Chapter six :: New Leader

Trick or Trip

"Kim Ji Soo!" Na PD shows the piece of paper with her name written on it.

"Congratulations Jisoo ssi. You're our first chosen tour leader. Please give us her a round of applause."

Jisoo is too stunned to do anything and she just claps along with the group. Jennie especially is worried for her so she pats her on the back to sort of give her some kind of encouragement. "You'll be ok Unnie. Don't worry."

"Tour leader noona! I'll be on my best behaviour," Haechan claps his hands like a happy child who got his wish granted.

"Thanks guys. Ah, this is too unexpected but I'll do my best with whatever that needs to be done. Please take care of me!" Jisoo musters up her confidence and tries to bring the mood up. She noticed some judging eyes especially from the experienced members.

"We only have another one hour before we board the flight to Reykjavik, so please sort out the necessary things, Jisoo ssi. It's all in your hands now." Na PD finally says and leaves her.

"Ok, ok you can do this. Yes!" Jisoo murmurs to herself and calms her breathing, something she always does before facing her fears.

"So, first thing first, I need the iPad."

"Here you go," Yunho and Changmin both hold out the device to her at the same time.

"Eheh.. I only need one. Sorry and thanks!" Jisoo carefully takes the one from Yunho while avoiding Changmin's sharp gaze.

"Urm, I think the most important thing is our hotel. I'll look up for it. The rest of you, urm.. maybe look up for places to go."

"But there's 7 of us and 1 iPad," Sejeong points to the sole means of communication they have.

Before Jisoo could open , Taeyong unexpectedly voices out, "I think I saw some PCs with internet access over there. We could use that."

"Yeah, I saw them earlier too. Let's not waste time and get to it." Haechan immediately makes a run for it.

"Very well, be back here in time okay." Jisoo already does her job by reminding them about their schedule.

Sejeong pulls the blur Sohye with her, leaving Jisoo with Jennie and the other two guys behind.

"This must be overwhelming for you but it's important to stay relax. Jisoo ssi," Changmin kindly tells her.

"Thank you sunbaenim." Jisoo could never look at him straight in the eyes because she's been the biggest TVXQ's fan since she was still in middle school.

"I think I'll look for ways to travel. We must stick to the given expenses, Jisoo ssi." He adds.

"Oh shoot. I didn't think about that." Jisoo fumbles around with the envelope of cash she received.

"Tsk, careful that you don't loose it." Yunho says in a sarcastic manner. Jennie resists her urge to glare at the big senior. She hates it especially when people who barely know Jisoo try to belittle her.

"Ah, yes, sorry. I wont loose it." Jisoo pats the thick envelope. "Jennie ssi, would you help me count them?"

"Yes, Jisoo ssi," Jennie copies her sudden use of formal speech. She knows the older member is probably too nervous to think straight therefore messing up her way of speech.

"Just get the hotel sorted out first, we don't have all day for chit chat." Yunho is clearly annoyed for how slow things are running.

"Uh, but..." Jisoo is taken back at the tone used by the guy.

"Ay, yes Hyung, we'll get on it," Changmin quickly says before Jisoo has the chance to reply.

"Erm, Jisoo ssi, please just ignore those words from Yunho. He's still cranky that he's been tricked into joining something he didn't sign up for. I'm sure your friend there faced the same thing." Changmin points to Jennie who's still diligently counting the money for the third time.

"I see. I wonder what mistake I've done that got him so mad," Jisoo sighs in relief.

"No, none of this is your fault." Changmin's calming word makes her even nervous. She taps on the iPad but the thing is turned off. Changmin laughs at her and resumes with his task, sitting close to both girls.

"I found this place. 4-Star hotel in the city. Should I make a call?" Jisoo shows the page she found on Trivago to Changmin.

"Wait, I think that's too expensive. We're on a tight budget, Jisoo ssi." Changmin points out at the 800 US Dollar price tag. He smiles at her hasty decision knowing she's probably a first-time traveller, unlike him.

"Ah, ok. Let me check for other options." Jisoo scrolls and taps when she sees pretty pictures of rooms.

"No, that's not how you do it." Changmin leans forward to her, with their faces inches apart. "You choose the number of people, then the type of accommodation. Here, I think an AirBnB will be cheaper alternative than a hotel." He shows his expertise.

"I think it's best we stay here for 2 nights, then we'll see where we should go next." He gives his opinion, reminding her that they'll arrive Reykjavik midnight.

"Here Jisoo ssi, why don't you make a call to them." Changmin didn't waste any time as he swiftly signs into his personal skype account to make the call since they have no phones.

The moment he passes the iPad back to her, its already ringing.

"Hello, how are you?" Jisoo politely answers.

"Done! That wasn't so bad like I imagine." Jisoo beams after successfully completing her first task as a tour leader. A palm suddenly appears on her side surprising her. It's Changmin wanting a high five from her. She shyly returns it and clamps while giggling.

Jisoo wanted to say something else but Jennie interrupted her. They discussed about the best way to handle the big amount of money. Jisoo is thinking of splitting the money evenly among the members but Jennie disagrees. She suggests that Jisoo keeps them and hands a specific amount as pocket money to them on a daily basis so it won't be spent recklessly.

"It's up to you of what you think is best," Changmin tells her. "You have the power as tour leader to make the decision," he encourages her.

"I like what Jennie suggested but I'm not good at math.." Jisoo admits.

"Why don't you assign it to someone? You don't have to do everything." He explains it to her.

"He's right Unnie. I suggest we choose a person who's trustworthy and good with numbers.." Jennie looks up at two pair of smilling eyes.

"I choose you. No one nags me more than you for spending money on useless stuff. And you always keep a record of your spending." Jisoo grabs Jennie's hands like her life depended on it. "Would you do it for me? Pretty pretty please, my pretty Jendeukki?"

Changmins bursts in laughter at their silly antics.

"Wow? Is this some kind of drama you girls are doing? Variety geniuses indeed." Haechan approaches them with 3 other members.

"Guys, it's time to board the flight," Shin PD approaches them while pointing at her wristwatch.

"Yes!" they all chime and head to the gate. 


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Chapter 4: NICE ONE
2033 streak #2
Chapter 9: Hahaha it looks like you are torn between making Yunho a jerk or a nice person :P anyway, if it's divided evenly, then I think it's clear that Yunho had to get in this van with the 3 girls. And I couldn't believe I have reached the last updates already. Can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon ^^
2033 streak #3
Chapter 8: So Yunho isn't a jerk. Good to know! Hahaha sorry that I'm too hung up on this alone. Could be the side effects of reading stories of him being a jerk back-to-back. Anyway, coming back to the story, poor Jisoo. Being a leader isn't that easy a job. Hopefully, things will go better for her in the future. Will be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #4
Chapter 7: LoL is Yunho gonna be a jerk throughout the story? And poor NCT boys! Hope they get their lost luggage back. And about their lodging, good thing that they only booked the place for two days. Can't wait to see if the interiors are rundown as well. Will be back later to do so ^^
2033 streak #5
Chapter 6: Ah so Yunho is the one who got tricked? Hahaha poor him! Hope his crankiness is just a temporary one and that he gets over it soon. And Changmin being such a darling! Also is Jisoo really a TVXQ fan in her younger days? Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #6
Chapter 5: Although I would love to see Yunho be chosen as the leader, I would be equally if someone else gets the responsibility instead and he gets to simply chill in the trip without having to worry about managing the other kids. Anyway, I can't wait to see who was chosen. But will be back later to do so ^^
daedrey #7
Chapter 9: This is a cute story. I can't wait to see all the shenanigans that the cast have to deal with as the crew throws more tricks at them.
2033 streak #8
Chapter 4: Oops! Now I kinda feel stupid for pointing out the unnie thing. But still, what kinda logic is that! I mean Haechan's not yours. Anyway, is Sejeong supposed to be a mean character here? Well, regardless, I'll be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #9
Chapter 3: Hahaha so my guess was right about TVXQ! But then again it was not rocket science. LoL... Anyway, they are all heading to Iceland? Whoa! Luckily, Jisoo packed a winter jacket but would that be enough? And wonder if the others packed at least that as well. LoL... Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^

PS "unnie" is only used when a younger girl addresses an older one. If it's a younger boy addressing an older girl, then it would be "noona". Here, Haechan called Jennie as unnie. So just thought would let you know.
2033 streak #10
Chapter 2: Wow! What a variety show. Hahaha XD poor members who got tricked. Wait! Makes me wonder. If either Yunho or Changmin is the disclosed member of the show, then that means the other is the tricked one? LoL... No spoilers please. I'll find out for myself. Will be back later to do so ^^