
When Roses Kiss
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By the time Chanyeol had arrived back home that night, Mari roused from her sleep. He walked in so quietly and swiftly she almost didn’t hear him at all, but she stayed up all night waiting for his arrival. She immediately sat up from her position on the sofa.


A smile fought its way through her sleepiness, only for it to disappear when she saw his face.


Dark circles lay heavy under his eyes, his lips pale and eyes devoid of emotion. His mussed up hair looked like he’d ran his hands through it multiple times, and Chanyeol froze when he saw her in the living room. Compared to him who still wore his golfing outfit, Mari was already decked out in her pyjamas, her eyes flitting from the frown he wore to the way he exuded exhaustion.


His eyes no longer shone or looked at her gently, rather they were tired, cautious, and he watched her warily when she stood up. Walking his way, Mari cupped his face, and Chanyeol closed his eyes at the gesture. “Chanyeol?” she mumbled sleepily, “What’s wrong?”


He shook his head. “It’s nothing, baby. I’m just really tired.”


Mari’s heart skipped a beat at the nickname he gave her, but now wasn’t the time for that. “Long day?”


“You could say that,” he opened his eyes and did a double take at her. Chanyeol smiled, although it didn’t quite reach his eyes. “You look really nice, by the way.”


“Th-thank you.”


“Listen, I, uh,” he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, heaving a sigh. “I’m going to bed, if you don’t mind. I just really want to get some rest.”


“Of course, I understand. Sleep well, Chanyeol.”


Chanyeol nodded. “You too, Mari,” Then, he pointed to his door with a lazy wave of his hand. “If the nightmares come again, don’t hesitate to knock on my door, okay?”


Mari forced a smile. “I’m okay. I can handle myself.”


“I know you can. Just...letting that note out there.”


“I’ll keep that in mind. Thank you,” she bowed politely to him then quickly stood upright, wondering why she bowed to him in the first place. Chanyeol’s eyes flickered with amusement for a little while before it disappeared, and Mari watched as he locked himself in his room.


The clock read that it was already 2AM. Mari wondered where he’d been that kept him out for so long, but he looked so tired—more tired than she’d ever seen him—and she knew better than to ask. With one last longing glance at his door, Mari whispered a ‘good night’ into thin air. Chanyeol didn’t hear it, of course, but she felt satisfied anyway. Shutting the door behind her, her back fell in the soft mattress, only to be plagued by the nightmares again.


She didn’t dare sleep again.




Something changed between them over the course of a few days. Chanyeol seemed a lot brighter and talkative than usual, even preparing breakfast for Mari and telling her about his day. She loved the change that happened between them, especially when Chanyeol sneaked behind her to peck her kisses.


She felt utterly warm and adored in his presence. It kept the nightmares at bay and watching Chanyeol work under the dim lights of the dining room was a sight she’d never get tired of. Mari had already memorized his features. From the soft slope of his nose that led to the lips she loved to kiss, her head rested in her arms, soft, calm breaths leaving her chest.


Chanyeol glowed under the humble lights of their home. His lips moved slightly as he read one contract to another—a sight so bewitching she felt her fingertips tingle. It seemed just like a month ago when she yearned to touch him but couldn’t. Everything changed now, though, and she no longer had to think twice as she reached her hand to interlace with his. He froze for a split second, eyes widening at the feeling of her thumb rubbing against his larger hand, but then he would smile and squeeze her hand before going back to work.


For many days, Mari did nothing but that; staring at him, kissing him, wrapping her arms around his waist, burying her cheek in his chest. She didn’t want to be anywhere without him.


But Mari knew her fantasy and dream of having Chanyeol to herself would disappear one day. No matter how much she prepared herself for it, she still couldn’t help but feel disappointed when she showed up in the dining room, Chanyeol dressed to the nines.


He looked as dashingly handsome as ever, his three piece suit replaced with a beige button up shirt tucked under black slacks and a dark brown coat on top. He looked so casually handsome that he didn’t look like a CEO at that moment. Rather, Chanyeol seemed like one of those rich, intelligent men Mari would’ve met in a cafe in a different alternate reality. One who actually asked her out of attraction, and not in a world where they only met through an arranged marriage.


“You look really nice today.”


Chanyeol’s head snapped up her direction, eyes leaving the tablet he had in his hands. His gaze travelled from her head to toe with an approving gleam. “So do you. Are you coming to work with me?”


Mari shrugged. “I’d been moping around for quite some time. It’s about time I go back to work and do something productive.”


“Okay, but don’t force yourself. If you’re not feeling well—”


“I’ll be fine, Chanyeol.”


Chanyeol studied her silently for a moment before nodding slowly. “If you say so,” he said, still not sounding thoroughly convinced. Nevertheless, he finished his cup of coffee in one drink and shut his tablet off. Rinsing his mug for a few seconds, Chanyeol walked over to Mari, a fancy designer bag now in his hands. “Well, if that’s the case, I’m not heading to my office. Let’s go to this studio in the East Side if you want to come with me. We’re finally shooting for next month’s issue.”


“Really? But I thought Tana Kim didn’t have any other plans.”


“You’re right, she doesn’t,” he smiled. “Which is why we’re going with yours. Evelyn Wang’s on set today.”


At the mention of the supermodel she’d been dying to meet, Mari hopped on the seat next to Chanyeol without another word. The driver in front was a different one, and Mari caught no sight of the red-haired bodyguard. She tried looking for him as discreetly as she could without acting suspicious, but quickly chided herself at her contradictions. Mari wanted to see him, while at the same time, she also felt uncomfortable in his presence.


She and Chanyeol were silent the whole ride. His attention was still focused on whatever news he kept scrolling on his tablet, his frown appearing then disappearing every now and then. Mari, on the other hand, tried to lessen her boredom by counting how many buildings they passed through. It seemed the East Side turned out to be farther than she thought because she’d already counted at least a hundred establishments on the way. When they got there though, Mari frowned at the sight of a dull, gray building. There were no signs or logos that indicated the building was even used other than the fact it didn’t look rundown at all.


Chanyeol smiled at her knowingly as if he read her every thought, slipping his hand through hers before she could say anything. He led them through a rather cramped staircase until they reached the studio, and Mari’s jaw dropped open.


People scurried everywhere. There wasn’t a single corner or area where there wasn’t a person doing something. Someone was either carrying coffees or someone barked orders at their subordinates, while a staff tested the lighting and reflectors in the center. Rows upon rows of designer apparels were lined at the back along with a mirror that held five lightbulbs on each side, a huge bag filled with makeup resting on the desk.


The place was filled with so much life and light Mari did a double take, chuckling breathlessly when someone ran past them with a clipboard and headset, completely ignoring their presence.


“Wow,” she breathed out, “This place is amazing.”


“You think so?” He looked down at her dazed expression. “Isn’t it a little too...cramped and loud for your comfort?”


“A little, yeah, but look! The place is so full of life and no one’s even noticing us.”


Chanyeol hummed in agreement. “That’s because we’re all rushing to finish this issue. I don’t really come around to see the shoots myself, but I thought it’d be nice to show you around sometime.”


Mari turned to him then, her smile speaking of the glee she felt. She could only hope Chanyeol saw her genuinity through it. “I love it, thank you.”


He opened his mouth to speak, but then his phone rang rather obnoxiously. He squeezed her hand for a moment. His other hand fished for his phone out of his pocket before turning to her. “Excuse me, I just have to take this phone call.”


Mari nodded enthusiastically at him, still elated as she watched him walk to a corner. His back faced her and she couldn’t hear anything from the multitude of people causing a commotion not too far from them.


Unable to stop her curiosity, Mari walked to the clothing section, careful not to touch anything. Her eyes widened a fraction when she saw the familiar brands such as Gucci and Dior, all designer brands that even she didn’t have. They all looked so lavish and detailed that Mari scrunched her nose in discomfort, moving to the makeup station instead.


A single chair stood in front of the mirror, the back of it reading Evelyn Wang. Multiple brushes and shades of lipsticks sat before her, making Mari tip her head to the side in confusion. She knew people liked makeup, even Yui wore them occasionally, but was this much needed? Just as her hand reached out to pick up a certain shade she found flattering to herself, a nasally, high-pitched voice stopped her.


“Fujiwara, isn’t it?”


Mari retracted her hand, turning around only to see the one and only Tana Kim. Her dyed red hair was now cut into stylish, choppy layers that brushed her exposed collarbones from the silver bodycon dress she wore, accentuating her womanly curves that Mari could only dream of having. She looked so bright and loud, that Mari fought back the urge to narrow her eyes. “Good morning, Editor Kim,” she greeted with a professional, levelled voice. “And it’s Miss Fujiwara to you.”


Tana snorted. “Right,” she rolled her eyes, “So, what brings you here? You and Chanyeol haven’t been around in the office lately,” her curious eyes glanced at the bodacious ring on her finger, a brow raising inquisitively. “You were preoccupied with something, perhaps?”


Mari folded her hands behind her back. “Our personal lives do not concern yours. He and I are here for official business.”


“What kind of business?”


“To supervise the photo shoot,” she answered, pausing for a moment before raising her chin. “And I’d like to meet Evelyn Wang.”


Tana clearly wasn’t expecting that. She took a small step back in surprise, a sarcastic smile painting her bold red lips. “Oh, you do? Why is that?”


“She’s highly spoken of. I’d be honored to have her as my colleague.”


Tana crinkled her nose as she looked at Mari’s outfit, the corners of her lips tilting upwards into a scowl. “Well, if you’re going to meet a supermodel, don’t you think you should’ve dressed more appropriately for the occasion?”


Mari looked down at her outfit. She could admit she wasn’t the most stylish, but she felt rather comfortable in her pastel pink blouse, pencil skirt, and black coat. She turned to Tana with a neutral face. “I am wearing proper work clothes. There’s no need for me to dress like I’m going to a fashion show when one, I am not a model, and two, it’s just highly unconventional,” she gestured to the cup in Tana’s hands. “Your fur coat is soaking into your coffee. I don’t think your laundromat would like that very much.”


Tana’s eyes followed where she was pointing, and her fur coat was indeed dipping into her latte. With a scowl, she pulled the cup away from her body and glared at Mari, who couldn’t be any more bored than she could be. “Listen here, pretty girl. I don’t want to keep being fake to you since I think you know I don’t like you already, but did you really think Chanyeol would like you?” She scoffed, menace lacing her voice as she looked at Mari up and down. “You’re rich, sure, but I’ve never even heard of you. You’ve got no accomplishments to brag about. Chanyeol is one of the finest bachelors in Seoul; what makes you think he’d choose someone like you? Didn’t you think that maybe, oh, I don’t know, he’d choose someone more elegant and more beautiful? He could have anyone he wants, so why you?”


“Should it be you, then?” Mari retorted, unimpressed. When Tana’s eyes widened in shock, Mari sighed deeply in exchange of her need to roll her eyes. As much as she wanted to match Tana’s snarkiness, it would just be absolutely degrading to step down to her level. Mari never wanted to be her equal.


“And if you must know, Editor Kim, bragging is only for insecure little boys and girls who want to seem more important than they really are. I’m not like those, nor do I find pleasure in showing off my wealth so I’d watch my words if I were you. We’re at work, and you’re being highly unprofessional by bringing up personal matters that do not concern you,” she shook her head. “I kindly ask that you mind your own business.” Without another word, Mari walked away from her, leaving the editor gaping back at her.


Chanyeol had disappeared from his previous spot. Mari spun around, looking for him. It couldn’t be that hard to look for a tall man with platinum blond hair, but it turned out to be difficult. From the throng of the people that kept bumping and pushing past her, she couldn’t see even his silhouette at all.


Suddenly, the noise and lack of space became too much for her to handle, and Mari felt begin to close. Her chest tightened uncomfortably when people kept shoving things and the shouting grew louder. Her hands twitched beside her, aching to place them on her ears to drown them all out when she felt the voices in the back of her head reawaken. She let out a shuddered breath, the simple gesture proving a challenge as well, but before her panic attack could come, she was pulled to the side by a firm, yet gentle grip on her arm.


Mari’s face collided with a strong chest for a moment, and she pulled back. The words died on her lips the moment she saw the familiar sharp jawline to the round, healthy cheeks, until her breath got stuck when a pair of worried eyes looked back at her. Even though she hadn’t had him this close to her in weeks, she would still be able to recognize his scent from miles away.


How could she not when his scent was what she once called home?


“Mari,” Baekhyun breathed out, his arms still wound around her waist. “I-listen, I...I just want to apologize for everything I did. I know now isn’t the right time and talking to me is probably the last thing you want to do, but I needed to let you know I’m really sorry and I-I regret everything that happened. I didn’t know what came over to me, and I just... I’m really sorry, Mari.”


His words came out in a flurry that Mari wasn’t able to keep up, especially when he spoke in Korean. She caught the words “I’m sorry” and “regret” however, and she stiffened in his touch. “Please let go of me,” she ordered, his name at the tip of her tongue when she swallowed it down after a second thought. “Agent Byun.”


Baekhyun’s face fell. “I’m sorry,” He released her, masking the hurt that crossed his eyes with an apologetic bow. His eyes were casted downwards until she only saw the tufts of his red hair.


Mari turned and walked away from him even if each step she took away from him weighed heavier than the first. It seemed like a miracle she even managed to be away from him for a moment longer when she wanted nothing but to run to his arms, but she couldn’t. Her heart yearned to forgive him, yet her mind warned her not right now.


Mari had already made her choice in which part of her to follow by the time she caught sight of her fiance. Chanyeol’s feet were edged in the direction of a tall woman; not as tall as Mina, but tall enough to make Mari shrink in comparison. He nodded to everything the woman said, a lighthearted and carefree chuckle falling past his lips. His eyes crinkled into half moons when he bowed slightly as his shoulders shook in laughter, and Mari paused from her spot.


In front of him stood a dazzling woman. Her long dirty, blond hair cascaded like a waterfall down to her slender figure, her face framed by curled wisps of hair to accentuate her goddess-like features. She had wide, expressive eyes that gleamed with every word she said with her naturally rosy lips, and underneath was a set of high cheekbones and a defined jawline. As if she couldn’t be more perfect, her slender body had curves all in the right places that were hugged delicately by the elegant Dior Midi Dress she wore. Her slim and toned legs were supported by a pair of black leather boots.


Every part of her glowed that even Mari stared openly at her in admiration.


It didn’t take long for her to put two and together that this woman was no other than Evelyn Wang herself, if the amount of people brushing her hair and fixing her dress while she freely conversed with Chanyeol wasn’t a telltale already.


Now she knew why everyone looked up to Evelyn Wang that much. Although she only wore minimal makeup and a simple dress, she managed to make it look ethereal. She also spoke with a soft, feminine voice that sounded so gentle and calming in Mari’s ears. Even with the commotion from the studio, she somehow found herself captivated by the woman until her attention zeroed in on her.


As if she felt Mari’s gaze on her, Evelyn’s eyes slid to hers. Mari’s muscles tensed when she met her alluring eyes; her gaze so piercing and brilliant that it felt impossible to breathe. A ghost of a smile played on her lips before she mouthed something to Chanyeol, who turned to Mari’s direction with a smile.


Chanyeol beckoned her to come over. “Oh, Ms. Wang, I forgot to introduce to you,” he said, his large hand finding home in the small of Mari’s back when she stood next to him. “This is my fiance, Fujiwara Mariko.”


His words fell on Mari’s deaf ears. If she thought Evelyn looked stunning from afar, her beauty was absolutely incomprehensible upon a closer look. Not a single lash was out of place and her soft, rose-like perfume further added to her appeal. Under the gaze of two equally beautiful people, Mari couldn’t help but fidget a little.


Evelyn didn’t seem to care that she looked different though, because she only smiled. “Fiance?” she echoed, turning to Chanyeol with a chuckle. “Why, Mr. Park! I never thought you’d settle down.”


Chanyeol merely shrugged. “Ah, well, our families have known each other for a long time now. One thing leads to another and here we are.”


“That’s very delightful news. I was beginning to fear you’d grow alone and wrinkly.”


“And you? Are you planning on settling alone as well?” Mari couldn’t help but ask before Chanyeol could say anything.


Evelyn waved her hands in front of them, her carmine acrylic nails sparkling before Mari’s face. “Goodness, no! I mean, I’ve been together with my boyfriend for so long but I don’t think we’re thinking of getting married anytime soon. We just want to take things slow, you know? I’m still at the peak of my career and he’s not really fond of attention.”


“Your boyfriend is not a model?”


“No, no, he’s not,” she shook her head. She opened to say something else when Tana appeared, telling her that they needed her in the set now if they were done retouching her makeup. Tana scowled at Mari briefly before walking away. Evelyn only frowned at her rude behavior before turning to the both of them, her smile sheepish. “Anyways, it was lovely making your acquaintance Miss Fujiwara but I’m afraid I have to go now,” She extended a hand for her to shake.


Mari clasped her hands around her larger ones, trying to blink back her surprise at how smooth and velvety her skin felt. She smiled at Evelyn. “I understand. Pleased to meet you as well.”


Evelyn beamed at her one more time before scurrying away, a horde of makeup artists trailing behind her. When she finally got on set and the photographer gave her instructions, Evelyn nodded as she took all the words in, a single assistant still fixing her dress and making sure she was airbrushed to perfection. Evelyn looked even more riveting under the flashing lights, and now she understood why even Chanyeol seemed impressed by her.


“Are you okay?”


Mari jumped a little in her spot, looking up at Chanyeol who was still holding her close. They were now near the back of the studio. “Huh?”


“You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”


“It’s nothing,” she reassured, her mind going back to Baekhyun for a moment before she shook her head. “So it seems you and Evelyn are close.”


Chanyeol raised a shoulder lazily. “She’s friendly to everyone.”


“She’s sweet,” Mari said. Chanyeol kept silent as they both watched Evelyn do several poses, earning her multiple praises from the photographer.


They fell into a cycle of Evelyn taking water breaks every half hour and to change dresses, Tana barking ideas to the quivering assistants from the editor team at the same time. Evelyn would turn to Tana with a frown every time she did so, but Tana never seemed to notice. Occasionally, someone would approach them to offer food and water, until they sat on a leather couch when Mari’s feet grew too tired.


Chanyeol surveyed everything, his eyes distant and glossed over as he watched Evelyn carefully. Meanwhile, Mari’s mind kept going back and forth to Baekhyun. She hadn’t seen him ever since their encounter, but when he came over to whisper something to Chanyeol, Mari quickly averted her gaze. Chanyeol glanced worriedly at her when she shrunk herself back in her seat, but said nothing else. After that, he’d invited Mari that they should probably leave the moment she grew bored and at the same time stressed out of her mind. She was more than grateful to take him up on his offer, and she peaked a curious glance at the silent bodyguard following behind them.


Chanyeol’s grip on her hand tightened to turn her attention back to him, and he never let go of her hand until they made it back to the car. Mari’s leg bounced as her gaze drifted from Chanyeol and out into the windows back and forth, randomly blurting out, “We should invite her to dinner.”


He frowned. “What? Why would we do that?”


“Something tells me she’s going to be really useful for the company. It’s best we win her heart over before our competitors.”


He nodded in thought. “I see. Well, we can invite the whole team as well-”


Mari shook her head. “No, I just want it to be the three of us. I want to get to know her better.”


Chanyeol pursed his lips as he mulled over the thought. When the car engine revved and they pulled forwards, he’d already pulled out his phone. “Let me see if she can make time for us.”




They didn’t go home straight away after the shoot. Chanyeol insisted he wanted to take her somewhere, and much to her surprise, he brought her to the Han River. Baekhyun was long gone along with the rest of their security team, leaving Mari alone with the comfort of the man she loved.


Surrounded by the steady stream of the river and the faint chatter of the people, Mari was brought back to the day Baekhyun brought here. It seemed just like yesterday when he slowed down his pace so she could keep up. They spent the rest of the day with Baekhyun taking her to ramen stalls and bakery shops, and then into smaller convenience stores where he introduced to her the wonder that was instant coffee.


She remembered how his hair gleamed in a metallic shade under the fluorescent lights of a 7-11 store. She remembered how bubbly laughter left his thin lips when her eyes widened at her first sip of ramen with kimchi, fanning herself with a gasp at the spiciness of it. He reached out with a napkin in his hand to wipe at the smidges of it on the corners of his lips, his palm rough and calloused—a sign he worked hard—yet his touch felt light and gentle on hers. She remembered everything from the first day they met in the airport to when he pulled her aside this morning.


As much as she enjoyed Chanyeol spending the day with her taking a walk and then going into luxury boutiques, having dinner afterwards on an overlooking skyscraper, her mind kept going back to Baekhyun. He was so different from Chanyeol in everything they did. While Chanyeol wore expensive coats and leather shoes, Baekhyun wore nothing but his occasional suit, the plastic earpiece he had always snaking from the back of his collar.


Even as they had dinner, she couldn’t help but compare the two. Chanyeol was a neat eater, his knowledge in fine dining and cutlery on par with hers. He didn’t make a sound, not even when the knife and fork scraped against the plate, and he chewed so silently she nearly doubted he was even there with her at all. Baekhyun, on the other hand, slurped his ramen noodles loudly and always moaned softly when eating his favorite mung bean pancakes that taste like hash browns.


The contrast between them didn’t go unnoticed by Mari, and she kept comparing them still as she and Chanyeol walked around the Han River. The air had gotten colder compared to the time she went here with Baekhyun, or maybe it was because she and Chanyeol were a few centimeters apart. Being the tall man he was, his steps and strides were twice the size of hers. She had to keep up with his pace since he never noticed she always walked a step behind. Mari had grown too tired with keeping up with him though, so she held her arm around his to let him know she needed him to slow down.


Chanyeol turned to her with a confused expression, but a frown quickly replaced his features when he saw Mari. Maybe she hadn’t been that good at hiding her emotions like she thought she did. The distress and tugging of her heart were probably written all over her face, because Chanyeol moved her arm down to his hands. When their fingers locked and she felt his warmth cascade over her like a soothing melody, they trudged forwards.


“A penny for your thoughts?”


“Is it that obvious?”


He bumped his shoulders to her, his steps finally slowing down. “Don’t keep it all in. You can tell me what’s worrying you.”


“Promise you won’t judge?”


“It depends, if I’m going to be honest. If you say pineapple without pizza is better, I might offer some sort of criticism.”


The laughter that crinkled through her lips felt natural, and she found herself relaxing in his presence. No matter how much her shoulders loosened up though, her chest still tightened uncomfortably. Mari shook her head, the ghost of a smile still there on her face. “It’s not that, silly.”


“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”


“No, no, I want to. It’s just—”


“Difficult?” he looked down at her with a smile. Chanyeol pointed to the sky. “We have all the time in the world. I can wait all night.”


Mari’s lip quivered when Chanyeol’s thumb rubbed at the ring she wore. “It’s about Baekhyun,” she admitted eventually, the aftermath of voicing her worries somehow making her heart feel lighter. Mari continued. “He came to me this morning to apologize over what he did. He seemed sincere enough and I know he really felt bad for what he did. Baekhyun’s not the type of person who’d do such a thing without a valid reason, after all. It’s just...I still get a little scared whenever I see him. I know he won’t hurt me but I just can’t help it, you know? It’s like, I’m still traumatized by everything and I freeze when he’s around.”


Chanyeol offered a sympathetic gaze, his thumb now forming circles on top of hers. The movement soothed and lulled her for a little bit, and his voice came out soft. “He won’t stop talking about you, too. He keeps asking if you’ve been sleeping well and whatnot, because he hasn’t been,” he stopped walking to look her in the eye, “Listen, whatever happened between you two, I think it’s best if you two talk it out. I know you’re scared—and you have every right to be—but he was your friend, wasn’t he? You both miss each other and can’t stop thinking about what happened. It’s not going to be easy to forget what happened, but instead of using his mistakes against him, you can forgive him and use that memory as a lesson for the both of you.”


Mari chuckled lightly. “Your mother said the same thing. She said I should forgive him too.”


Chanyeol pulled away from her to place his hands on her shoulders. “There’s no need for you to do anything you’re uncomfortable with, remember that. But if you think forgiving him is the right thing to do, then what’s stopping you? You can’t let your fears hold you back all the time, especially when it comes to fixing your friendships.”


“I don’t know how friendships work, to be honest. I’m still learning as I go.”


“And there’s nothing wrong with that. You’ve been thrown into a whole different world, there’s still so much to see and learn. You can just relax and have fun while you’re here,” he said, looping his arm around her shoulders this time. Her face pressed near his armpit where she was greeted by the intoxicating smell of him, and a smile lit up her features briefly.


Suddenly, the city lights around them shone more romantically than it had ever been.


“You’re really not what I expected you to be,” she mumbled, his coat with her other hand. Something about being away from Chanyeol when Baekhyun already felt far enough didn’t sit well with Mari. She wanted him to be as close as possible. She had no plans of letting him go soon enough, especially after what she’d seen today.


Mari shut her eyes. She didn’t have any means of proving her theory, at least not now, and she hoped that whatever suspicion that lurked within her heart was nothing but just that. She didn’t want any of it to be true.


“What’s that supposed to mean?” He asked, pulling her out from her thoughts.


“Nothing. You could barely speak one word to me before and now look at us—” she held him tighter, tears threatening to spill out. “—I never thought we’d be here now.”


“Neither did I,” he kissed the top of her head. “Now, come on, it’s getting late. We got another busy day ahead of us.”


It turned out that Chanyeol still had more surprises hidden in the back of his pocket. Their driver was already gone by the time they made it back to the car, and he took the liberty to drive them home. She must’ve fallen asleep on the ride back because she couldn’t remember even getting in the elevator, which meant Chanyeol carried her all the way back.


She didn’t know anything, but she did know that her nightmares turned out different this time. Gone were the images of blood and shackles, the tantalizing feeling of being locked in a cell. They were replaced by something much more horrifying.


This time around, Mari dreamt of Chanyeol, his fingers buried into someone else’s hair. His lips—those lips she claimed as hers—shared a passionate kiss with a woman whose beauty made Mari pale in comparison. Instead of her name spoken with so much love and passion like he did days ago, he said her name. Mari was plagued by the sight she witnessed that morning; the way his eyes shone a little brighter and his laughter sounded a lot happier when she was there.


Mari woke up in a haste.


Her hands trembled in her lap while her tears dampened her cheeks, and she wiped them away with a muted sob. There was no way, there just couldn’t be. She was probably just imaging them all. Chanyeol liked her, he still liked her. He said there was nothing he couldn’t like and they spent a good few weeks cooped up in their penthouse, basking in each other’s presence like how real young lovers did. Everything he said was genuine, he wouldn’t lie. No, Chanyeol would never do that—


“Mari?” The door opened, revealing a sleepy Chanyeol with his hair poking upwards in different directions. Somehow, she’d shedded off her coat and must’ve banged into his room. Again, Mari couldn’t remember anything. Thinking rationally proved to even be a difficult task when Chanyeol still looked beautiful even with sleep crusting his eyes, and he was so beautiful and rightfully hers that she jumped in his arms. Chanyeol took a step back in surprise, his hand coming up to brush down her back in a way she liked. “What’s wrong? Why are you crying?”


Her teeth chattered. His heartbeat was calm and still under her palm. He was alive and he was well, and underneath her touch laid his heart—the heart she wanted to be hers the most. Mari stifled a gasp. “N-nightmares. I-I don’t w-wanna go back to s-sleep. N-not alone.”


“Come on, let’s get you to bed,” he sounded as tired as she felt. Wordlessly, Mari followed him into the darkness of his room where she laid next to him. Chanyeol bundled the covers on top of them until they were warm enough, but Mari kept inching closer to him, her body still trembling with fear. When he wrapped his arm around her though, her chills calmed down a little bit. Her breath regulated and Chanyeol sighed. “Better?” He asked, keeping his arm around her waist tight and secure. It was the only thing that made Mari feel safe. “Sleep now. You’re okay.”


No, I’m not. “Don’t go,” she mumbled, her eyes dropping down before sleep consumed her. “Don’t leave me alone. I love you.”




Baekhyun wouldn’t leave Mari’s mind.


She and Chanyeol had finally gone back to work, only to have him whisked away by a frantic looking Jongdae who didn’t look to have much sleep. She couldn’t blame the secretary; the office must be in shambles from Chanyeol’s absence.


Mari hunched over the desk, her hand robotically signing and crossing out some parts from the files she didn’t think were good enough. Yui gave her a bunch of proposals from her father that she needed to review, but her thoughts kept going back to a certain someone.


She couldn’t focus at all.


Her hand would randomly pause mid-air or she’d stare at the potted plant she had in her desk for a good minute. No matter what she did, her train of thought was beyond her control. She kept going back to the way Baekhyun’s steely gaze had turned vulnerable at her sight, his hand firmly folded at his back. Mari knew he did that because he’d always been instinctually protective that led him to being touchy, but he’d crossed a boundary that had to be respected.


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2021.24.01 — we got advertised! thank you so much!💕

Are you team Baekhyun or Team Chanyeol?

And who do you think she's gonna end up with and why? I would love to hear your theories!


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Its an amazing ff😭😭😭😭❤️❤️i love it
40 streak #2
Chapter 41: Seems interesting. I've already subscribed and I'm so excited to read LIMA 🥺🥰😍🤗
40 streak #3
Chapter 40: Omg.. so nari is mari and baekhyun's daughter 😭😭😭😭😭
Bt their reunion made me cry😭😭😭😭 . The last part 🤧🤧🤧😭😭😭 makes me so emotional. Bt mari ,chanyeol and their little family... 🥺🥺🥺🥺 it's like I want to know more about them 🥺🥺😖😖😖 . It was really an amazing journey. Really enjoyed reading this whole story. Loved it so much authornim. Idk bt I'm so emotional rn. I'm going to miss this story. Thank u so much authornim for writing such an amazing story. It was not an typical ending. From beginning to end it was awesome. Everything about it 👏👏😍❣🥺😖😭🤧❣❤😍🙆‍♀️🤩🥰
40 streak #4
Chapter 39: The whole chapter makes me so emotional. For a sec I thought something happened to baek😔😪🥺 bt he moved on and finally happy with his family. Even though I thought mari maybe will end up with baek. Plot twist 🥺🤔 i just couldn't stop thinking about what will happen next with thumping heart. 🤧🤧
40 streak #5
Chapter 38: 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
40 streak #6
Chapter 37: 🥺🥺😭😭😭🤧🤧💔💔💔
40 streak #7
Chapter 36: Such Plot twist and finally revelation. Total psychopath. Feeling sad for yui .
40 streak #8
Chapter 35: Oh no 🥺🥺😖😖💔💔😪😪
40 streak #9
Chapter 34: Haru is totally a psychotic person nope worst person and the main reason for this all 😡😡😡
40 streak #10
Chapter 33: Omg.. so my guess was right. It's kyo and tana Kim 😖😖😖😶😶 poor Mari 🥺🥺🥺🤧🤧😭😭😭 now what will happen 😢