
Seperation and How to Deal with It
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Epilogue – January 2025


“Ahh… this is how life suppose to be.” Chanyeol moaned and hugged his small husband. Baekhyun smiled back with eyes full of love.

It was their second honeymoon and their 11th marriage anniversary. At last they went to Okinawa and go island hopping. Today, they were watching the sunset at Cape Manzamo after strolling at the grass field. It was very beautiful, with the mellow sunset colors which met the vast blue sea, accompanied by the chirping birds and sound of waves. It was what they like, the nature, with minimal movements because Baekhyun didn’t really like sightseeing.

“Yeol, I feel like life is complete. I love this.” The smaller shifted his body a bit to capture the taller lips on his own. The kiss was not chase and urgent. It was light and knowing, as if to ensure each other that they are exist, and is content with everything.

“I love you, Baekhyun. More than I could say.” Chanyeol said when they broke their kiss and Baekhyun giggled.

“I never regret having you back.” The smaller gripped Chanyeol’s big hand and enveloped it on his own. He stared at his husband sincerely. “I’m happy to be your husband.” Baekhyun said and seeing Chanyeol grinned widely and showing too much of his teeth, he burst out a laughter.

“, that’s cheesy and you are getting too happy.” The smaller punched his husband’s firm chest.

“Yeah, it’s a bit cringe but I love it. And stop hitting me.” Chanyeol pecked his cheek.

“Okay maybe it’s the sunset, but I feel really emotional right now.” He stared at Baekhyun, and the smaller gave him a mischievous smirk.

“Just shoot.”

“We just had our 11th marriage anniversary yesterday. A lot of things have happened. I’m so happy that we are still together, I’m sorry for hurting you a lot.. back then.”

“It’s the past, come on, stop talking about it. What matters now is that you love me, and we’re happy together.”

“We are 31 years old now Baek.”

“Yeah, we’re old. God, we are seeing this beautiful sunset and you just have to remind that I’m old!” Chanyeol laugh and hid his face at the smaller’s nape.

“I’m old too. We are growing old together.”

“You are too cheesy today.” Baekhyun blushed. Having a person who has been in a lifetime with you as a husband is nice. But as they know everything about you, sometimes being sweet was too embarrassing because it just feels weird.

“I’m getting so cringe, maybe I’m too happy. And you are beautiful.” He said, pecked Baekhyun’s nape and leaned to his ear. “Even more than the sunset.” He whispered.

“What the .” The smaller burst into a fit of laughter. “God, Yeol. It’s cringe.” He said, but deep down he was really happy he got his husband to compliment an old man as he was.

“Baek, do I earn your trust back?” Chanyeol suddenly ask, voice seems uncertain as he knew how his betrayal affected Baekhyun back then.

“Yes, of course. It’s been years Yeol, don’t talk about it anymore.” Baekhyun said and motion both of them to walk back to their lodging, it was getting darker as the sun almost fully sets. They were walking hand by hand in silence. It was not an awkward silence; it was a comfortable one. But as he glanced to his taller husband, he could see frown on his head and knowing right away that his husband was troubled.

As they enter their hotel, Baekhyun decided that his husband was too down for his liking, and he attacked him with kisses.

“What, Baek, why were you..” His smaller husband quickly kissed him again while circle his arms on the tall one.

“You like it, don’t you?” He asked mischievously, bit his nape, then letting go, leaving Chanyeol flustered. “Join me on the bath?” Baekhyun winked as he asked sensually while patting his own . Seriously his husband was a naughty little vixen. He his lips and joined his husband.




After their passionate love making, Chanyeol was eyeing the ceiling while holding Baekhyun who was resting on his chest.

“You are distracted.” It was a statement more than a question. He started to caressed Baekhyun’s head, as if to ensure that he was okay.

“There’s something been bugging on my mind.”

“Tell me.” Baekhyun said as he snuggled to the man’s chest cutely.

“I’m content with how our life is, Baek, don’t get me wrong-“


“But I want more. I don’t think life is complete. I want.. you know..”

“What?” The smaller getting snappy, as he was nervous on what his husband about to say. He was nervous, and it was eating him. But as Chanyeol was nervous, and seeing his smaller husband get snappy, he chickened out.

“Never mind, don’t mind me.” He said dismissively, and they fell into a silence. But Baekhyun was starting to feel uneasy, what is it his husband want to say? First, he was asking if he trust him, then he became so distracted, then saying that his life didn’t feel complete and wanting more. What did Chanyeol want to say? At that moment, realization came to Baekhyun and his heart clenched. Was Chanyeol not content with their relationship?

“Am I.. being not enough for you?” He encouraged himself to say, while hiding between his husband’s chest and the blanket that he clenched tightly on his hand. Chanyeol was appalled at the statement.

“What the , Baekhyun. Where does it came from?” Chanyeol asked while pulling himself into a sitting position and leaned to the headboard, which Baekhyun did the same. He was sitting up with blanket pooled around his wide hips, and shoulder crouched down with the face that avoided to look at his husband.

“You said life is not complete, and you want something else, but you refused to tell me.” It hurts, Baekhyun thought. It was as painful as the first time he discovered that his husband cheated on him. Chanyeol sighed and pulled Baekhyun to his embrace, he positioned his smaller husband on his lap and head buried on his nape, he felt small sniffled on his nape and felt so guilty.

“You shouldn’t run into a conclusion that fast. You said you trust me.” He pecked Baekhyun’s crown but he cried louder.

“Seriously, you are more than enough for me. It’s just that I.. I want to live on our dream. I wanted to adopt a kid together with you. But I’m scared you will turn it down, so I said never mind.” The smaller felt a surge of relieved ran through his body and he was frustrated on why he must feel that sorrow while it was only a misunderstanding. To channel it out, he bit his husband hard on the nape and punched his chest hard.

“Ow, God, stop being so violent when you were angry!” Chanyeol hissed and rubbed his sore nape that has just been bitten.

“But I’m pissed! If it’s just that, why does it make you that restless? It was as if you were about to say something bad!” Baekhyun pouted and hugged him even tightly.

“It’s something I really want, of course I’m scared if you will decline!” He was pissed as well, why didn’t Baekhyun understand, then he spanked his husband, then it was Baekhyun’s turn to hiss.

“Don’t spank me. Urgh, God!”

“So what do you think… Do you want to.. with me?” Chanyeol asked cautiously.

“I mean, yeah, why not? It’s my dream too. You don’t have to be so nervous about it.”

“Oh God, really?” Chanyeol asked, overly excited, he unconsciously tackled Baekhyun to the bed, hovering over him with beaming eyes. And when Baekhyun nodded firmly, he was attacked with kisses and he felt his was d rather hard with his husband’s big calloused hand. He sighed in his mind, well, another round of love making.



They have told their family and friends about the plan of adopting kids, people were thrilled and been very supporting, and Yixing was admitting that he was jealous. Sehun and Yixing were now a fiancé and will be married next year, which he hasn’t told the younger about his plan on adopting kids.

“Baek, I’m jealous.” Yixing pouted at him and the smaller just laugh. They were now just chilling at the married couple’s apartment.

“Come on, adopt kid too and we can live out our dreams, right?” He asked while realizing that Sehun been staring at them, as if to observe what him and his fiancé was talking about.

“I haven’t talk to Sehun about it. We are engaged, not married, and don’t you think Sehun is too young?” He whispered to Baekhyun, obviously didn’t want his fiancé to hear.

“Does he love kids?”

“No idea. We never talk about it.”

“Then start talking about it, dude.” He said rather frustrated, but seeing Yixing’s dejected face, he knew that the man will not ask the younger himself. “Okay, I’ll ask Chanyeol if he knows about it.” He then walked away from Yixing and went to Chanyeol who’s cooking.

“Chanyeollie.” He tried to act cute and gave him a back hug.

“Oh Gosh Baek, go away, you’ll mess my cooking.” He tried to shrug his husband, because as much as he like Baekhyun when he was acting cute, but he didn’t like to be touch when he’s cooking. He was positive his husband just wanted to annoy him. The smaller then tip toe and bit his shoulder. He hissed and Baekhyun was giggling.

“Does Sehun like kids?”

“How the hell do I know?” He stared at the smaller man incredulously.

“Well, just.. maybe you know? Well, Yixing was jealous about our plan and he doesn’t have any idea if Sehun like kids.”

“Then take him to the orphanage with us. Why you ask me? We can see his reaction.” Baekhyun was surprised and look at his husband in awe.

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Beau1996 1378 streak #1
Chapter 2: Rereading and enjoying!
Chapter 4: Ah chanbaek forever....
Chapter 4: This ended well here though.
Chapter 2: To be honest, I felt bad that Baekhyun went back to Chanyeol. Like how Chanyeol used to stop him from seeing musicals even though he liked it. Its like a toxic relationship. I would have loved to read a change, every other story ends the same, there are only limited stories which ends differently. It would have been nice to see Baek moving on and getting along with Chen nicely and Chen respecting his choices also, like letting him do whatever he wants until and unless he is doing something bad (then obviously you gotta stop the person). And Chanyeol finding another life partner, and they both treat each other well. I feel like there is no surety and security in Chanbaek relationship here. But now that they are together I hope Chanyeol starts respecting Baekhyun's choices. And do not do anything stupid again.
Chapter 4: This was a rollercoaster
Beau1996 1378 streak #6
Chapter 4: I have never read the epilogue before but glad I did - although I wished they had adopted Taemin too!!
cycynyny #7
Chapter 4: You know u are a good writer when u can bring roller coaster ride emotion to your reader .
noemimart #8
Chapter 4: Wow, a very touching story. Good work.
ctskyn276 #9
Chapter 4: Awwww.. This is just soooo adorable.. I freaking love this epilogue.. This is too cute for me.. Thank you for this lovely story.. You're the best dear authornim..
Chapter 4: Thanks for completing this!! The epilouge is so cute!