Ye Shuhua is Baby IDLE_1


Name: Ye Shuhua.

Age: 20 years old.

A loud girl with a pure loving heart to her older girlfriends.

Neverland fans saw her as a puppy, sometimes a puppy in love in life and a gorgeous girl with an incredibly piercing look on stage.

For IDLE, Shuhua has always been their child.

Even Yuqi admitted this during their midnight conversations, in a whisper, in the living room where they all gathered and discussed the day. Usually her loud voice was lowered to a whisper so as not to wake up the Taiwanese friend who was sleeping there, hugging Soojin tightly around the waist. The girls also lowered their voices, constantly glancing at the black-haired girl, making sure that she was sleeping and did not hear them. Soojin's hand gently her hair as she told the others:

- Shuhua, finally got up the courage to meet the girl who just debuted. Irene seems to be her name.

- When did you manage to meet them? Asked Minnie, who was sitting next to the maknae, whose legs were thrown over her knees. - We were in the dressing room all the time.

“Do you remember that the manager called her for a second, Shuhua went out the door with him?” Miyeon reminded her, admiring the sweet face of the sleeping beauty. If she had her will, she would have kissed that face, but fearing to wake her up, she held on.

- I saw him leading her somewhere - shared Yuqi's memories, seeing the expectant looks from unnie, continued with a shrug, - there is nothing more to add, except that after returning after 5 minutes, Shuhua was bright red, with a silly a smile on her face.

- But I saw how she dragged you with her after arrival - Soyeon pointed accusingly at her, - do not hide secrets from us.

- I do not melt! - Defensively, Yuqi hurried to say, avoiding unnie's glances. - It's just Shuhua's secret, she asked not to tell anyone. I cannot betray my best friend - I crossed my arms over my chest, with my nose up.

"Yuqi ..." Minnie said softly, instantly holding her breath as Shuhua slightly stirred in her sleep. After a minute, she relaxed again, burrowing deeper into Soojin's knees.

- He took her to the next dressing room, where the group "Fallen" was preparing for the debut - Yuqi gave up, again deciding to herself that unnie needed to know. - Our manager made an appointment with the group manager and he asked Irene to come out for a second. Our confident Shuhua stuttered as she introduced herself and wished Irene good luck.

- She stuttered? Miyeon couldn't believe her ears. - Our child knows how to flirt, she is special on this issue.

- Well, maybe it's because she feels comfortable with us - Soyeon held out, taking out her phone, starting to look for Irene's photo. “Plus we don't mind when she hones her pick-up skills on us. It is so?

“We don’t flirt with her, Shuhua is my best friend,” Yuqi repeated again, but she was met with silence, unnie knew perfectly well what their first maknae didn’t say.

- Oh, and this Irene is a very beautiful girl! - pursed her lips, whistled the leader, unfolding a mobile phone screen with a picture of a girl.

- And what did she find in her? An ordinary girl - they said with jealousy in their voice - we are much cooler and more beautiful than her.

- I agree, there is nothing like that in her, but ShuShu only talked about her lately, wanted to get closer ...

Soojin interrupted her speech for a moment as the said girl stirred in her sleep, squeezing her even tighter in her arms.

- I felt disgusted to hear that name, so it's good that she saw her and talked to her - Soojin fell silent again when Shuhua shuddered in her sleep, muttering something unintelligible, and then jump up from her seat, sleepily lighting up around. - Hush, hush, baby, it's just a dream - moving up to her, hugging her from the back, Soojin whispered tenderly, calming the girl's anxiously beating heart with her voice.

- Shu, watch my breathing - through wadded ears, Shuhua heard Yuqi's voice, focused on it, began to take deep breaths and exhales, coming to her senses.

When she regained consciousness, she could calmly look around and see the worried faces of her unnie (they sat in a semicircle, thus Shuhua was in the center), she faintly smiled at Soojin's comforting embrace, dully saying to Yuqi:

- Thanks.

- What have you dreamed about? - a soothing gesture, maknae's right knee, asked Minnie. - Tell me, your heart will finally calm down.

- You dreamed of a ghost that was chasing you? Yuqi asked in a half-joking tone, trying to defuse the tension a little. From her attempt, she received a cuff from Soyeon and a painful grip on the elbow from Miyeon. The Chinese woman pouted, she wanted the best.

- Ghosts would be better, Yuqi, but I dreamed that Irene was giving up my friendship - shared her dream with Shuhua, covering her eyes for a moment, missing the displeasure from unnie.

- And why will she refuse? How can you refuse you? - Miyeon did not understand, kneeling in front of the upset girl, taking her palms in her hands, gently squeezing them. “You're the best, Shu.

- I know - she grunted, casting an absent-minded glance at the intertwined hands. “It's just a dream,” the maknae shrugged, “in reality, the opposite is true. We had a good conversation with her during those 3 minutes that I had. She wrote down my number, I kept it, we agreed that Irene would call me when she could.

- So what are you worried about, Shu? Has she called you yet? - Soyeon asked, carefully reading the movement of the maknae's body.

She noticed how she clenched in Soojin's arms and tried to pull away. I also noticed how the gaze darted from Miyeon's hands to Yuqi's eyes, lingering there for a short while. “She wants to talk to Yuqi about everything,” not a question, but a fact sounded in my mind. Shuhua wants to be alone with Yuqi and discuss everything. With a crooked heart, the leader accepted such a truth, Shuhua will solve all problems with Yuqi, if Yuqi does not suggest the correct option, the discussion will be with Soojin, then with Minnie, Miyeon and finally with her. Soyeon wanted to hint the others to leave, but Shuhua answered the question:

- I called her myself, or rather wrote, she has not answered yet - she frown a little, puffed out her cheeks, - maybe that's why all the anxiety spread to my dream. It's okay, I was too hasty, because they have their debut week - quickly switching from a gloomy state to a fun one, Shuhua, brushed off my thoughts. - Soyeon-unnie, do we have a day off tomorrow?

- Yes, all day ... - the leader answered without hesitation.

- Well! Shuhua exclaimed, making everyone present unnie flinch at the volume of her voice. - Minnie-unnie, do you have plans for tomorrow? - looked down at the second oldest unnie, who unknowingly the knee of the maknae, still comforting her.

- No, I thought to stay at home and ...

“We're going on a date tomorrow, unnie! - interrupted Shuhua, smiling broadly at the girl who looked at her in disbelief. - I will pick you up in the morning, closer to 11:00 - continued inspired Shuhua, not noticing how Shujin's hands hung limply around her waist, and Miyeon's hands left her palms. The younger's attention was focused on Minnie, who was still trying to figure out what she, was hearing.

- Why are you asking Minnie-unnie on a date? Why not me? Yuqi was openly jealous, pointing at herself. - I am better in every aspect than unnie! Besides, we wanted to go shopping with you tomorrow ... It's true! We agreed with you yesterday!

“You talked a lot yesterday, Yuqi, so frankly, I missed half of what you said. My thoughts then were dedicated to Jinjin and her beautiful smile, Shuhua sang in a dreamy voice.

`` Um, actually, I wanted to invite Minnie to the movies tomorrow, '' Miyeon cleared , inventing, invading their loud dialogue, staring into Minnie's eyes for her to confirm her lie.

- No! No, no, no, tomorrow is our date, only mine and Minnie-unnie - Shuhua flatly refused, possessively clinging to Minnie's hand.

- But ...

- You often have dates, about which I know the last. Whenever I call Minnie-unnie, she cannot talk to me, because she is with you, and you are busy - she moved even closer to Minnie, she smiled lovingly at Shuhua, hugged her shoulders, pulled him closer to her. - I miss unnie - twisted her face, fake crying.

- Aigoo, baby, don't cry, tomorrow at 11:00am I'll be waiting for you - pinched her cheeks, then quickly kissed the red footprints, happy Minnie.

I could not sleep, and I knew the reason. Shuhua did not come to me with an overnight stay. I tried to get it out of my head, deciding to myself that I could calmly fall asleep like that. In less than a couple of minutes, I realized that I miss Shuhua at my side. I used to hug her, feeling that warmth and comfort next to her.
I took my pillow and my blanket, left the room, went to her.
Her doors were not closed, I went inside.
Shuhua slept on her bed.
Once again I admired the beautiful girl in front of me.
Still, our maknae is a very beautiful girl, although she behaves like a "puppy".
I quietly walked over to the bed, climbed behind, hugged me, making myself more comfortable next to the girl (surprisingly, Shukhua did not wake up, usually she immediately knows that I came), I could close my eyes and fall asleep.
Then I did not attach importance, but in the morning, when I opened my eyes, I realized that I was mistaken in the room.
The girl I hugged was Miyeon.
It's good that Shu doesn't see me in this position - just a thought flashed through my head when the door to the room opened and an alarmed maknee burst in, shouting from the doorway:
- Myeon-unnie, Jinjin is missing! She's not in her room! And she's not in the kitchen! Even in the bath ... - Shukhua froze, opening and bulging eyes. - Oh, there you are, Soojin-unnie. Hmm, forgive me for interfering - she grimaced, lowering her tone, stepping back.
- Shuhua! - my voice was drowned in the roar of the closing door and the murmur of sleepy Miyeon that urged Shuhua to be quieter, because today is a day off.
Hell! - I cursed, looking at the ceiling. - And how could I be wrong?

I'm going on a date.
The mood this morning was great. I was sure that today would be a great day, we will have fun together.
Shuhua was right, lately I have been spending more with Miyeon and Yuqi.
Need to catch up.
Besides, today I have another goal - to find out everything about Irene.
Yesterday the baby didn't finish something.
And I was curious what it was.
She will tell me everything without hiding.
Where such confidence?
Just because Shuhua loves me.

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dear readers attention!
i changed the name of the story from chapter 20 and added new stories by swapping them.
I especially apologize to Setfiretoawolf/
I'm sorry that it happened, but now your comments do not correspond to the story you read


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Setfiretoawolf #1
Chapter 37: I’m dying
Setfiretoawolf #2
Chapter 44: Moar shuyeon pls
Setfiretoawolf #3
Chapter 39: Shuhua is the appointed cook now? Baby wolf has grown so much
Setfiretoawolf #4
Chapter 35: Oh Shuhua with a group of guys? Interesting I’d like to see more of this
Setfiretoawolf #5
Chapter 34: Now your just teasing us with shuqi
Chapter 33: Every single chapter's so interesting here, I want more! Great job, author-nim!
Setfiretoawolf #7
Chapter 33: Oh murder
Setfiretoawolf #8
Chapter 32: All this shuqi I am eating loads of gay bread
shuhuamybeloved_ #9
don’t be scared and do some shuqi s pls🤞