
Where We Once Were

May 23rd, 2025. 1:42 PM. Los Angeles.

There is nothing quite like the California sunshine. Sure, it all beams down from the same star no matter where in the world you are. But there’s something unique about the vibrant atmosphere. People here don’t care if you’re parading around in barely any clothing and showing some skin. It’s common to see folk in cropped shirts and the tiniest pairs of shorts imaginable. Everyone is so wrapped up in their own socially driven lives to care about or bother you. Well, unless they recognise you or mistake you for a B-list celebrity. Wendy doesn’t mind it.  Some people that strangers have mistaken her for, she considers compliments. Others, she wonders if the people of Los Angeles need better prescriptions for their eyes. 

The appeal of the ‘city of dreams’ is apparent. Almost everyone here looks ready for their big break. The line of boutique clothing stores makes it easy for just about anyone to have the starlet look. She’s begun to love it here, though admitting that is terrifying. The freedom to explore surrounded by such glitz and glamour can be dangerous for some. Wendy has overheard plenty of stories about the less pleasant side of Los Angeles. The side that has young women such as herself falling into addiction or money problems. But, she has done her best to keep her head on her shoulders and away from the more negative aspects of Hollywoodland. 

It’s been eight months since she packed up her things and took the plunge to move here. Her parents and friends were sceptical and begged her not to do it. They were sure that the safety net of Korea would be a more familiar setting for her to launch a solo career. However, being in Seoul and seeing the news reports on her group mates' current states was mentally draining. All anybody wanted to ask her about was when she would be releasing music, if Red Velvet would be back together someday, or if she missed her home life. It became too much for her to stomach.

After years of having four people behind her and believing in every dream she could ever conjure up, she only has herself these days. It feels bizarre to be without them. Sometimes when she’s in the recording studio, she wishes desperately to hear Seulgi’s adlibs behind her voice or to place a rap verse from Yeri and Irene toward the end of the song. But, those desires quickly vanish when she remembers how unsupportive of her needs they were throughout their negotiation period with management. 

Thankfully, her current team are more passionate about her upcoming project, and the support she has gained from them has been invaluable. There were a few offers after she had attended an industry showcase from recording companies. But there’s something freeing about being with an independent label instead. It’s a small company with few employees who are dedicated and hard-working. Wendy finds herself enamoured by their devotion to music and constantly strives to be ahead of the curve with their sound. 

The last few weeks have been non-stop, and it feels like an eternity of putting the pieces together. But they are just three days away from the first album release with the new company. It has been a long and arduous journey to get to this point. The studio floor has been used more often for sleeping than ever before. But, it will all be worth it to release a project that Wendy can feel proud of entirely.

Before every release as a member of Red Velvet, all the girls had a unique way of preparing for it and calming their nerves. Being alone now means Wendy can no longer practice hers, which was to focus on everyone else to distract herself from her thoughts. Thus for the last week, she has taken several impromptu walks through the blistering streets to people-watch. It isn’t quite the same, but it relaxes her more than staying home to fidget and dawdle aimlessly. It stops the worrying voice in her head that tells her no one will buy her album and that people don’t care about her anymore.  These ideas can consume you, and Wendy has tried her hardest to silence them. But the closer it gets to release day, the harder it has become. 

It’s hard not to reminisce on her days as part of a five-piece. After all, her time in Red Velvet has taught her more than she recognises. She would only be deceiving herself if she didn’t admit to missing their faces and voices. Sometimes, when it gets particularly tough, she can hear Irene’s words of wisdom, ready to pick her back up from her slump. But as time passes, the words begin to warp and become forgotten. 

She takes a seat on a bench on the sidewalk. It’s warm on her legs, only covered by black denim shorts. She folds her arms across her chest and brushes the hair out of her eyes. There are food vendors across the street hurriedly packing up people's orders. The scent of their trucks is better than the usual car emissions and poor hygiene. She watches them for a few minutes whilst deciding if she should enjoy their food or eat the prepped lunch she made for herself back home. She stands to cross the road to get a better look at their menu. 

“Oh my god, Wendy?” A loud, shrill voice yells from behind her. Before she can turn around, arms swing around her neck and wrap her up in a crushing hug. “It is you? I can’t believe it! It has been so long”. 

If the arms had belonged to anyone else or had she been unable to recognise the voice, she may have instructed a passing stranger to call the police immediately. Thankfully, it is not the hugging monster of Los Angeles out to attack her.  Well, unless you consider a hug an attack. But Wendy does not, not when it is from someone she knows who will cheer her up. 

“Tiffany! Oh my god. Hey! It’s been forever.” She chokes out. The arms tightly around her neck make it difficult to get the words out.

No one bats an eyelid at the two women admiring one another mere inches apart. It does feel odd that no one is here to capture the moment. Wendy can’t tell if it stems from being accustomed to cameras being everywhere or if it is to please the many fans online who would love to see them hanging out together. She takes a second to look at Tiffany intently. Her skin is glowing more than usual. Her demeanour is always cheery, Wendy contemplates. But, she seems healthy and, more importantly, happy. It is a breath of fresh air to see someone from the same world as her and not seemingly a broken shell of a person. Though, Wendy knows that Tiffany has always been sensible. 

“You look amazing, wow! What are you doing here?” Tiffany asks, genuinely curious. Her voice is still excited and rapid for Wendy, but she doesn’t mind. She’s just glad to see a familiar face. 

“I live here now.” She replies bluntly. Her consciousness rapidly reminds her that even though neither of them is in Korea anymore, Tiffany is still her senior. She does her best to soften her tone before continuing. “I came here after… everything imploded.” 

Tiffany slowly nods in understanding. Her eyes show a glimmer of sadness that quickly fades. Wendy internally thanks Tiffany for showing little to no desire to question her further on the group’s split. She likely knows all too well what it is like to have a million and one questions about something you don’t wish to talk about. She also understands the feeling of being far apart from the people you spent a vast portion of your life alongside. 

“So, what are you up to?” The lack of words between them makes Wendy swiftly blurt out. It is also so Tiffany can refrain from giving her more pitiful looks. “I was just about to grab some food if you wanted to join.” 

Though presented as an invitation, part of Wendy silently hopes Tiffany will decline. She loves Tiffany and appreciates the distraction she has provided by bumping into her. But, a routine catch-up will only lead to questions, and they tend to lead down a path she doesn’t want to go down today. 

However, in the blink of an eye, Tiffany hooks her arm through Wendy’s and begins to drag her halfway down the street to what she assures her is the best place in the city for food. When they arrive outside of an organic pop-up restaurant that only serves vegan food and uses all non-dairy products, Wendy isn’t surprised. She’s read reviews about this type of place lately, though she has never ventured to any of them. Instead, she concluded that the hype surrounding them and their buckwheat teas cant be real. However, she’s been roped into this and has no choice but to try something once they reach the counter. 

“I’ve never been here before. What do you recommend?” Wendy aims toward Tiffany. However, it gains the attention of the young woman standing behind the counter, waiting patiently to take their order. 

“The watermelon lemonade is our best-seller. It pairs well with the braised tofu I have heard.” The girl whose nametag reads Delilah responds. “Though perhaps your girlfriend here would prefer to order for you?” 

Wendy struggles to breathe whilst Tiffany bursts into roaring laughter and wraps her arm slowly around Wendy’s waist, which does not help the current situation. 

“Yes, honey, I should order for you, huh?” Tiffany asks in Korean so as not to let up the ruse to Delilah. However, Wendy shrugs her arm off her and takes a cautious step away from her body. 

“We aren’t together. Well, we are. But we are strictly friends.” Wendy clarifies. Delilah simply rolls her eyes. “I’ll take the watermelon lemonade and tofu, thanks.” 

Tiffany tries to pay for their orders, but Wendy won’t let her. They both try their best to be stubborn about it. However, Wendy somehow wins this round and thanks the heavens that Delilah is not the server to bring them their food - which gets handed to them at incredible speed.  They sit outside and drink what Wendy reluctantly admits is a delicious watermelon lemonade whilst getting re-acquainted with one another. 

Small talk is all that they engage in at first, politely asking about each other’s families and if they have been up to anything as of late. Wendy doesn’t mention the album release and isn’t sure why she finds telling Tiffany an uncomfortable topic, nor is she ready to unpack that here. Tiffany tells her about how she is going on tour soon and that Wendy should come to one of her shows so that they can perform together. Wendy agrees. The mood turns solemn as they reminisce on how young they were when training for their careers began and everything they have been through in the music industry. 

“Do you like it here?” Tiffany whispers. Her voice is soft, but her face is serious. Wendy isn’t used to seeing her concerned, but she imagines this is what it looks like. 

“Yeah… I mean, it’s worlds apart from what I’m used to, but that’s a good thing for me.” Wendy answers carefully and is surprised by the honesty of her answer. “The lack of judgement is refreshing. If I make a mistake here, people don’t seem to mind as long as I’m willing to learn from it. It’s not like that, there.” Wendy desperately wants to say home, but she’s unsure if she can call it home for either of them anymore. 

“I know what you mean. There’s more freedom here to do what you want to do.” Tiffany pauses. “And to be whoever you want to be.” She adds, not so subtly. Wendy pretends not to pick up on the innuendo. 

A comfortable silence falls between them. But, it’s clear to Wendy that Tiffany wants to poke further at her prior statement. She sighs heavily, closes her eyes and prepares to be honest again. 

“It’s that obvious, huh?” Wendy asks, knowing the answer before Tiffany can tell her. 

“I’m afraid so.” Tiffany chuckles lightly. “But hey, you know your secret is safe with me, right? You wouldn’t be the first person from our world to be whatever you label yourself as.” 

Wendy simply nods. The conversation doesn’t need to go any further, but having Tiffany’s words of kindness is a great comfort. Though, her hands fidget out of nervousness from such a self-consuming topic discussed so openly. It has been years since Wendy last confronted this part of her. But, she feels notably at ease. 

Tiffany pulls out her phone to check the time, standing to place her cup in the recycling bin before turning back to Wendy with a half-smile.

“Give me your number. I have somewhere I need to be right now. But we should hang out again soon.” She giddily expresses.

Wendy obliges. It would be nice to have a friend here, she contemplates. If nothing else, Tiffany understands her beyond the persona that had been relied on for years prior. She quickly taps the numbers on the screen and hands the device back to Tiffany, who has pulled sunglasses with a substantially large frame out of thin air to place on her face. 

“Hey, I know things seem better here, and I understand they can be. But keep your guard up. The music industry is shady everywhere you go.” Tiffany gently rubs Wendy’s shoulder, and although she can’t see her eyes currently, Wendy knows they are likely hiding a story behind them.

“I will, don’t worry about me. But thank you.” 

Tiffany turns on her heels to strut off and away. She is only a few steps away when she looks back toward Wendy to holler in her booming voice, way more fitting than the serious one from seconds prior. 

“I think she liked you too, by the way!” Tiffany yells. A few people stop to stare at her and then carry on with their day. 

“Who?” Wendy screams in return as best as she can without feeling embarrassed. 

Tiffany smirks. 

“The one you were pining over for years.” 

Wendy remains frozen in place, her jaw agape with confusion. Though she’s not surprised that Tiffany was able to pick up on her feelings, she is slightly worried about who else could have known about it. Was she that obvious? 

“How did y-” Wendy tries to ask but is cut off by an already leaving Tiffany, who throws her a response over her shoulder.

“You always looked like a lovesick puppy around her, Seungwan.” 

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Chapter 5: It's fiction and it's loosely based on real life happenings but my feelings.... Gawd it's so hard... I read this and then i go on twt and see the members enjoying the tour and waiting for Joy to recover and join them... It's hard. But I can't wait for more
925 streak #2
Chapter 5: Ahhhh not the cliffhanger again!!! I'm gonna pass out authornim. The last line got me overthink of what might happen to Yeri 😩😵🤒
mammt_ #3
Chapter 4: omg
925 streak #4
Chapter 4: Nohhhh the cliffhanger 😭😭
Now i'm dying to know who's Sooyoung referring to 🤔
no_face #5
Chapter 4: Wow,, the cliffhangers in every chapter is daebak,, can't wait to read the next chap
mammt_ #6
Chapter 3: i bet Tiffany is referring to joohyun???? i need more chapters!!!
925 streak #7
Chapter 3: Who's Tiffany reffering to?? It's Seulgi or Sooyoung?? or it's Joohyun, I guess??
Chapter 3: omg wHO
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