If I Could Tell You

Splintered Light: an EXO oneshot collection
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Sehun isn’t drunk. He’s tipsy, perhaps. Mildly sloshed. One sheet to the wind. That’s okay. It’s Minseok’s birthday party, and Minseok likes to drink. Sehun’s just being companionable. Keeping up. Making up for lightweights like Baekhyun, who has a habit of falling asleep after one single beer.

Minseok’s living room appears to be swaying, though. Perhaps he’s two sheets to the wind, then. But not three, oh no. Nowhere near three. He makes his way towards Minseok’s couch and aims himself at the gap in the middle, between Baekhyun on one end and Jongdae on the other.

The couch dodges.

“Oy,” Sehun says, stumbling sideways. He stands still for a second to recalibrate, narrowing his eyes at his elusive target. On the right side of the couch, Jongdae appears to be trying to argue with Chanyeol and Jongin while Jongin is simultaneously carrying out a completely separate argument with Chanyeol, and Junmyeon is making placating hand motions between all three of them. On the left, Baekhyun looks half-asleep. He’s absently petting Minseok’s cat, Tan, who’s curled up on his lap, while he gazes with glazed eyes at an episode of Knowing Brother playing on the TV. 

Lightweight. Sehun’s sure he only had half a glass.

Sehun takes aim at the middle cushion, lunges forward, and collapses successfully onto it. He grins triumphantly at the ceiling, holding his cup out of reach of Tan’s inquisitive nose.

“Sehunnie,” Baekhyun says sleepily.

Sehun smiles dreamily at the lightbulb above his head. Baekhyun is so cute. Even cuter than Tannie. He reaches over to pet Tan’s ears. Tan happily pushes her cheek against his hand, then gets up and steps over into Sehun’s lap instead. Sehun blinks down at the cat, surprised. Baekhyun takes the mostly empty cup from Sehun’s fingers and puts it on the coffee table.

“Oh … thanks.”

“No problem.”

Sehun Tan’s fluffy back absent-mindedly, preoccupied with sneaking glances at Baekhyun.

“Hyung,” he says finally.


“You think I should dye my hair?”

Baekhyun blinks up at him. “Do you want to dye it?”

“It’s just ... it’s been black for a while. I was thinking ... blonde, maybe. Like yours.” Sehun impulsively slips his hand around the back of Baekhyun’s neck, running his fingers through the silky-smooth strands. 

“It’s been a while since you were blonde,” Baekhyun says. “The fans will like it.”

Sehun down the back of Baekhyun’s neck, fingers smoothing over the first bump of his spine. “Your hair is so soft,” he mumbles. “Even though you dye it so much.” And wow, it’s hot in here all of a sudden. Sehun can feel his cheeks glowing. He wonders if Minseok will think it’s weird if he asks him to turn the heating down.

“You can dye your hair if you want,” Baekhyun says. 

“Really?” Sehun says, a little husky. He clears his throat. “You think it will look good?”

“Any hair colour looks good on you, Sehunnie. It’s because your face …” Baekhyun trails off.

Sehun’s hand is still curved around the back of Baekhyun’s neck. He pulls him closer until their noses are nearly touching. “What about my face?” he breathes.

Baekhyun gazes up at him, somehow droopy-eyed and wide-eyed at the same time. He looks entirely flustered. He’s so, so cute. The cutest hyung ever. Sehun turns and shifts tow

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Chapter 8: Sehunnie is sooo adorable! Hopefully he actually calls Baek back in the morning and says those unspoken words. Love this :^). <3.
Chapter 6: I’m tearing up after reading this because all Kyungsoo wants to do is protect those closest to him and he takes on way to much responsibility and guilt for the others. OCD rituals can be soothing as Lind as they don’t become overwhelming. Thanks for another thoughtful story. Your super power is to see the best in others. Thanks for sharing.
Chapter 5: Yixing - dreaming or reality? No one knows for sure, but his innocence and goodness still shines through. I wish he was able to tour with the rest of EXO - I miss seeing him dance with Sehun and getting his few lines in every song. Wait a minute, maybe his solo career in China is better for him? Hmmmm…
Chapter 3: So sorry he got hurt, but at least Junmyeon found out they need him.
Chapter 2: Poor Baekhyun!!! The trauma he’s trying to escape from doesn’t justify the self harm to cope. I’m glad he let his “brothers” in and accepted their love, understanding and protection. I hope anyone in this situation would have the safety net by of friendship to catch them when they feel like they’re falling. Another great story in compassion. Thank you.
Chapter 1: It’s scary to think someone would consider a life threatening allergy would make them seem less than perfect, and hide it from others. Thankfully Jongin is surrounded by people who love him and protect him. On to the next chapter ;^) <3
Chapter 1: owwww! that was a rolercoaster. jongin's feelings and condition was described with so much detail that i felt every inch of it.!!
744 streak #8
Chapter 3: One more amazing oneshot. :D
744 streak #9
Chapter 2: Another touching oneshot. Thank you. I enjoyed. <3