
In The Azure Skies.


To Kang Seulgi, Joohyun was an endless source of wonder. It all started when, by genuine accident, Seulgi knocked over a ceramic vase. It crashed onto the floor loudly and flew in small pieces which automatically made the quiet bunny rev up her engines and take off running, seeking shelter behind the big bear. Seulgi was only stunned, but Joohyun was beyond stunned.


Afraid, even.


“I’m sorry!” Said Seulgi, only to notice then that Joohyun was no longer behind her. Walking out of the room, she noticed the jumpy bunny in the hallway. “Joo? Are you okay?”


“I don’t like loud noises, Seul,” Joohyun admitted shyly, still shrinking in fear and her ears down. 


“It’s okay, friend,” Seulgi said, smiling. “I will make sure to keep it down.”


Joohyun still had some trouble fully trusting Seulgi, but she gave her a chance and loved to be around this bear -- which was inexplicable to both Seulgi and Joohyun. However, Seulgi did her best to understand the small little bunny. After all, she is a big, sizable bear that could scare anyone.


But when Joohyun moved onto the next room, exploring but still a bit jumpy, Seulgi found herself intrigued with her every move. What was next of Joohyun’s fresh mannerism and personality?


Another interesting thing from Joohyun was her sense of smell, her insatiable curiosity to smell almost every belonging they found in the houses they explored (technically, broke into). Every flower had Joohyun jumping up towards it and smelling it in a trance for a while, every fabric or clothes they found had Joohyun smelling it -- finding more fond fragrances in blankets and napkins. Her little nose twitched and nuzzled into everything just to smell it, no matter how bizarre it was. Was it a way for her to identify possible danger? Maybe it was just a hobby, or maybe it was just one of the pleasures in life that Seulgi hadn’t sat down to understand in the ruckus of learning and surviving as a cub soon to be left without a mother.


And because ‘what Seulgi sees, Seulgi do’ she opted to do the same. Coming along with Joohyun, she reached down and smelled the scents. Lavender, lemon, something sweet akin to strawberry, something she never smelled before, mixtures and just fresh flowers caressed her nostrils with tenderness. Seulgi had always used her sense of smell for hunting and survival, but never for her own leisure. It was surprising and very fun to realize the smells of the world were there more than just for survival -- it was like a love letter from nature, to enjoy.


Another interesting thing was Joohyun’s observant nature. Whenever there was a picture of a landscape, a family, or even another animal, Bae Joohyun stared at it intently for a long time -- pointing out the details and her theories as to who was inside the picture and where this was. In particular, a photo brought the bunny’s interest unlike any other picture. It nagged for Seulgi’s attention as well, and so the bear approached to look at it, practicing what Joohyun was doing. Observing, watching, which was something Seulgi was most familiar with, but never to the extent of Joohyun.


“Look at this,” Joohyun mumbled softly, pointing at the picture. “I think I know where this is.”


“Woooow, it’s so beautiful!” Seulgi gasped at the look of it. “Is it around here?”


Joohyun tilted her head, her ears a little perked up. “It’s outside of town, up the road.”


Out of excitement, Seulgi grabbed the picture to look at its beauty up close. “Do you think we can go see it?”


Joohyun looked up at the bear, suddenly smiling. “Ah, it mustn’t be too far from here.”


Seulgi and Joohyun set off to find that gorgeous spot with leaps and bounds, running off out of the houses they raided and onto the streets. Seulgi’s energy matched Joohyun’s quick hopping despite the clumsiness in her paws here and there, and Joohyun was swift with each stride. They travelled through town quicker than they would’ve if they stopped to explore every inch of everything, but the passing houses, stores and buildings were still infinitely interesting to slow down and look at.


In no time at all, there they were. Far away, yet not far enough from town. Seulgi and Joohyun stood atop the hill that -- if one were to pay close attention -- used to be a mountain with a spot to view the world from up high. A spot safe behind wooden fences and decorated with nothing but benches and streetlights. But what you could see from here was the most important part.


The endless sea seemed to stretch on forever for Joohyun and Seulgi, unaware that beyond their eyes (far in the distance) was the rest of the world. What they could see was a chunk of that unexplored world swallowed by the water and once inclement weather that drowned it all. At the moment, and just by glancing, the girls couldn’t see it -- whatever it was beneath the swaying surface of the water -- but it waited there peacefully while Joohyun’s fist clung to Seulgi’s fur and held on tight. The height felt unnerving suddenly when they stood by behind the study wooden fence, high up on the mountain -- even if this was suddenly just a measly hill with the risen water. The shakiness of the bunny made the bear aware of her movements, standing back from the fence and to a safer spot. Joohyun calmed down a little and whispered the softest thank you. The view over Seulgi’s shoulder was gorgeous, but frightening close to the fence.


The nearest benches were lonely for a while now, desolated and separated from the town they visited just a few hours ago. The sun was ready to set and now the bench had company to watch the gorgeousness with awaiting for the right moment for the spectacle. This company was as bizarre as it could be, a bunny and a bear that were meant to be sworn enemies in the kingdom of the wilderness -- but doesn’t life always give us this tender surprises from time to time?


One of the best surprises awaited with the sunset, but the animals here didn’t know it yet.


“This is beautiful,” Seulgi said softly, in awe at the beautiful lake that seemed to extend forever. 


Joohyun smiled, but still held tight. “It is, I like it, even if it’s far from home.”


“I think that’s what makes this beautiful,” Seulgi’s ears danced as she grinned. “It’s far away from home, it’s an adventure. It’s unknown to me, I think that’s what makes it so gorgeous.”


And Joohyun could understand that sentiment, feeling the same way with Seulgi. Seulgi was unlike the bears she’s heard of, yet intriguing like the rest of them. Humans were once intriguing to her like this, this felt brand new to her, but discovery was something she was familiar with just not to this extent. It was all fresh...


Fresh like the light breeze that rustled the low cut grass surrounding them, merely blowing softly against their fur and refreshing them. It wasn’t hostile, it was like the kiss of the heavens on their furry skin. The lingering questions wafted through with the breeze, flying away with the worries. In the moment, there was just this. The sky, the ocean and the sunken town underneath it.


Yes, the town that once was. The town that was still there, but empty -- letting the sea life slowly over take it for what seems to be a few years now. Stores, houses, parks, bus stops, a building or two that barely scrapped the surface… everything was within the sea now.


The yellow glow of the sun painted the sky and mixed with a strong shade of pink and orange -- stunning the new friends with its beauty and keeping them hypnotized. The light was soon to be too dim to stare in the darkness, so the streetlights preemptively flickered into use, all automatic like they were alive on their own. The highway behind the two animals lit up one by one, and soon -- right before Seulgi’s and Joohyun’s eyes -- the lights of the world under the water sparkled in the same way. One by one, one after the other, one inspired by the other, glowing with passion and purpose. Glistening with the beauty of the sea, the clearness became apparent and the darkness below dissipated as all the streetlights seemed to kick back into function. One of the lights flickered here and there, but the others worked just the same. The sea of light extended more and more, mimicking the stars and preventing to be one themselves -- succeeding, bringing the beauty of the dark, night sky into the gorgeous sea. The abandoned streets had not humans but the little fishes exploring this strange world, much like Seulgi and Joohyun were doing hours ago. The pole, the street signs, metals and railings were corroded and old, yet stood upright like sworn to do their duty; the unreachable balconies and rooftops suddenly looked so easy to reach, the tall building peaking out only a little, just barely.


The two animals hadn’t noticed that building peaking out until its lights finally , showing its presence.


Now, the scenery was gorgeous and complete.


“What… what is that,” Seulgi asked, coming close to the fence in awe. Joohyun held on tighter. “That is…”


“That’s the Hatsuseno Village, I think, or it was,” Joohyun shakily said. “Yah, Seulgi--.”


“Oh, sorry,” and then she gently grabbed the fearful bunny, placing her nicely on the wood. 


“Thank you,” at least that way Joohyun had a firm grip onto something. 


“What do you mean by Hatsuseno Village?” Seulgi finally asked, squinting and leaning forward to see beyond what the water was showing, maybe to catch a glimpse of what a human is supposed to be. After all, they could swim too! Curious little creatures, those humans; very resilient and resourceful from what she gathered but they didn’t live in the sea like her, did they? She wished to see one face to face one day.


But she doubted she would find one down there and honestly Seulgi felt a strange ominous feeling swimming down there. It was too deep, deeper than the ponds she’s used to, stretching wider and longer than the waterfall currents. It looked so close, so small, but Seulgi understood that this was far bigger. She didn’t want to scare the sea animals that decided to live there either, and her skills weren’t too good. Maybe one day she could swim there?


“I heard from my master that this village was once… for people,” Joohyun started, the light breeze picking up to rustle the leaves of distant trees; the birds chirping away as they flew together through the scene, the crickets suddenly coming in with their symphony, admiring the scene like the two girls. “It was a town like the one we just visited. People lived there.”


“Under there?”


“Yes, but there wasn’t any water.”


Seulgi tilted her head. “How did the water get up there?”


“I don’t know, really. My master’s friend only said that nature had a strange way of behaving and sometimes it did things that didn’t seem to make any sense. The people from the village started to slowly notice the water rising and so they left peacefully to live somewhere else. Maybe in my hometown.”


“They left?” Seulgi echoed herself, to understand all of it. She’s never seen something like this, but quite frankly she has also never seen the ferocious waves by the beach and the daredevil surfers that rode it at times. She has never seen the true nature of water, or people who did feats against it. All she knew was how to migrate to find shelter and food, how to fight back against all kinds of hunters. “They left,” she said again, slowly and lower.


“My master came to visit every once in a while, but never brought me here,” Joohyun then laughed. “I think she knew I would be afraid!”


Seulgi reached over and patted Joohyun’s head. “It’s okay to be scared.”


“I know,” Joohyun’s ears settled against her head, giving way for more pats. “How are you not afraid?”


Seulgi shrugged. “I think I’m more curious than I am afraid.”


The darkness was setting in more and more, the clouds turning a deeper glow of pink-ish purple but it drifted off in the sky without fear, ever moving like a painter blending the powerful colors on his canvas to make them even more stunning. The village below started to glow with its full beauty, like it was a show, the traffic lights ever changing but now noticeable. The quiet, clear water left the view undisturbed and yet gave it an ethereal quality that neither of them could ignore. A strange sensation of nostalgia and excitement overwhelmed them both, as if they had discovered something amazing, beyond their comprehension. It was like a different world had opened up before both of their eyes.


Quietly watching, the bunny turned her full attention to the display, the crickets in the background making up for the conversation that was done.


Seulgi followed suit like her friend, staring and analyzing, feeling and seeing, smelling and savoring every second of this moment. This moment was a fleeting one, no guarantee it would be like this one ever again, and this moment was a blessing to see.


The bear also realized how the view was better than if she was alone. To imagine this moment, alone by herself, was nowhere near as intense as it was with the company of the quiet bunny sitting next to her.  


Carefully, as if suddenly timid, Seulgi looked at Joohyun whose eyes were fixated on what was beyond.  She… she was to be her friend for the rest of her life, Seulgi suddenly realized. A strange realization for a bear to have when she grew up to be alone, but she couldn’t shake this feeling of a powerful bond created under the tender sky and the lulling breeze. Even in the strangeness of this sight, there was an undeniable gorgeousness to it, a strange sense of… peace. Seulgi felt at peace with Joohyun, watching this wonderful show together. From this moment on the bunny was to be her best friend for life and Seulgi was almost certain of it. 


The bunny finally looked on over to Seulgi who was staring intently, just staring. In a strange way mimicking the bunny before her. Joohyun’s smile grew and asked a question with her eyes, yet her lips and voice never moved an inch to say anything. Seulgi offered her strong hand.


And Joohyun’s smaller hand held onto it tightly.


Joohyun didn’t understand it either, but from this point forward she knew that she may have lost her master (wherever she may be) but besides her was a treasure, a true friend. A big, frightening friend she still had a road to warm up to, but someone special. The town that glistened below the water was left undisturbed, calmed, like accepting what has happened to it. Joohyun too has accepted it all and embraced the changes to her life with a curious eye.


“Seulgi, how about we explore more?”


Seulgi’s smile turned into an adorable grin again, glowing brighter than both the stars and the streetlights.


The adventure wasn’t over, instead the serpenting road gave way to more and more. The path stretched on for miles and miles and somewhere within those miles was a stray path that separated the main road. Somewhere at the end of that stray path was a quiet little wooden house, the background filled with crickets and the quiet sound of an acoustic guitar serenading the night. Nuzzled against the lush green grass was a human, smiling with her eyes closed and listening to her own tune while her fingertips danced away to make the song of her childhood. A lullaby for the sunset, a tribute for the moon and stars to keep glowing.


At peace, without a thought.




Extra brownie points for anyone who catches what inspired this chapter.

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Updated a short chapter, I didn't want to make it too long and I haven't been feeling like writing as much. But I'm pushing!


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KaiserKawaii #1
Chapter 5: So cuuuuuute
2076 streak #2
Chapter 1: This is so adorable
akrr1997 #3
Chapter 9: Every single time you deliver something cute and fluffy with this story!
Chapter 9: Darn it, they're so cuteee
Ekolai #5
Chapter 2: This is so wholesome.
Chapter 8: SO CUTEE
shinchan222 #7
Chapter 8: This fic is so relaxing I need more of such fics...... I really enjoyed reading this. ♡ thanku author nim for writing and sharing such a beautiful story ❤
Chapter 8: I never thought I needed this fic. They're all adorable!
Chapter 8: wow just wow 👁️👄👁️
Chapter 8: I need to shut down that part of my brain that's trained to imagine the worst case scenario in plots when it comes to seemingly dystopian au etc., and just let myself enjoy the peace and uwuness this au brings (つ﹏<。) It's too serene that it's making me paranoid lol. Plus the reveal of Sunmi being an android exacerbated it. I'M–

Anygay, I hope you refuel those writing juice! But as always, take your time, no pressure! ❤️