phase 1-A



Eunbi likes spending time with her dongsaengs.  She likes babying them, teasing them, playing with them, or just straight up chatting with them.  It’s just in her DNA to love and care for people.

However, when said people she’s with are together, or are coming close to it, well… Eunbi is one not to intrude on such private, intimate moments, as she herself would like the same courtesy to be extended to her.

So sitting in front of Minju and Nako, regardless of her love for them, is getting awkward (and quite honestly frustrating, for a different reason) for Eunbi.  Unbeknownst to her, however, her dongsaengs are also suffering (maybe even more) from the awkward (and tense) atmosphere.  Eunbi drumming her fingers on the table is definitely not helping.

“U-unnie, are you sure you don’t want more ice cream?” Minju asks, trying to dispel the said situation.

“No, I’ve already broken my diet,” is the clipped response of their unnie.  “You guys finish that, so we can go home.”

Nako gulps.  She’s also broken her diet.  But that’s beside the point right now.  Eunbi is pissed, with a capital ‘P’.  So their stalling tactic of having an impromptu food trip is out the window.  ‘Time for stalling tactic number 2, then.’

“Maybe we can burn off some of these sweets by window shopping!” Nako excitedly suggests.

Minju is quick to back her up, “Yeah!  And that would be so much fun, unnie!  We could kill two birds with one stone.”

The pair flash Eunbi their widest, most earnest smiles.

It’s then that it clicks.

Eunbi straightens her back.  She takes a silent, deep breath in and then out.  She laces her fingers together and then fixes her gaze at the two.  Finally, with a quiet, calm, and cool voice, she asks, “What are you two trying to keeping from me?”

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Chapter 14: This is hilarious!!!! I LOVE itttt
Chapter 1: This story was really funny i liked it :)
reigngrey #3
Chapter 14: I like the story..... its funny..... hope we can a sequel or similar situations for another story
Pengu_bunny #4
Chapter 14: It's really a funny story hehehe, you did great!
Blur_reader #5
Chapter 14: RIP Yena....Hahahahaha
That was good ^^
Blur_reader #6
Chapter 9: ?? they are high right ??
Yena is soooo dead when Gyuri found out
NoNameSquad #7
thank you for this! gonna support this!