deal with the devil


The Lady of Hell comes across a human who she strikes a deal to let the human keep her soul if they asks for something no one has ever asked the Devil before. And that is how the story of how the Devil ended up "pretending" to be the girlfriend of a human named Kang Seulgi

I really really at descriptions I'm sorry.
I feel like I should have expanded on the character's backgrounds a lot more. I just didn't wanna spend anymore time over this so ended up posting it.
Leave your honest thoughts behind as always. There are no bad comments imo :)


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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
Chapter 1: cute 😭🤍🤍🤍🤍
Chapter 1: This is so cute and wholesome but also not at the same time... definitely a reread. Thank you for writing this amazing story. Stay happy and healthy
2288 streak #3
Chapter 1: Reading this again!!!!!
Chapter 1: This is hilarious how irene narrates their story is just so cold and straight to the point hahaha but its beautiful btw hehehe
Chapter 1: it's kinda like "go to hell" and "i'll save you a spot, sweetheart" sorta thing, but really it isn't, and yes i felt like they could've had a bit more background but i also understand over doing it and though it's a bit short, i think it's perfect the way it is!! lol this comment makes no sense but i guess i'll just leave it here.. ;-;
iceburneen #6
Chapter 1: It was so straight to the point with barely any dialogue but it was actually still very sweet. Thank you.
Chapter 1: That was actually bittersweet. They left the world together leaving behind their family but they finally reunited in hell uwu
2288 streak #8
Chapter 1: This is so hilarious, the ending was very nice. Thank you for writing this!
26 streak #9
Chapter 1: Lol.. I also read something like this in IG but with yerim..
Chapter 1: This was absolutely perfect!!