
Where We Once Were



June 5th, 2024. 10:05 AM. Seoul. 

The draughty office building in the middle of the city has been the source of dread for the last month. The rotation in and out of various meeting rooms has been exhausting. They hold the secrets of many negotiation attempts, but none have been successful. Not to mention the leather seats are cold and uncomfortable. A looming tension is in everyone's body language. It is unsettling how quickly a close-knit bond can break into a million pieces. 

Joohyun positions herself to the lower left of the long desk. She is the first to arrive, unsurprisingly. Everyone else tends to file in a queue behind her. But today, Joohyun made sure to be here earlier than usual. If the situation were less intense, she would be proud of how the members she helped to guide have stood up for themselves during these discussions. Each is unwilling to budge as they know what they want. Alas, the pain of something she loved no longer existing hurts too much to be at peace. She also understands how part of it is her own doing.

Outside of this building, the members barely see one another. Seulgi was the first to leave, but soon enough, they all began to follow suit. It surprised Joohyun the most when Yerim decided to go. She figured the youngest member would stay at the dormitory until the end. Instead, she ended up being the one left behind without them. She recalls that day with sadness. Seungwan stayed for as long as she could. But eventually, they began to bicker over minute issues despite the space feeling lonely. Joohyun was crushed but held it together out of spite.

Soon enough, the members begin to file into the room. Sooyoung arrived first. She sits beside Joohyun with a coffee for her leader. Despite everything, Sooyoung has been surprisingly the most understanding member toward Joohyun. It wasn't easy to vote against the other members who wanted to continue as five. The pair knew the time had come to close the curtain on Red Velvet for differing reasons, but they were united.

“How are you feeling?” Sooyoung whispers gently. 

Joohyun flinches at the abrupt sound of her voice cutting through the silence. Joohyun shrugs dismissively, and Sooyoung nods. She has always been grateful for Sooyoung’s perception. Today is no different. 

The door opens once more as Yerim and Seulgi enter together, side-by-side. They agreed to continue working in South Korea primarily and had no interest in international promotions. But, they couldn’t convince Seungwan to give up on her demands to promote in the United States and for her to be able to return home to Canada to tour once per year. The arguing between the three has been constant. Seungwan felt deeply hurt by their inability to see her perspective. Seulgi and Yerim felt it inconsiderate of Seungwan to wish to add to their already packed schedule every year. It devolved into a nonsensical back and forth with no resolve.

“No coffee for us today, Sooyoung?” Yerim asks. Her voice is angry, but Sooyoung knows it stems from hurt. 

Yerim fought so hard to feel like a member of Red Velvet. The fandom was hesitant to accept her, and she felt left out whenever discussions of their days before her inclusion in Red Velvet would come up. But, the members did their best to reassure her throughout it all. On the verge of everyone parting ways, her insecurities about her value to the group have reemerged tenfold. Not that she has been discussing them with anyone. Instead, she hides them away under the angry exterior she has created. 

Despite this, Sooyoung knows her too well and bites her tongue rather than bother with a retort.

Seulgi’s voice has remained the quietest in these meetings. She will rarely input her opinion or offer them insight into her thoughts. Instead, she picks at her fingers or stares off into space. Joohyun knows that she has hurt Seulgi the most. They began together and vowed to try and keep their group alive for as long as possible. But now, she is breaking that vow. Joohyun often wonders if her own needs are worth it. Why does she wish to return home to Daegu and live a regular life? What could she possibly be sad about with her current position in one of the country's best girl groups? She has travelled the world and had every opportunity to better her life. But in the end, it doesn’t equate to the quality time she desperately desires with her family. She has missed out on so much over the years. Though those years will never return to her, she seeks to make up for them.

A few businessmen shuffle outside loudly, one of which holds the door open for a late Seungwan. She keeps her head down as she strides toward an empty seat. She looks exhausted. Joohyun wonders if she has been taking care of herself back in Canada. Seungwan retreated to her home country after a difficult last meeting that caused many tears. It has been hurtful to watch from the sidelines as her members fight so desperately to understand one another's demands. Meanwhile, her own destroys any chance of resolve as she does not wish to continue.

One of the many company executives handling the unfortunate task of these meetings closes the door behind Seungwan and stands tall at the front of the room. He rubs his eyes and sighs defeatedly. The demands of Red Velvet as a group have been stressful for many people outside their group. He stalks around the desk laying out the latest copies of new contracts they have drawn up in front of each member delicately.

“Okay. Where are we today?” He speaks. His voice is hoarse and tired. Trying to shout over the top of their loud voices for weeks on end has caused damage to his vocal cords. “Do we have any resolutions?” 

Joohyun shakes her head whilst everyone else remains still and silent. The majority of the meetings begin this way but devolve into loudness. Usually, Joohyun is the voice of reason. But the negotiation phase has to end today.

At the start of the negotiations, they all appeared willing to re-sign. A brief meeting in the living room of the dormitory was set up to air out any conflicts or changes in the contracts. When no one spoke up or wanted to change anything, it was presumed they were ready to start schedules. But, a week later, they were dragged into a meeting room and informed of the changes they had all secretly outlined to S.M. Entertainment. Including that one of them wished to leave the group, company and entertainment business entirely. It was quite a surprise to everyone to find out it was Joohyun who requested it.

“So, help me to understand where it is you all stand today.” He asks nervously. No one within the company wants to see the group disband. But they do all understand that not every group can stay together forever.

“I want to work in the United States and Canada. We have fans that we are neglecting there.” Seungwan speaks shakily. Her eyes remain glued to the floor. Seungwan has been stern about her desire to tour. The stage has always been a place to be free. It means more when the fans are from your home country, though.

“I think we should focus on our fans here. We have five solo schedules plus group promotions already. We shouldn’t be buying into the hype of international promotions that overwork everyone.” Yerim seethes. She stares a hole into Seungwan’s head, who remains slumped in her seat, looking down. 

“I want to focus on acting. Red Velvet has had my whole heart for almost ten years now. We aren’t getting any younger, and fresh groups are debuting. It is time to let go.” Sooyoung speaks with confidence. Joohyun is the only member who will agree with her in the current circumstances. But they all feel the pressure to move aside for their juniors. It has been spoken about in hushed tones for some time now. 

Yerim slams her hand down onto the table and rises from her seat. “So what, we aren’t good enough now?” She yells. 

“That is not what I’m saying. I just think we need to accept that we can’t go on. We have done our jobs and been excellent. But time catches up to everyone, Yerim.” Sooyoung shakily responds. Yerim has been desperately clutching at straws to keep the group alive. Sooyoung knows there is no point in upsetting her further. 

“I just want to go home.” Joohyun finally speaks. Her words break the tension as Yerim returns to her seat. Her face is glum and full of remorse.

No one has questioned Joohyun about her choice to quit the entertainment world. Everyone recognises the sacrifices she has made for them over the years. It is hard to think about continuing without her, but the thought has passed through everyone’s mind. 

The executive sits finally and bows his head. He understands the decision they have internally begun to unpack. But, he cannot help but try one last time for a different outcome to his months of hard work. It would be sad for many people to see such a beloved group implode on itself.

“The company does not wish to offer you overseas promotions. I apologise, Seungwan.” He starts, though they have all heard this monologue before. “Sooyoung, we will gladly find you acting positions in your spare time outside of group promotions as we have previously. We can also offer you all solo activities throughout the year.” 

“Will we be able to produce and write for those solo activities?” Yerim asks. She has been keen to further her songwriting and producing abilities lately. It isn’t the first time she has asked. But, it is the first time she will be answered.

“No, Yerim. You cannot control your music..” He states flatly and turns to Joohyun, who sits up attentively. “I know that you wish to return to Daegu. I am pleased to tell you we have a compromise. You can spend three months out of the year back home when there are no promotions in the pipeline. The remainder of the year, you will be here in Seoul.” He smiles, expecting a positive response after multiple people mapped out a specialised schedule for the group to cater to Joohyun.

Joohyun remains silent for a moment and considers the option. Three months out of the year is generous and would give her time to do the things she wishes to do. But, it is merely a glorified holiday. She will be forced back into idol mode. A mode she has grown tired of switching on. 

“I respectfully decline.” Joohyun counters, clearly and resolute. She pushes the contract in front of her toward the executive, unsigned and unread. “I want to go home, permanently.” 

Seulgi moves for the first time today to look up at Joohyun. Her eyes glisten from holding back tears, and screws into a half frown. Joohyun smiles softly to reassure her that there is nothing Seulgi could have done to prevent this. She knows that Seulgi has overthought her choice to leave and likely blaming herself.

“Well, we still have our backup plan.” The executive interrupts their moment of resolution. “We have a final comeback scheduled for next month as a five-piece. Afterwards, you will announce that Joohyun is stepping down from Red Velvet, and you will continue as four.” 

The room turns to Sooyoung, who usually interrupts to remind them of her plans to move forward with acting only. However, she is busy looking at Joohyun with sadness across her face. Joohyun stares back at her, gripping her hand to let her know that whatever decision she makes here, Joohyun understands. She doesn’t want to hold them back from continuing as Red Velvet. Thus, she has long since accepted her role in the group may need to be dissolved to achieve that. 

Sooyoung turns to the contract on the table and glances over the section detailing her request to do more acting.

Ms Park Sooyoung will receive acting roles outside of Red Velvet’s full schedule. We also reserve the right to control and deny any acting roles necessary.

The words spin around in her mind as she contemplates what her future will look like without Joohyun and still under the thumb of S.M. Entertainment. Every facet of their adult lives has been controlled and run on tight schedules. She has missed many opportunities that she desperately wanted due to Red Velvet having promotions or needing to be overseas. Even personally, she has sacrificed so much to remain part of the group. 

“I can’t sign this.” Sooyoung finally relinquishes. “I can’t allow this company to control what I want to do any longer.” 

Yerim abruptly stands again and leans across the table to snatch away Sooyoung’s unsigned contract. 

“I knew you would do this.” Yerim shouts. “I knew you would be selfish and put your own needs above all of ours.” 

“Don’t you see how hypocritical you are being? You badly wish to write music, do you not? Do you want to produce? They won’t let you, Yerim. They will never let you do what you wish to do.” Sooyoung raises her voice, finally giving in to her annoyance. “You should be siding with me on this.” 

“No. Unlike you, I am willing to give that up for the group.” Yerim continues to argue. 

“Well, you’re even more stupid than I thought.” Sooyoung insults. The words leave quickly but she regrets them faster. 

Yerim fumes silently and seats herself back down. She quickly signs her contract and slams down the pen.

“I am staying with or without you guys.” 

Seungwan picks up her contract and reads through it carefully as the bickering continues in the background. Her eyes trail over the words carefully. She doesn’t wish to be locked into a contract that is going to keep her in South Korea for the foreseeable future. Her time back in Canada during these negotiations has been a delight. Seungwan isn’t ready to give that up yet. 

Ms Son Seungwan will receive additional solo promotions on top of Red Velvet’s full schedule. Touring is currently not feasible but may be re-negotiated in the future. 

“It’s going to be without me too, Yerim. I’m sorry, but I cannot sign this.” She tightens her jacket around her torso. "I want to be able to see my family more than once per year and I can't achieve that if I am stuck here." 

"Oh, because we are so difficult for you to be around?" Seulgi mutters under her breath, though everyone catches it. 

"No, Seul. I just... I need this for me." Seungwan quickly adds. 

“So what? It’s just going to be Seulgi and I?” Yerim turns to face Seulgi, who is struggling to hide her worried expression. “Right? You’re staying too, right?” Yerim asks. 

Seulgi picks up the contract and places it atop Seungwan’s, unsigned too. 

“I can’t agree to some of the terms within this,” Seulgi mutters. “I’d like to discuss it further, alone.” 

The executive looks up and retrieves her contract and places it to one side. He looks around the room at the five women and comes to terms with his failure to fix the broken group. 

“So, are we done?” Joohyun questions. 

He nods and gestures that they are free to leave. “Just don’t forget. You all have one last comeback before you’re free to do whatever it is you plan to do. I’m sorry to see you go and I’m sad I couldn’t get you the demands you wanted.” 

Seungwan recognises his genuine remorse but quickly leaves before everyone else. It has finally sunk in that in two months, she will no longer be a member of Red Velvet and leave S.M. Entertainment for good. She is quickly followed by Sooyoung and Joohyun, they embrace before parting ways. Yerim storms off alone and doesn’t look back toward the office once. 

The executive stands to leave too, but before he can reach the door, Seulgi grabs onto his shoulder softly. He turns back to face her with a confused expression, then remembers her request to discuss her contract alone.

“I want to re-sign. But I want to do this alone.” Seulgi whispers. “I see that we cannot continue as a group. But, I also don’t wish to leave S.M.” 

August 1, 2024. 3:43 PM. Seoul. 

The comeback came and went without a hitch. Everyone agreed to try and make this their best comeback yet, for the fans’ sake. They are about to be hit with a bombshell out of nowhere. It has felt seedy for all of them to lie and keep their disbandment a secret when interacting with fans in person and online. But they had no choice in the matter. S.M. want to minimise the blow this will cause as much as possible. No one believes they have done a great job of doing so.

They are to release a statement to announce their disbandment and the intentions of each member going forward. They will also give resolutions and thanks to the fans who have supported them. Afterwards, they will each go their separate ways. 

Red Velvet will cease to exist.

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Chapter 5: It's fiction and it's loosely based on real life happenings but my feelings.... Gawd it's so hard... I read this and then i go on twt and see the members enjoying the tour and waiting for Joy to recover and join them... It's hard. But I can't wait for more
926 streak #2
Chapter 5: Ahhhh not the cliffhanger again!!! I'm gonna pass out authornim. The last line got me overthink of what might happen to Yeri 😩😵🤒
mammt_ #3
Chapter 4: omg
926 streak #4
Chapter 4: Nohhhh the cliffhanger 😭😭
Now i'm dying to know who's Sooyoung referring to 🤔
no_face #5
Chapter 4: Wow,, the cliffhangers in every chapter is daebak,, can't wait to read the next chap
mammt_ #6
Chapter 3: i bet Tiffany is referring to joohyun???? i need more chapters!!!
926 streak #7
Chapter 3: Who's Tiffany reffering to?? It's Seulgi or Sooyoung?? or it's Joohyun, I guess??
Chapter 3: omg wHO
Grats on the bid
Congratulations on the bid