
You Left Me On Read
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The next morning, Chanyeol took an extra hour getting ready in his bathroom. It wasn’t like he was doing this for anyone else. Of course not. He just wanted to look good for himself. But as he sprayed his hair one last time with the now severely depleted can of hairspray, he couldn’t help but wonder if Baekhyun would notice the effort he put in to look good.


He rode the metro and got off at the fourth stop like usual. The short walk to the shop felt interminable, but he didn’t want to run in case he splashed mud on himself. Besides, the new patent leather shoes pinched his feet horribly and his tight skinny jeans barely allowed him to walk. Nonetheless, he somehow made his way into the shop and started opening up.


But as Chanyeol served the first customers of the day, he couldn’t help but worry if Baekhyun would show up. Of course he would, right? He wanted his phone back. The phone was sitting in the backroom.


Chanyeol kept an eye on the clock. Baekhyun was due in about ten minutes.


“Uh, hello? Did you hear my order?” a snappish voice broke through Chanyeol’s thoughts.


He tore his gaze away from the clock and tried to focus.


“I’m sorry! C-could you repeat your order?” he stammered.


The customer gave him a disbelieving glare before tossing her head and leaving the counter. She reached the door and whipped around.


“I’m never coming back after this crap service! And I’ll be giving you a one star review online too!” she screamed at him.


The other customers all stared at Chanyeol. He felt a flush creep up his neck as he quickly bowed.


“My apologies ma’am. That was extremely unprofessional of me. I hope you will be able to give us a second chance.”


The customer sniggered and banged the door behind her as she left. Several other customers followed and the store gradually emptied. Chanyeol struggled to keep his composure in front of the last customer who quickly paid and hurried away.


“Ah this is a disaster!” he groaned to an empty coffee shop. The morning wasn’t even over, but there were no customers left. The revenues this week definitely would reflect this incident.


“Looks like that worked, eh Chan buddy?” a voice drawled as the door opened.


Chanyeol looked into the laughing brown eyes of Baekhyun. The way Baekhyun’s eyes curved into half moon crescents was adorable—it made Chanyeol’s knees weak.


“You all right?” Baekhyun’s frowned as Chanyeol grabbed the counter to steady himself.  


“Yes—yes I am—what do you mean that worked?” Chanyeol gasped.


“That lady. She was my friend. I wanted her to empty the shop before I came in,” Baekhyun said matter-of-factly.


Chanyeol gaped at him, a fury slowly replacing his pathetic lovesickness.


“Are you kidding me? You planted her there? She scared away all my customers!” Chanyeol shouted at Baekhyun who held up his hands in mock surrender.


“Hey, hey don’t get mad at me. If I came in here then the whole place would get mobbed.”


“Fat chance,” Chanyeol snorted. “There were like, what, five people in here? And they’re all old. They wouldn’t recognize you.”


Baekhyun reddened.


“Of—of course they would! I’m Baekhyun!” he stuttered angrily.


Chanyeol folded his arms and appraised this haughty megastar. He didn’t like Baekhyun’s attitude. In fact, it decreased his attractiveness a significant amount. All of a sudden, Chanyeol regretted the hour of sleep he lost trying to look good for this douchebag.


“I’ll go get your phone. And then I want you out of here.”




Chanyeol his heel and stomped away from the counter. Behind him, Baekhyun leaned against the display case for the different types of coffee. Chanyeol opened the door to the backroom and flicked on the light. He walked over to the desk where he kept the phone. But it wasn’t there. That was strange. He looked around the room. The phone wasn’t an

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Chapter 19: Good luck on your job! It's okay, make your life your priority, if/when you decide to update this we'll be patiently waiting for it ^^
Chapter 19: Okay take care of yourself Authornim...
springmiya #3
Chapter 19: congrats on the job
park_bora_ #4
Chapter 19: Thanks for letting us know! Have fun at work and take good care of your self💜💜
Beau1996 1379 streak #5
Chapter 19: Thanks for letting your readers know author-nim + be well and take care of yourself 😃
Chapter 18: I kinda feel bad for Chen now, his family was being threatened, he barely had a choice TT
This was so intense when they talked to Kyungsoo and Chanyeol said he wouldn't give the password. Such a great story! Love it~
Chapter 18: Ohhh 😂 why should they report Chen to police?!
Moondust45 #8
Chapter 18: ooh I see so that's what happened. :)
springmiya #9
Chapter 18: thank you for the update
Beau1996 1379 streak #10
Chapter 18: So Kyungsoo is the main villain!! How will Chan and Baek capture him??