The Moon Looks Beautiful Tonight


A greek/roman mythology inspired AU; where Irene is Artemis, and Wendy is a human. 

 How is it even possible for an immortal goddess; (an immortal maiden goddess, to be precise) to fall in love with a human?




Living for thousands of years does have its perks--though of course it comes with a price. Being an immortal goddess, I believe I have been through a lot. I have seen them all. I have felt them all. Sadness, mourning, exhaustion, longingness--  name it. Been there, done that. And you mortals know the only thing that can help you get over all those things: time. Which, obviously, I have an unlimited supply of. 

There are a lot of things you can do if you are immortal. I know a lot of mortals who would want to have immortality, but this story is about me, not them, so I'll spare you the details. One thing for sure, I do cherish my immortality. Well... used to. 

Everything changed, three years ago. When I fell-- no. "took interest" (yes, that's more like it) to a mortal girl. 




Three years. It has been three years since I started to visit this grave every night. Haven't missed a single one (Ha. Consistency, folks)

It has been three years since she died. Three years since I felt alone, although I still have my friends and my sister with me. 

But everytime I visit the grave every night, right after the moon is visible in the sky after sunset, I don't feel alone. It feels like the moon is watching over me. And I just want to believe it's you. Taeyeon. 

"Ah. The moon looks beautiful tonight." 


i have finished writing this fic, but I am not sure if I should upload all the remaining chapters already, since I'd probably be busy again... what do you think? hehe btw, wendy's solo debut mv is coming out very very soon! i am very excited!!!
keep safe, everyone :D


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Chapter 12: why am I crying??? I hope for a happy ending 😭
Chapter 2: First time reading this and the story is very interesting
Chapter 12: It felt like this was kinda rush, I was hoping more of there interaction. But anyways, your fic is good, I really enjoy reading it. It was a good one. Rick Riordan is one of my favorite author 🙂
Chapter 12: I thought at least Wendy will see Artemis before her last breath but well I am at easy if Wendy really can feel Artemis in there before she rest.

Thank you for sharing your first story with us. ☺
Chapter 12: I'm crying, this story is so beautiful.
Thank you for your hard work!
Favebolous 14 streak #6
Chapter 12: Thank you for this beautiful story
stingrayz14 #7
Chapter 12: good plot and ending (i know it is angst but this is acceptable angst for me) coz its better that way... thank you for such a beautiful story.... hope for more wonderful stories from you author ❤️
Chapter 12: its the realistic ending i guess, congrats on completing your first fic!
-WenRene15- #9
Chapter 12: I was hoping for WenRene moments. I liked the story though
Chapter 12: the story's a bit rush(?) , i thought wan & artemis would interact (would have a moments) at least before wan passed away.

i liked the concept tho