didn't I ask you to clean up the kitchen?" 

"I did," Baekhyun replied, immediately eyeing the bag of food Jongdae had brought in. 

"Then why is there dishes in the sink and empty bags of junk food everywhere? The damn trashcan is almost overflowing, and what the hell is this," he questioned, crouching down to lift up the floor mat, exposing a pile of dirt underneath. "Does this look clean to you?" 

Baekhyun shrugged, looking around at all the so called mess. ''I guess not." 

His focus stayed on the bag of food that sat on the kitchen counter. The scent was heavenly, drawing him in closer and closer, only for Jongdae to move the bag away. He ignored the pout on Baekhyun's face, as he consumed the delicious food right in front of him. "You're welcomed to join me once you finish cleaning up."

Grumbled to himself, Baekhyun went to retrieve the broom and dust pan from the utility closet to clean underneath the rug.

"You've been living here for almost a year now and you still don't know how to clean properly," Jongdae shook his head, proceeding to take out the contents from the Chinese bag.

"Can't you just hire a maid or something? You got the money for it," Baekhyun suggested. 

"Why would I need a maid if you're always in the house twenty-four seven with limbs that work perfectly fine? That'll just be a waste of money."

Once Baekhyun had finished completing his chores, Jongdae rewarded the honey blonde with a set of chopsticks. "So," Baekhyun started, sitting on the stool next to Jongdae as he stuffed a dumbling in his mouth, "How was work?"

"I didn't go to work. I told you I was going to a funeral, remember?"

"Oh yeah...was it fun?"

Jongdae froze. "Yeah...because looking at a dead body in a casket while everyone around you is grieving makes me so happy," he deadpanned, shaking his head. 

Baekhyun smiled, knowing his question was stupid but wanted to ask anyway. "Who died?"

"Park Chanyeol's father."

"Was he a coworker of yours?'' Baekhyun asked, taking a sip of his drink. 

''No...You don't remember Park Chanyeol? From grade school? That kid who had a little crush on you,'' Jongdae snickered. 

Baekhyun's tried to recollect his memorizes. "I don't remember anyone having a crush on m—Wait," his face retorted in disgust, "You're talking about that weird, chubby kid in our science class that always brought his ferret to school—"


"Oh gross! You keep in contact with him?"

''No. Not until recently. I actually forgot about the guy until I ran into him earlier this week. I almost didn't recognize him at first."

"What do you mean? How could anyone not recognize that...creature."

"Yah," Jongdae shot Baekhyun a serious look. "Be nice. He looks completely different now. The mans' hot as hell."

Baekhyun shook his head. "There's no way. Not even plastic surgery could make that weirdo look decent. I don't believe you."

Jongdae shrugged. "You'll see for yourself. He's coming by tomorrow to clean the pool."

"Pfft. That's his job? A pool boy?" Baekhyun scoffed, laughing to himself. 

"As if you're any better. Your lazy is too engrossed in video games to go out and get a real job."

Baekhyun frowned. "We're talking about Chanyeol, not me right now. And I told you I'm gonna start a gaming channel and make money that way."

"Have you started on it?"

"No," Baekhyun pouted, "My stupid computer is acting up again." 

"You can ask Chanyeol to fix it. He has some computer programming experience."

Baekhyun scrunched up his nose. "Why would I do that? I don't want his dirty fingers touching my stuff."

Jongdae rolled his eyes, begining to lose his patience with Baekhyun's immaturity. ''We aren't kids anymore, Baek. You have to give chanyeol a chance. He's sweet. You might even like him. Try to be nice to him for once, ok?"

The thought of Chanyeol blossoming into some super hot guy was too hard to believe. On the flip side, if he did turn out to be how Jongdae described him as, Baekhyun wouldn't dare to bow down to that buck toothed geek from grade school. 

"I'll try my best."


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Beau1996 1372 streak #1
Chapter 2: Baek was very much a jerk!!
Beau1996 1372 streak #2
Chapter 1: I like it author-nim!! Revenge of the nerds + sassy struggling Baek - a great combo! I'm in!!