
Picking Up the Pieces

Wendy didn't like that Irene was being so soft on her all of a sudden. All because of her episode. She was sure that if none of this was happening, then the woman would have no sympathy for her and continue to mistreat her as usual.

Either way, it wouldn't matter. Irene would probably get tired of this facade anyway.

She also disliked how Irene was acting like a helicopter parent. I'm an adult, she thought indignantly. The other day, Wendy was happily dozing off in the bedroom after therapy until Irene suddenly burst in demanding why she didn't tell her where she was. 

"If you want to sleep, sleep in my study where I can see you," Irene growled.

The next day, Irene had a new bed that doubled as a couch installed in her study so that Wendy could sleep in there while Irene worked. Wendy felt even worse that Irene was spending more money because of her. I really am overusing my stay, she thought with shame when she sat on the new couch. It was soft and comfortable. 

Irene seemed satisfied with the purchase, but was immediately called away by work. "I have a meeting. We'll have dinner after."

This was one of the things that confused Wendy so much about Irene. The woman could be so heartless, but she did have the capability to be not so cruel and angry all the time.


 Wendy did her best to improve and do all the 'homework' and cooperate with the therapist. She wasn't purging anymore, though she did feel the urge at times. She knew she needed to get better so that Irene wouldn't have to take care of her everyday.

Somedays, she almost felt like nothing was wrong with her. She felt ok with her body, which had gained some weight back so she wasn't sickly thin. On other days, her world came crashing down and she felt like she was the worst and ugly person ever. 

Today was a strange day. Irene did not go in to work, and she wasn't even making Wendy do any of her chores. In fact, Wendy was laying in the new bed in the study while Irene was finishing up important business some meeting.

Today, Wendy felt shameful. She felt liek a kid. She felt like Irene was treating her like a child.

BUt also today, Irene was being way too nice to her. 

When she woke up this morning, Irene was watcing her, actually waiting for her. "I made breakfast,' Irene said. "I'll be in my office. When you're done, come find me."

Irene actually made a full meal for her all of which Wendy ate without vomiting up. Wendy didn't have anything better to do and so she did as Irene requested, and the woman was sitting outside on her balcony smoking a cigarette.

"Did you eat it?' Irene asked.

"Yes. Thank you."

The older woman eyed her before taking another drag of her cigarette. "You're getting better."


"Have you decided what you're going to do?" 

"I need to call my parents."

"What? Why?"

"So they know I'm still alive."

Irene snorted without thinking. IN her opinion there was no reason to talk about all that had passed. Wendy needed to move on and get her together first if she was going to explain something just to show she was financially ok. "What are you going to tell them?"

"I don't know."
Irene threw the cigarette down adn stubbed it with the back of her booted heel. "You have ten minutes." She held her phone out to Wendy, who couldn't believe Irene was letting her make the call with no plan.
Wendy started to leave the room, but Irene stopped her immediately and practically shoved her back down to sit. "stay where i can see you. And put it on speaker so I know you're actually talking to them."
What the hell am i going to say? Wendy dialed her parents' home number and lifted the phone to her ear while she waited for anyone to answer.
When she heard her father's voice, her heart nearly stopped from the shock and she completely forgot the words she hadbeen planning to say.
"Dad..it's me. Seungwan."
"Wendy? Where are you? I saw what happened to you."
"Oh. I'm still here. Just...not doing it anymore."
Her father paused. "Good. You've learned your lesson, then. It is better for you to return home and get a real education."
"I...I'm still in therapy."
"You can get therapy bakc home."
"oh...that's true." Wendy almost forgot she was supposed to be moving away from Irene soon and she musedt hat going back home would be the best idea anyway. But she also didn't want to get her ear talked off for the mistake she made. 
"give me that." Irene snatched the phone before Wendy could even say anything.
"Hi, this is Irene Bae. I'm the CEO of Mirey, a very prestigious affordable fashion line of clothing in South Korea."
"I won't repeat myself again. Your daugher, Son Seungwan, is going to be working for me from now on so she won't be returning back to you because I need her."
"Listen, Eileen May, whoever you are, you can't tell me how to take care of my daughter."
"Too late. She already signed my contract, which explicitly states that she will remain wherever I am until it is over."
"You're pulling my leg, Seungwan. Who is this woman?"
Irene hadned the phone back to her and gave her a very hard look with her yes.
"My boss," Wendy said quickly.
"I can't believe this. You have a sugar mom or whatever they're called. I would rather have you as a failed idol than stooping so low as to do THAT!"
"Ugh, why did you even call home?" he demanded. "Just to disappoint us more. Well, have fun with your new mom, and you aren't welcome back."
Well that went well. Wendy felt defeated, but she supposed that it was only herslef to blame for this idea. She really wanted to talk with her parents even though she knew what they were going to say.
"Happy now? Is this what you wnated to hear?" Irene demanded and pocketed her phone. "What were you expecting?"
"I don't know."
Irene narrowed her eyes and sighed heavily. "C'mon. If you're going to work for me, I better show you how to do it." 
"But you said I need to leave."
"I changed my mind, ok?" Irene snapped. "Besides, I know your condition better than your own family."
Wendy had basicallly assumed the position of Irene's private assistant. Irene didn't heavily burden her, and she was mainly to do the same things she had been doing before. 
"Organize these for me, will you?" Irene pushed a thick fat file folder of papers. "in that cabinet over there."
"I have a few meetings to attend to. I'll be back in a couple hours." 
"I made something for you. Eat it in an hour."
It wasn't the first time that Irene had made something specifically for her. Irene was starting to be more 'responsible' persay...Wendy still couldn't believe that Irene had changed her mind and wanted her to stay. 
The alarm went off for Wendy to eat, and she opened the fridge to find Irene's rendition of the stew Wendy had made with Mrs. Bae. Wendy ate most of it, but put hte rest away so she could attempt to finish the task at hand.
When Irene returned, she looked tired and definitely like she was busy. She put her things down and peered over the work from the otehr side of the desk. "How'd it go?"
"I did most of it."
"Good. Did you eat?"
"Most of it."
Irene went to go check the fridge and seemed satisfied with the result. "Did you like it?"
"Yes. Thank you."
"Save the rest of your work for tomorrow. Let's go home."
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0 points #1
Chapter 17: Jennie underestimated Irene too much ckck
Chapter 18: Two broken soul found each other on their worst. Joohyun wasn't given time to breathe and mourn her daughter's passing. I hope she will go to therapy too just like Wendy but i get that she couldn't afford one at the moment given her position as a CEO and her always being busy. Her job become a distraction and it wasn't helping her in the slightest. She's starting to divert the what ifs or what could have done, that energy she didn't get to do for her daughter to Wendy. And Wendy being afraid of speaking up because she's afraid of the possible outcome and it's not like she has place to go. All she could ever do is obey her. I don't get Jennie's hate to Wendy, sure she cause trouble to the group but didn't she suffered enough? And besides Wendy's issue causes them to rise and be popular. If anything they're the ones who benefited from that issue while Wendy was left with nothing but a disorder. No family and friends she could ran to. A part of me was wishing that things could be better for Wendy. Maybe start as a soloist? I mean it was mentioned that she's way above when it comes to talent compared to her group. I still find it awful how no one from her group helped her. I don't know if all of them secretly hated her. I hope not. And Seungwan's parents seriously instead of lifting your child's spirit. They're one of the reasons of her suffering. I'm curious on what was irene going to do with the issue linking her being in a relationship with her. I hope she finds out who leaked the information about Wendy's whereabouts and have them pay for it. Hope the issue won't cause irene huge damage on her name too. Suho is still ed up doing that to joohyun and yerim.
Chapter 18: Thank you for the update author nim 😊
Chapter 18: Thanks for the update :D
Chapter 18: oh how i've missed this story. welcome back author
cakehunter #6
Chapter 18: Thank you for the update and please don't take long to post another chapter, this is story is really good!
FateNdreaM #7
Chapter 18: Eunbi...😒
areytrea #8
Chapter 18: i RAN HERE!! so excited that you're back, gonna read this again to remember the exact thing but i remember being very excited while reading this, hopefully you'll update more!! so happy you're back
WenRene_77 14 streak #9
Chapter 18: Authornim is back!!
Chapter 17: I thought there was a new chapter 🤔🥺