Chapter - 12

An Innocent Criminal
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It was a quiet evening, and Chanyeol and Jieun found themselves engrossed in a deep conversation in Chanyeol's room. The room was dimly lit, casting a warm glow that created an intimate atmosphere. As they shared their fears, dreams, and vulnerabilities, an unspoken connection between them grew stronger, forging an unbreakable bond.


Their words flowed effortlessly, creating an uncharted realm where their hearts could find solace. Each story they shared unveiled a new layer of their personalities, and as they delved deeper into their pasts and dreams for the future, they found themselves drawn closer together, their souls intertwining in a beautiful symphony of understanding.


Time seemed to slip away as they lost themselves in the enchanting dance of conversation. Their voices softened, their laughter filled the room, and every moment they spent together felt like a stolen glimpse into an alternate reality—a world where only the two of them existed.


As they leaned in, hanging onto each other's every word, their proximity became inevitable. The gravitational pull between them intensified, the magnetic force of their connection growing impossible to resist. It was as if the universe conspired to bring them closer, entwining their fates in an intricate tapestry.


In the midst of their heartfelt conversation, Chanyeol's hand brushed against Jieun's, causing a jolt of electricity to surge through their veins. Their eyes met, and in that fleeting moment, they glimpsed the depth of emotions mirrored in each other's gaze. It was a silent acknowledgement, a shared recognition of the profound impact they were having on one another's lives.


Caught up in the intoxicating energy of the moment, they leaned in, their breaths mingling in the small space between them. Time stood still as their faces drew closer, the air heavy with anticipation. But just as their lips were about to meet, a rush of shyness washed over them, halting their movements.


In that moment, they both pulled back, their cheeks flushed with a mixture of desire and self-consciousness. Their eyes darted away, avoiding the intensity of the connection they had momentarily glimpsed.


Chanyeol immediately averted his gaze, his cheeks flushing with a mix of embarrassment and uncertainty. Jieun, on the other hand, couldn't tear her eyes away from the floor, as if it held some fascinating secrets. The silence between them grew heavy, and Chanyeol cleared his throat, breaking the tension.


"I think... I should go rest," Cha

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For those you have read this story in the beginning itself, I would like to enlighten you all with the knowledge that I have edited the story into a lot more longer chapters than before and made some parts funny. Also, I have added more romantic scenes because Jiyeol deserves it. Thank you <3


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Chapter 1: It's crazy how Chanyeol's life was normal (well, his normal considering he's a famous pro-athlete) and then like his whole world flipped so suddenly and out of nowhere. It gave me goosebumps.. :O
I like the concept of this! It looks interesting :)
744 streak #3
Chapter 32: Such an amazing story! I really enjoyed reading it! ^^
744 streak #4
Chapter 31: Love is like a miracle. It can heal a person. Lovely chapter!
744 streak #5
Chapter 30: This was a very good chapter! I am looking forward to reading the epilogue!
744 streak #6
Chapter 29: True life can be difficult at times, but one must fight! Great chapter!
744 streak #7
Chapter 28: Such a sweet chapter! I am happy that the two confessed their feelings. ^^ The ending was good as well. ^^
744 streak #8
Chapter 27: It's not always easy to lighten up the mood in all situations, but Baekhyun was surely successful in it! ^^

As for Chanyeol, he is a real gentleman, there is no doubt about it!
744 streak #9
Chapter 26: Knowing that your father or mother cheated is always hard *sighs* But I wonder what happens next!
744 streak #10
Chapter 25: Chanyeol and she are just adorable! ^^