Interlude with Friends

I Like (the idea of) You
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“What do you mean you haven’t slept together yet?” Yongsun exclaimed loudly, snapping Bora’s attention back to the conversation at hand.

“Wait...what?” Bora questioned, the slight flush of embarrassment on Minji’s face a dead giveaway to the truth of the statement. Up until this point, she had honestly been spacing out after Minji started gushing about Siyeon to their friends. Yongsun had rented out a small private room at the top of a coffee shop for the small group to meet and catch up without needing to worry about crowds or prying eyes and ears. Originally Siyeon was supposed to be here, but she’d canceled at the last minute for a job…or something. Bora wasn’t entirely sure of the specifics.

To Minji’s credit, she tried to laugh it off to her friends, “Well, technically no,” but she was clearly still flustered admitting it as she played with her glass.

Bora was stunned. This was definitely news to her. Despite trying to keep her mind as far from any thought of Minji’s life, she was an adult and would assume that they’d done so by this point.

Byulyi leaned forward in her seat, clearly interested in Bora’s dumbfounded reaction more than Minji’s embarrassment as she raised a brow in question.

However Bora wasn’t about to allow herself to become the target of scrutiny and instead turned to tease Minji, “Remember when you used to use as an introduction?”

“Bora!” Minji smacked her arm as Bora’s laugh filled the small upper room of the shop and spilled out onto the private balcony that overlooked the street below. It didn’t take much for the others to follow suit, unable to contain their laughter. “Okay okay,” Minji admitted between laughing and trying to catch her breath, “I may have rebelled for a while there.” It was true. Bora remembered the pressure Minji’s family put on her to settle down with a 'respectable man', especially if she wasn’t going to follow the career path they wanted for her. So it was understandable she went in the complete opposite direction with quite a few sporadic dates and even one night stands with various individuals. “But I wasn’t that bad.”

“Says the woman that made out with me the first night we met,” Byulyi winked with a wicked grin on her face.

Yongsun snorted and punched her fiance’s shoulder for her greasy behavior, which caused Minji to cover her face, “Please, don’t remind me. I didn’t understand why Yong was shooting me death stares for months after the fact.”

“I what now?” Yongsun protested, “Did I really?”

Byulyi laughed, “You really did. But seriously, could you blame me though? Look at Minji. Damn. Don’t tell me you wouldn’t do the same if given the opportunity.”

Bora at one time would have thought Yongsun’s jealousy would flair but instead she turned Byulyi’s teasing back around, “All I’m hearing is, I have permission to make out with Minji.” Truly an excellent play, and Bora couldn’t help but smile at how much they had grown individually and as a couple over the years.

“No! I just meant-” Byulyi had been beaten at her own game but instead of admitting defeat she turned to the brunette, “Ah, Bora come on, back me up here. Wouldn’t you?”

Bora choked on her drink, “I uh...I mean. S-sure.” And so much more if she had the chance. , this wasn’t a good topic to be on. She’s always thought she’d done a decent job of hiding her secret over the years but this somewhat made her question how effective she had when her friends did stuff like this. But it was just friends teasing friends right? Nothing more to it or so she tried to convince herself.

Bora liked to think she was an extremely confident individual that was impervious to embarrassment and awkward social situations. However she had a fatal weakness when it came to Minji, which made her a fumbling gay mess when confronted with the prospect of anything beyond friendship with her best friend. Regardless, the brunette needed to think fast to save herself from this nightmare situation.

She didn’t dare to look at Minji. If there was one thing Bora knew how to do, it was reading her best friend’s reactions, and she wasn’t sure she wanted to know for this particular conversation. That fear of rejection closing in as she desperately tried to find an escape.

In the end Yongsun saved her as she tapped her own forehead in annoyed disbelief, “I can’t believe I’m marrying this idiot. Ignore her please.”

Byulyi countered with a playful whine, “But I’m your idiot. You’re stuck with me, marriage or not.”

At this point Bora released the breath she’d been holding. She was safe for now, relieved that the topic moved away from kissing Minji and why she shortcircuited into a literal gay panic over the idea.

Minji laughed at the display between the couple, “You’re still disgustingly cute as always.”

With a now semi functioning brain, Bora caught back up with the conversation, “True, but it’s better than before you two got together. The way you both hated each other back then, it should have been obvious.”

“We were not that bad,” Yongsun and Byulyi chimed in together.

It was easy to latch onto the moment to avoid her own embarrassment as Bora laughed and gestured towards each of them as she spoke, “Please Byul, you use

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Chapter 5: Such a cute well done fic so far SO PLEASE WRITE MORE, I cant wait to see what’s in store for yura, but poor SuA and her unrequited love for JiU and your Dami is just so puppy dog lovable and you cant help but root for her crush on SuA and your Siyeon is so daring yet a sweetheart inside that bad girl exterior, BRILLIANT KUDOS FOREVER AND EVER!!!!!!!!! :’333! XOXOXOXO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!
Chapter 3: Aww seeing Siyeon's soft and sensitive side for the first time. It definitely makes sense what Minji sees in her
Chapter 2: Ooh looking forward to how yura take things from here
falala95 #4
Chapter 1: Ahhh!! Loving this. Please write more! We will be patiently waiting. Really curious to see who I end up personally shipping keke
Chapter 1: I love this already! I cant wait for more! I love bad girl Siyeon. ^_^
Can't wait for it to get messy. I'm rooting for [redacted]. Just saying ^-^