Only Then


What if it hurts more than it makes you happy?



I stared unmoving at the ceiling of my room. My eyes grew accustomed to the dark, naturally, as I lay in my bed for several hours while trying to fall asleep. However, my thoughts kept me awake, as they always have ever since that day. 


"I'm sorry."

I looked at him with the best poker face I could muster, the walls he somehow managed to break through was suddenly there, thicker than ever. I must have been a pro at poker though, because he did not seem to take notice of how my heart wept, how my world was starting to collapse, as I stood there to hear the rest of what he was about to tell me. 

"I don't feel the same way about you anymore. I completely have nothing against you, I guess I just... stopped making an effort to even keep this up at all. I thought it would be unfair if I did not tell you any sooner, I'm sorry." He his lips when he finished, his eyes steady as he stared into my own. I suddenly felt bare, like he could see right through me, so I lowered my gaze to avoid his. A small twinkle caught my attention. It was sitting around my ring finger, the promise ring he had given me on Christmas Eve. 

I didn't even realize I had been holding my breath until my body willed me to inhale deeply. My breathing was starting to get uneven. How could someone just stop loving you. Without reason. And most especially; without hesitation.

"It's okay," I mutter, softly, because I feared that if I tried to speak any louder, he could distinguish the ache in my voice. 

I looked up at him, a strained smile tugging at the corners of my lips. 

Just when I thought he couldn't hurt me any more than this, he smiled. So handsomely that my heart ached with fondness and adoration for the man who was the very same reason for my pain.

It certainly did not look like he was about to tell me it was a prank, because it was about a week too early for April Fool's. 

He meant it. 

He did not love me anymore. 

And that's it. 



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Omg I am in love with this already. That picture of Yerim fits the vibe the story perfectly and I am so intrigued. Don't know whether it's Lucas or Jungkook in the foreword but I am eager to find out. Will look forward to your update~
Oh, that hurts
good start

please, continue to write