Super News 7: The Graceful Dancing Angel

Super Junior Ladies - Apply close ~


Super Junior Ladies Reveals Fifth Member Alexandra

by SuJu4ever - April 11th, 2012 at 6:50am                                                                                       -8218 Views  -447Comments

Despite joining a host of other girlbands that are scheduled to debut, like Pamela, S the ONE, Pandora, BT-SWING, and DSP Girls, the newest group to enter the fray, Super Junior Ladies, has been taking an unconventional approach in publicizing their upcoming debut using twitter updates and through their official website.

Today, the fifth member, Alexandra, was revealed on the landing page of the official Super Junior Ladies site.

A representative of SM Entertainment, the agency of Super Junior Ladies, stated, “Unlike her cute looks, Alexandra actually has a charismatic vocal tone. She took over some of the vocal making for their debut album, and has exceptional skill talent in that area. Also, she has been known to be the "Umma" of the group.  ”

We’ll be keeping you posted as more information becomes available about Alexandra and the rest of the Super Junior Ladies members.

Source: TV Daily via Nate


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Showing 1-30 of 447 comments



When new girls group debuts : Oh..another bubble untalented group..
when new boys band debuts : Ohh, I like it. There's always a place for new boys band.



Ages please?

I like to know if and when I'm pedobearing so I can do it properly :D



the pose that the chick is doing makes me think she is pregnant lol



Well you can never have too many girl groups ;D



Pamela, Pandora, Super Junior Ladies??? really??? what kind of names are those(and they're too similar lol)!?!?!?!?!?!
(cough cough***but hey, at least those two are already better looking than some of those other girl groups about to debut)



When girl group debuts: Ugh again???
When boy group debuts: Another boy group? Me likeyyy.



Aw yes. Looks like this girl band will be full of good looking girls. Also, thumbs up for cute vocalists!



girl idol groups band sure likes their names lol



I'm kind of excited about this group and I'm not quite sure why because I know virtually nothing about them o.O I really like their clothes!

The girl group I'm probably MOST excited about is Super Junior my SM groups so I'm stoked for them!
For boy groups...definitely B.A.P. I mean come on, their exposure and hype is insane.


... 15 Next →



Name : Jung Hyun-raeStage Name : Alexandra

DOB : January 1, 1991 / Hometown : Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Position : Main VocalPairing : Sungmin

Persona : The Graceful Dancing Angel

Fanclub Name : Graceful Angels Fanclub Color : Platnium Pearl White



Co-Author's Corner

Hey guys!! Sorry that it took time to update... Unnie is sick so I done the update today ^.^

Hope you don't mind Unnie ^-^

Get Well Soon!!

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*throws confetti*
We'll wait ^^
illias #3
Don't worry, we'll wait!
We'll wait <3
Oui......let's wait them :D FIGHTINGGGGGGGGGGGGG
GlassHeartedAngel #6
Ill be waiting untill the 15th FIGHTING
It's okay, just take your time. We'll wait... ^^
@cinamonroll101 Thanks. ^^
congrats to the chosen members ! ^^
I'm so exited for the net one to be revealed XD
Author-nim Hwaiting! ^^
6th member will be revealed soon.
6 member yet to be revealed...
Hwaiting!! ^.^v