Chapter 4

Chapter Of My Youth

Practice had gone very smoothly in Minju’s opinion. The choreography was simple, so all that needed to be adjusted was their spacing and timing. All three MCs had memorized their parts fantastically. The song sounded amazing. They were all able to harmonize sweetly and got glimpses of their backdrops and stage designs. They would all be matching in yellow. She was excited to see her yellow outfit and could not wait to be fitted later that day. She was very excited to be able to showcase this performance for her debut on Music Core.

After going over the stage countless times, the staff finally allowed the tired idols a well-deserved break.

“Why don’t we all go to the café a few floors down before we are called back for fittings?” Chani had suggested.

“I’m so down.” Hyunjin had responded enthusiastically. “I’ve been wanting some coffee since earlier this morning.”

They both looked at Minju, waiting for her response. Perhaps it was too straight forward to just casually invite her with them, but Chani wanted to include her to build their connection.

“That sounds amazing.” Minju looked at them with a smile. “I’ve never been there so you guys will have to show me!”

All three made their way to the elevator. Minju was surprised at how easy it was to talk to both Hyunjin and Chani. They were both talkative once the initial introduction was over and Minju felt at ease being able to talk to them just as much. It felt nice to be able to talk to boys so casually. They spoke of dramas, new music releases, and variety shows they had seen recently.

She guessed that since they were all idols, there was an instant connection between them all. They all worked hard and strived to put on good performances. They also all dealt with the same hectic schedules and worries that she dealt with, so she hoped to have some older people to confide in.

When they got to the counter of the cafe, Hyunjin and Chani got basic iced americanos and Minju got a simple latte. She was eyeing one of the little pastries. She had not eaten breakfast but choose against ordering it so that she wouldn’t look bad in front of her fellow co-hosts.

“I’ll pay for Minju’s drink.” Chani announced, casually pulling out his wallet and ordering on the electronic kiosk.

“What!?!” Minju exclaimed. “That’s so sweet of you, are you sure?”

Minju was deeply touched by the nice gesture. She really felt comfortable with Chani and Hyunjin. With Chani offering this, she felt that perhaps they liked her as well.

“Of course!” Chani smiled brightly. “It’s our first work day together and the start of a lovely partnership.”

“Plus,” Hyunjin added, “you’re our youngest! I promise the Chani and I will do our best to take care of you and look after you.” He said, putting his arm around Chani.

“Nice try Hyunjin,” Chani pulled out his receipt, “but I’m not paying for you.”

“Ugh!” Hyunjin complained. “Fine I’ll get my own.” Hyunjin said as he saw the other two walk away. Chani was showing Minju the photos on the walls as they looked for a table.

Hyunjin smiled at the two. Chani really had the gift of being able to put the people around him at ease. He was such a nice guy. He was quite glad that Minju seemed to open up to them fast. She seemed like a lively girl and she was talkative once you got through soft and delicate shell. He could not help but always watch her in the corner of his eye. She was beautiful and naturally adorable. He doesn’t think that he had ever found a person as adorable as he found her.

Every time he made eye contact with her, he wanted to smile. And her face was soft. He wondered what the skin would feel like under his touch. Or if her hair would feel as soft as it looked if he ran his hands through it.

He snapped himself out of his thoughts. Yes, he is a guy, and he finds women attractive. Heck, he’s seen so many pretty girls in this industry. However, none of them had gotten to him in the way that Kim Minju had gotten to him in such a short amount of time.

Perhaps his hormones bloomed late because of his trainee period, or perhaps he just feels this way because this is one of the only girls he’s had contact with that’s not under his company. Either way, he reminded himself to be careful and take things slow.

He didn’t know exactly what his feelings were right now, mostly because he had never felt feelings like this before. Rushing things and hitting on her too early could be disastrous in this situation. However, there was no wrong in being friends, right?

As he ordered his iced americano, he couldn’t help but look at the pastries. He noticed that Minju was eyeing a chocolate muffin earlier. He decided to get it. He would offer her half and if she didn’t want it and his eyes had deceived him, he could easily finish it himself.

Once he finished ordering, he decided to wait for all their drinks. Just as their order was called, Minju walked up to him.

“Chani left to use the bathroom, but we found a nice table by the corner.” She said to him brightly. “Oh, please let me help!” She said taking two of the drinks while Hyunjin had a drink in one hand and a pastry in the other.

As they sat down, she finally noticed the muffin.

“You ordered a muffin?” She asked looking at the small pastry.

“Uhh, yeah.” Hyunjin said, scratching the back of his head. “I didn’t eat breakfast, so I was a bit hungry I guess.”

Before he could chicken out, he added, “Did you want some? I just realized that it won’t be good to eat it all if we’re going to continue practicing after this.”

Minju looked at the muffin. The exact muffin she had been eyeing earlier. She would be lying if she said she didn’t want it. It looked delicious. But she shouldn’t eat the muffin belonging to her senior. She would look greedy.

However, as she looked up into the hopeful eyes of Hyunjin, she could not help but feel that maybe he wanted her to share with him. Maybe she was pulling things out of the air, but perhaps it would be okay to allow herself to share a muffin with the boy she liked.

She nodded shyly, and looked down, blushing. She allowed him to cut the muffin in half and give her the bigger half while taking his half and placing it on a napkin in front of him.

“Thank you,” she said blushing at him, taking a grateful bite of the muffin.

“Your welcome!” Hyunjin responded, his eyes crinkling in a happy smile.

As they sat and ate peacefully, Chani came back. As he sat down, he didn’t seem to notice or care about the muffin and Hyunjin was thankful.

“Before I forget, you should add me on that gaming site, so I have more people to play with.” Chani brought up to her, already showing his QR code.

“Oh right!” Minju said, taking out her phone, “It will be so nice playing with someone that isn’t my members. I’ve already beaten them all too many times, so they don’t like playing with me.”

“Looks like you’ll be able to feel their loss once you play me.” Hyunjin replied micheviously, pulling out his phone as well. “I need to maintain my winning streak, so I won’t go easy on you.”

While the three of them continued to talk, she finished her muffin. Minju looked up at Hyunjin who had already finished his. While Chani continued to talk about the plot of a drama he started recently, she sent Hyunjin a small smile, thanking him once again for the muffin. He sent her a smile and a quick, but clear wink from the corner of his eye, glad that she and him were able to share this little secret together.


Hello everyone! I’m so sorry that this chapter took so long to get out. I was sick this past weekend and I’ve been in the middle of moving. I’m just glad I was able to find time to upload. I’m sorry for any mistakes I made while typing and I hope the story isn’t too boring. I believe their should be more romance between Minju and Hyunjin in the next chapter, so please look forward to it! :)

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beautae_ss #1
Chapter 5: Update please
nalizstan #2
Chapter 5: So happy to see more people ship these two! Can’t wait for the next chapter 😊
Wasakuki #3
Chapter 4: As soon as I heard that Minju would be the new host, I thought her and Hyunjin would match well. Every week I look forward to seeing their interactions on Music Core. I love your writing style and your story is exactly everything i've dreamed of and more for these two. I'm addicted! Please please please keep updating!
taengoo1234 #4
Chapter 4: So excited for the next chapter! 💓😍 thank you for making this story authornim i really love itttt i hope the're will be more minjuxhyunjin stories to come🤭
Chapter 4: so excited for the next chap~~~ XD