Truths Revealed

White Out

Your wolf leapt at the growling enemy to your right. Unfortunately, that gave the one on the left an opening for you. His front paw slashed at your arm, tearing both cloth and skin, before you kicked him in chest, pushing him away. Steadying yourself, you found a large stick that was light enough for you to swing while still having enough weight to do some damage.

When the wolf charged at you again, you put all your strength into the swing, knocking the stick against the wolf’s jaw, earning a satisfying whine. Your own wolf was holding his own against the brown and tan wolf, pinning him into the snow and snapping at his neck.

Distracted by the other wolves, the gray one was left with an opening to you, using his own weight to crash into you and send you to the ground. He stood with one paw on your chest and the other pressing into your bleeding arm. The pain forced a cry out of your throat.

You struggled to get out from under the wolf. He almost seemed to be… laughing at you? The way his tongue hung out of his mouth and the air rushing in and out of his lungs mimicked the action too well to be mistaken.

Slowly, as if he was teasing you, the wolf lowered his jaws towards your neck, readying them to sink into the skin that was now exposed. And then he was off of you, your own black wolf having come to your rescue. The brown and tan wolf was limply trying to get back onto his feet. Your wolf locked his teeth into the gray one’s neck, pulling out a series of whines. Picking the gray wolf up with his mouth, your wolf threw him a good ten feet before running over to you. He at your injury before motioning to you to get on his back. This time you didn’t hesitate.

As soon as you were secure, he took off, running faster than he had the last time. That day was a run for enjoyment, but this one was a run for your lives. You noticed that the wolf’s neck was covered in scratches and bites. He growled when you reached out and caressed one with your fingers. You didn’t know where he was taking you just that it was away from the wolves and away from town.

The trees blurred by you for what seemed like miles. Your wolf never let up, never slowed down. Several times you glanced behind you, but the other wolves didn’t seem to be following you. You hoped that they were too injured to do so.

The trees around you began to thin until there were no more, revealing a large field with a beautiful farm house and detached garage right in the middle. The closer you got to the house, the more your wolf’s steps slowed until right before the porch steps, where he collapsed. You fell off from the impact, landing on your side. Where were you and why did your wolf bring you here?


No less than five boys came rushing out of the front door, straight to the wolf.

No. It wasn’t a wolf laying there in the snow anymore. It was a very Kyungsoo.

You scrambled back, unable to comprehend what the hell was going on.

No one paid you any attention as they gathered around their friend.

A boy with dark skin shook Kyungsoo. “Soo, what happened? Soo?”

Kyungsoo groaned, barely able to push himself up on his elbows. “(y/n)?”

All the boys looked to you immediately. You shrank back, hugging your injured arm to your chest. Now that the adrenaline was out of your system, you could feel your nerves screaming in pain from the tears in your skin and the ripped sleeve of your coat was soaked in blood.

Sensing how afraid you were, one of the boys slowly approached you, his hands held out where you could see them. His eyes and small smile seemed friendly enough, but you couldn’t be sure. After all, you’d just seen a wolf turn into a man.

“Are you (y/n)?” he asked softly. After a moment’s hesitation, you nodded. He crouched down in front of you and reached for your arm, “Can I see that?”

You pulled your arm in closer, denying him the chance to look.

“I won’t hurt you,” he promised. “I’m a med student. There seems to be a lot of blood on your coat and I need to make sure that your arm is okay.”

“What’s going on out here?”

A six person emerged from the front door. This one had an air of authority to him; his glasses and suit reminded you of a teacher you had in high school.

“Junmyeon,” one of the taller boys stood up and turned to the new arrival. “Kyungsoo’s been hurt. I think he got into a fight.”

“Bring him inside,” the one named Junmyeon ordered, a flash of worry coming across his face before disappearing again. The boys nodded, picking up Kyungsoo together and hauling him up the stairs and inside the house. Junmyeon then looked to you. “You should come inside as well. Please, let Yixing look at your arm.”

The boy apparently called Yixing held his hand out to you. Seeing no other choice and desperately needing answers, you relented, taking his offer. He led you inside, through a large living room and back to a white kitchen. Motioning for you to sit down at the table, he disappeared into a hallway and came back with a first aid kit.

“Can you take your coat off for me?” he asked as he sat down next to you.

Undoing the zipper, you in air as you stripped out of the coat, the cloth tugging on your wounds. Rolling up the long sleeve of your Henley, you tried not to look down at your arm.

Yixing stood back up and grabbed a glass bowl out of the cabinet and lifted your arm over it once he was seated again.

“This is going to sting,” he warned, picking up the bottle of rubbing alcohol. You just shrugged. You’d been through worse.

Your right hand did ball up into a fist in your lap as soon as the liquid hit your arm, but that was the only reaction you’d allow to escape from you. Yixing cleaned up your arm and examined the wounds closely.

“They don’t look too deep,” he told you. “And the bleeding has slowed down, I’m just going to wrap it for now, but I’ll need to check them again in a few hours to make sure they’re not infected and to maybe change the bandages.”

You simply nodded. Like you would be around in a few hours for him to do so. Knowing you, even though you wanted an explanation to all of this, you doubted you’d be able to stay.


Turning around in your chair, you found Kyungsoo standing just outside the hallway, leaning against the wall. He was dressed now, in a simple pair of jeans, t-shirt and opened button down with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. Cuts and bruises decorated his face and neck, but they looked several days old when they should have been fresh.

Yixing stood up, gathering up the medical supplies and leaving the room. Coming over slowly, Kyungsoo took the now vacant seat next to you. He reached out to your now wrapped arm, but quickly withdrew.

“Does that hurt?” he asked.

You shrugged, not able to meet his eye. Now with him in front of you, all you could think about was how he’d been the black wolf the entire time. All the things you told him that weren’t for him to hear, every movement from the wolf that just seemed too human. You felt humiliated, like an idiot.

“What are you?” The question was out before you could rethink it.

“I’m a wolf,” Kyungsoo answered, his voice low as though he might scare you if he spoke any louder. “A werewolf.”

You couldn’t stop the short laugh that escaped. “A werewolf. Of course. Because my life wasn’t screwed up enough as it is.” You shook your head, fighting back the tears that were stinging the backs of your eyes. “So, has this just been a sick game this entire time? Seeing which I would like better, the dog or the person?”

“No!” Kyungsoo took hold of your hand, but you snatched it away quickly, folding your arms across your stomach. “Please, let me explain.”

You shrugged again, not sure on what you were about to hear, but you needed answers.

“I am a werewolf,” he repeated. Yes, you already knew that, but you stayed quiet. “But I wasn’t bitten. We’re all born like this. Even the two wolves that attacked us are werewolves.”

“Was everyone who came outside a werewolf, too?” you asked.

Kyungsoo nodded. “Yes. Everyone here in the house is part of the pack. Not those other wolves though. They were omegas, wolves without a pack. Junmyeon is the alpha of ours.

“How many are in your pack?”

He paused, thinking about it. “Right now there’s about seventeen of us here total.”

You nearly choked. “S-seventeen wolves?”

“No,” Kyungsoo said slowly. “Just about twelve wolves… and five mates.”

“Mates….” You repeated. Then, something clicked. The girls from the bakery. “Ji Yeon?”

Kyungsoo nodded. “Yes. She’s Minseok’s mate.”

“Was the word ‘girlfriend’ too mediocre?” you mumbled.

“No, it’s not enough. It’s deeper than that.” Scooting closer to you, Kyungsoo kept his eyes on your face as he explained, “When a wolf finds his mate, that’s it. They’re the one. No one else even comes close. It’s a mixture of the magic that created the first wolf and a biological pull.”

“A pull?” Now you were starting to freak out. Him telling you that he was a werewolf? Okay, fine. Whatever. But now he was talking about a pull and you couldn’t help but connect it with whatever it was that drew you to him, made you break your rules for him. No. Your body was just exhausted from the fight and now your mind was trying too hard to connect dots that weren’t there.

“Yes. A need to be with them. For the wolf, it can cause physical pain to be away from their mate. It’s how we know who we’re meant to be with.” Kyungsoo reached out to you once more, grasping your hand. This time you didn’t pull away. His skin felt too nice against yours. “(y/n). You’re my mate.”

“No.” You jumped up, knocking the chair over in the process, rejecting his declaration. “No, I can’t be. I’m not.”

Kyungsoo stood up as well, walking up to you. To your own surprise, you didn’t back away, not even when he rested his hands on your elbows.

“You are, (y/n),” he reinforced. “I’m happy around you. I have to be near you. And I would give my life for you.”

You shook your head violently. Salty tears overflowed down your cheeks. “Even if I am, you don’t want me. I-I’m not the kind of person that you want. No one ever wants to stay with me. You’re better off just leaving me by myself.”

“(y/n)!” Kyungsoo tightened his grip on your arms. Not in an aggressive way, but as if to give more meaning to his words. “I know you told me that people have left you. But I will never leave you. I can guarantee that. Please, give me the chance to prove it to you.”

You broke down. Ugly sobs made it hard to breathe. Kyungsoo pulled you into his chest, rubbing your back as you let it all out.

Finally, your tears dried up and pulled back just enough to see his face. You felt so… safe in his arms. Like a physical representation of his promise enveloping you to block out the rest of the world.

“Does this mean you’ll give me a chance?” he asked hopefully. How could you resist those eyes that always shined when they landed on you?

You sighed. “I’m… going to need time. But….” You took a deep breath. “I think I can.”

That “can” turned into a “will” the instant his face lit up into a second sun with the smile he gave you. He took your hand, lifting it up and lacing his fingers with yours while keeping his other arm firmly around your waist. Why did this have to feel so right?

“I know you don’t really like people,” Kyungsoo started, “so, we’ll take it slow on introducing you to everyone.”

“Thank you,” you replied gratefully. He knew you so well already. The small grin on your lips was nearly impossible to fight.

“I’d like to do that more often,” he murmured.

You pulled your eyebrows together. “Do what?”

He actually had the audacity to poke your cheek. “Make you smile.”

It was supposed to be a scoff, but a genuine laugh came out instead. Why did you have to be so susceptible to words like that?


The back door to the kitchen came flying open and a very tall man that you hadn’t seen before came barreling inside. Like a coward, you hid in Kyungsoo’s side. A strange vibration in his chest that didn’t feel aggressive to you made you wonder if he was enjoying your sudden clinginess.

“What is it, Kris?”

The taller wolf – Kris? – blinked a few times, straightening up. “Tao came and told me that you were attacked by two omegas and that you’d been hurt.” His eyes flickered to you, confused. “You seem fine though.”

“They hardly touched me. I was just worn out from running,” Kyungsoo said. “I’m fine.”

“Where the hell were you?” From behind you, Junmyeon marched out of the hallway, heading straight for Kris. “You were supposed to be on perimeter duty!”

“I was out running it!” Kris shouted, making you flinch. Kyungsoo’s grip on your waist tightened protectively.

“Then how the hell did they get passed you!” Junmyeon yelled back. Thunderous footsteps pounded your ears and suddenly the kitchen was full of wolf boys.

“Junmyeon, he’s only one wolf–” one of the boys from earlier called out.

“No!” Junmyeon whirled on him. “Don’t defend him! Kyungsoo and (y/n) could have been killed by those omegas!” He turned back to face Kris. “I should have known better than to rely on you. Especially after Jiyoon.”

From the look on Kris’ face, you would have thought that Junmyeon thrown his fist into Kris’ jaw. Stumbling back, Kris glanced at Kyungsoo. “I’m sorry.”

He ran out the door, disappearing into the falling snow.

“Junmyeon, that was a low blow,” one of the shorter boys with a pointed chin said.

“Shut up, Baekhyun.” Junmyeon stormed out of the kitchen and back to the way of the living room.

“Come on,” Kyungsoo whispered, pulling you towards the hallway and up the stairs, “before they want to introduce themselves to you.”

Grateful, you let Kyungsoo lead you to one of the bedrooms on the second floor and shut the door once you were both inside. It was a simple room with a full-sized bed, a small closet, and a neatly organized desk.

“We can talk here,” he informed you. “Whatever you want to know, I’ll tell you.”

Sitting down on the bed, you pursed your lips. “Promise?” He nodded. Taking your shot, you asked, “Who was Jiyoon?”

Kyungsoo’s jaw dropped, not expecting that question in the least.

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194 streak #1
Chapter 15: Love your writing style! Forward on!
Chapter 15: Lol tall boy's night out. Well I guess I will never be invited to that.

Another Excellant installment! Thank you!
Chapter 12: I am going to kill some hybrids myself!! How dare they take Baekhyun!!!!
Chapter 6: You can do it Wolf Boy Kyungsoo!
Chapter 3: Poor Kyungsoo. Lots of angst so far and the return of Kris, Luhan and Tao??? I wonder what their story for leaving was...hmmmm
Baekdreamer #6
Chapter 15: Another well written story..the way the personality and character of kyungsoo in this story is exactly how i imagined him to be..Truly appreciate your hard work in writing the story🙆
Chapter 15: I love this one, too!!! I've read two of your untamed universe fics and i really enjoy reading them. This makes me miss kyungsoo, tho..