Tiny Puppy

MiTzu Diary
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Chou Tzuyu looked down at her fiancee, who was sleeping soundly on her chest. They were in her apartment, on her couch. She chuckled as their tiny dog walked into the living room, hissing at Tzuyu. she smiled, reminiscing about the day that evil dog came into her life..

"So, getting this for your girlfriend?"


Chou Tzuyu smiled, taking the small bag from the jewelry store clerk. "She isn't my girlfriend.. Yet."


The clerk smiled and patted her back. "Good luck!" she told her as she left the store.


She walked outside, enjoying the cool air. It was a beautiful day. she began to walk home slowly, taking her time.


Her thoughts were filled with the girl she was in love with. She was beautiful, quiet but mean, and she cared more about everyone than she did herself. And even though she denied her feelings most of the time, there were times she could recall that she finally just accepted them.


Tzuyu got to the front of the park and decided to walk through it. She had no other plans that day, so she decided to take the long way home.


The Tall Beautiful girl was about halfway through the park when she saw something that made her heart flutter a bit..


There, sitting cross legged on a bench, was Mina Myoui. And in her hands was a small, brown puppy. She was smiling a smile she had only seen a couple times, and it made her weak in the knees.


She made her feel like such a teenaged girl, just by doing nothing.


She held the puppy up, smiling at it. Tzuyu smiled softly, drinking in the look of her.


Suddenly, she felt impulsive. Tzuyu had planned to ask her to be her girlfriend in a week, on her birthday. But for some reason, she felt the time was now.


She messed with her hair and straightened hee clothes. She reached into the bag, taking out the black, velvet box and putting it in her pocket.


Tzuyu tossed the bag from the store into a trashcan beside her and took a long breath.


She began to make her way to her, planning in her head what she would do, hoping to God that it all would go right.


But of course, on the outside she looked calm and collected.


She sat on the bench beside her, but she was too consumed in the adorable puppy that she didn't notice her.


"That's a very cute puppy," she commented, leaning towards her a bit.


Mina just smiled and nodded. "Yes, I found him on the street, and I was worried he'd be attacked by a big dog or get run over, so I put him here, in the park. Then he just followed me around, so I-"she stopped when she looked up. Those unmistakable beautiful eyes were looking at hers and she blushed a bit.


"Tzu- Tzuyu! , what are you doing here? Following me around?" She glared hard at her, which just made her smirk.


"No, I was simply running an errand. I was walking home and I saw you, looking adorable. I just had to come and stare at you for a while. Is that a problem?"


Mina blushed and looked down at the puppy, who was barking for her attention. It made her smile, which caught Tzuyu off guard. She smiled softly, not even able to give her, her smirk.


She was so defeated by this woman..


"N-No, I suppose not," she said softly, looking at her again. She saw her soft smile and blushed again. This wasn't a look she usually gave her. She usually wore that stupid, ridiculous smirk.


"So, Mina, let's play a game. I'll ask you a question and you can only answer yes, or no. Okay?"


Mina rolled her eyes. "Why must you be such a child.." Of course, her pouting look made her give in.


"Yes, yes fine. I'll play.."


"Do you like the color yellow?"


Mina gave her a funny look. She should have known she'd ask stupid questions.


"Yes, I do."


"Are you going to keep that puppy?"


"Yes, probably."


"Are you busy tomorrow?"




"Wanna come to my house and do naughty things?" She wanted to make sure she was still paying attention.


To her surprise, she didn't even flinch. "Nope." She smirked though, and tzuyu knew it was meant for her.


"Have you always like dogs?"


"Yes," she smiled again, that smile that made her go limp. She lifted the puppy up again, playing with it.


"Did you know I think you're beautiful?"


This one caught her off guard. She blushed, putting the dog down in her lap. "No, I did not."


"Well, I do." For a while, she sat there staring at her as she continued to play with the puppy.


Tzuyu decided that she could look at her for the rest of her life, and never get bored. It seemed that every time she'd look at her, she'd learn something new that made her fall in love with her all over again.


"Do you like this place?" She finally asked, remembering their game.




"Do you like me?"


Mina blushed, looking down

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Chapter 1: Nunca había visto esta jollita, me encanto, necesito mas mitzu en mi corazón <3
PastelAlleys #2
Chapter 1: 😳😳 that cute dog tho lol
Julius #3
Chapter 1: Cute and pure story hahaha I’m waiting for more of your update ;)
ChouTzu14 #4
Chapter 1: cute!
Chapter 1: this is so cute. hehe
Chapter 1: <3