Daily Life?

Older vs Younger
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The day started off quite normally for Itzy. Wake up early, prepare for an interview, wait for manger to pick them up, do the interview, meet up and talk with fans, go back to studio, practice and then return to their dorms. But throughout their busy schedule, Lia found herself going back and forth to Yeji and Ryujin. From simply talking and joking around to laughing loudly and hugging each other tightly, she thought nothing of it. It's all just some skinship between friends.

Yuna and Chaeryeong says otherwise. It was clear as day that the two liked Lia, but she was too oblivious to notice that, like during the English interview today.

Lia was speaking and answering questions to the interviewer in English where Yeji and Ryujin both stared at her the whole time with this look in their eyes. Lia would occasionally look over at Yeji who was sitting beside her and smile brightly which always makes the older giggle. Ryujin witnessed this interaction from behind and her own smile would disappear almost instantly. And whenever Lia and Ryujin talked to each other in English, Yeji would quietly sit back and listen to them with a strained smile on her face.

Now back at the dorms where the 5 girls are resting, they've all decided to watch a movie to end the day. A couple rounds of scissors, paper, rock, and Lia being the first one to lose, Yuna chose a kdrama series. There were pillows to hold, blankets to fight back the cold, and then the lights were off. The order of their seats comes naturally. Starting from the left over to the right is Chaeryeong, Yuna, Ryujin, Lia and then Yeji.

Of course the battle over Lia still wasn't over, but it wasn't distracting at least. Maybe it was because halfway during the episode Lia started nodding off and promptly fell asleep on Yeji's shoulder. Yeji's heartbeat sped up and she gently wrapped her arm around Lia's shoulders so the latter could be more comfortable as she slept. She deserved it after speaking so much for the group as their English representative. Not to mention, Lia would automatically cuddle even closer to Yeji's body.

The leader looked over at the rapper to find her staring back, and smirked. She knew it was childish, but can't help but show off. She leaned her head over Lia's and hugged her tightly, completely savouring the moment. "I don't want this to end."

Ryujin frowned at them and opted to just focus on the TV, her hand unconsciously forming a fist. She should've sat on Lia's left...

Unbeknownst to the two roommates, the youngest was observing them the whole time and failed to stifle her laughter. When all focus was on her, Yuna smiled and shook her hand, covering her mistake by pointing at the tv. They all seemed to accept her answer and continued on watching the kdrama.

"Maybe I should help them?" Yuna thought to herself. "Their feelings will never get returned at this rate. Lia's too oblivious to everything."

"Hey..." Chaeryeong's quiet voice suddenly appeared by Yuna's ear and she flinched in her seat. "Do you think she noticed?"

As if reading her thoughts, Chaeryeong asked Yuna that question. Yuna glanced at the trio and then moved to whisper into Chaeryeong's ear. "Lia-unnie? Not in this lifetime."

"Really? Should we tell her?" Chaeryeong suggested, not wanting the trio to beat around the bush anymore, but also not wanting this to cause a strain in their relationship.

"I was thinking tomorrow I'll ask her if she actually knows anything, but I won't make it too obvious." Yuna explained. Not outright telling her, but giving enough hints for Lia to catch on.

"Can you?" Chaeryeong doesn't know if she can trust the younger with this task, she might make this more complicated than it already is.

"Of course," Yuna exclaimed quietly, but determined. It shouldn't be that hard to tell Lia that someone likes her, two people in fact. "Trust me."

"Alright, I'll trust you." Chaeryeong nodded and leaned back into the couch, hoping her worries are for nothing. "Maybe that'll end all this...kdrama."

"Yeah." Yuna hummed in agreement. She realised the episode was already over and decided to end their movie time there, shutting the TV off as the next episode started playing. It was getting late anyway.

"Well, I'm getting tired now so let's stop here." Yuna said in her hyper voice as she switched the lights on, waking everyone up. All of their eyes were dropping down as she peered over them.

"Alright." Yeji agreed softly. She still didn't want to wake up the smaller girl even though they needed to get to their rooms and her arm was beginning to ache.

"Come on, wake Lia up so she could go to bed." Chaeryeong ordered knowing those two would not do so unless absolutely necessary and exited the living room.

Since Lia wasn't sleeping on her, Ryujin was more on board of waking her up so she could get off Yeji. Lightly shaking her shoulder, Ryujin spoke in a soft tone and ignored Yeji's eyes. "Lia-unnie...wake up. You should sleep in your room."

A few more shakes and Lia stirred in her sleep.

"Nngh..." Lia mumbled some incoherent words. She frowned at the sudden burst of light that entered her vision and lifted her head off Yeji who finally removed her arm off her shoulders. She drowsily looked up at who woke her up, seeing a blurry but recognisable figure. "Ryujin?"

Ryujin smiled fondly at the sight. A sleepy Lia calling her name, if only that happened every morning. "Yes, it's Ryujin. Time for you to get to bed."

"Hmm..." Lia barely comprehended her words and rubbed her eyes, not moving from her spot for a couple of moments. She might’ve fallen asleep again. Just as Yeji was about to usher her up, Lia tiredly stretched her arms out to Ryujin. "Carry me?"

"Huh, wha-?!" Ryujin was caught off guard at the sudden request and couldn't properly answer the cute cinnamon roll in front of her.

"No?" Lia pouted and tilted her head, not knowing what she was doing to the poor girl.

"No- I mean, of course!" Ryujin quickly replied, taking the tiny body into her arms. She tried not to show that she was absolutely loving this moment, but she couldn't help the giant smile that formed on her face.

Yeji, on the other hand, was sporting a rare scowl which Lia luckily couldn't see because she was facing the other way. She seemed to forget that Yuna was still in the room with them. 

"Being princess carried at this age, unnie?" Yuna poked Lia's cheek and laughed at the situation.

Lia stuck her tongue out childis

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Vera32 #1
Chapter 1: Hahaha I like it!
Sooshulover #2
Chapter 1: Plot twist ryeji end up liking eachother thanks to yuna and lia lol
Chapter 1: Noooo this is so cute please 🥺 she thought ryujin and yeji like each other please 😭
Ameemyra #4
Noooo. Please don't end up to be ryeji. The best plot twist is actually four of them(yeji,ryujin,chaeryoung and yuna) falling in love with their one and only choi jisu/lia and they don't mind to share ahaha
Chapter 1: HAHAHA this is interesting 🤣
Chapter 1: I love this!!! Author-nim fighting~
vibuingu #7
Chapter 1: this is hilarious and i agree it would be so funny if it became plot twist ryeji endgame
cosmosis #8
Chapter 1: LMAOOO

Can’t wait for the next part- thanks for writing!
nickisoo #9
Chapter 1: plot twist lia actually likes chaeryeong and ryujin n yeji are actually in love with each other