Anywhere With You

Anywhere With You

All I know is (ooh ooh ooh)

We could go anywhere, we could do

Anything, girl, whatever the mood we're in

Yeah all I know is (ooh ooh ooh)

Getting lost late at night, under stars

Finding love standing right where we are, your lips



It was New Year’s Eve.


It would’ve been a happy occasion for Red Velvet as they welcomed 2020, but an unfortunate incident broke their annual tradition of year-end festivities.


Instead of celebrating with the members and their respective families in their favorite restaurant, here was Joohyun, sitting beside Seungwan’s hospital bed as they waited for the fireworks display to start.


After a small yet festive dinner held in Seungwan’s executive room, their members and relatives decided to let the couple spend quality time alone, unanimously agreeing that they needed each other’s presence more than ever while Seungwan is recovering.


Seungwan looked so serene that Joohyun couldn’t help but smile as she traced the younger’s soft features with her eyes.


Despite the bandage on her cheek, Seungwan looked ethereal under the dim lighting of the hospital room.


“I’m sorry, love.”


The apology broke Joohyun out of her trance.


Seungwan continued to look outside of the floor-to-ceiling windows, staring at the stars illuminating the night sky as she reached for Joohyun’s hand resting on her bedside.


“For what?”


“I’m sorry we’re celebrating the New Year in a hospital like this.”


Joohyun frowned in response.


“Anywhere with you is perfect for me, Seungwan.”


Seungwan turned to her, a slow smirk forming on her face.


“Who’s the greasy one now, huh?”


Joohyun leaned over to wipe that attractive smirk off with her own lips.


“Hmm… I learned from the best.”


Seungwan stared back at her with a loving smile and Joohyun, as always, let herself drown completely in those warm pools of brown.


As if time stood still. And they were the only ones at that very moment.


Faint cheers and crackling sounds began to be heard outside as people welcomed the new year.


“I love you, Bae Joohyun.”


“I love you too, Son Seungwan.”


Seungwan claimed her lips this time, sealing their promises to one another for more years to come.



They pull me in the moment

You and I alone and

People may be watching, I don't mind



After several weeks of nursing her injury in bed, Seungwan finally began with her physical therapy. She needed exercise to improve the mobility and strength of her healed hip. Her therapist advised that she should perform simple daily exercises to maximize hip function as well as keep her in good shape.


Joohyun wanted to be an active participant in her girlfriend’s PT program, but with all their subunit preparations, she wasn’t able to assist Seungwan as much as she wanted to. In turn, Seungwan assured her countless of times that the nurses were more than enough help for her treatment.


But Seungwan didn’t realize that instead of assuring Joohyun, she only made her girlfriend seethe.


That’s why it came as a huge surprise for her, and the nurses attending one of her PT schedules, to see Joohyun entering her room unannnounced.


It also didn't help that the attending nurses had their arms around Seungwan’s torso, as if they were locked in a three-way side embrace, when they were just helping their patient walk from one end of the room to another.


“Lo-Hyun! Wha- what are you doing here?!”


Out of shock, Seungwan nearly spilled their term of endearment in public.


Instead of answering, however, Joohyun just stared at them in disdain particularly at the innocent nurses still clinging onto Seungwan, before placing her belongings onto the nearby table.


“Nurse Kim and Nurse Park, I can assist my girlfriend from here. Thank you.”


Seungwan’s jaw dropped at the casual statement and was rendered speechless as Joohyun strutted towards them.


Once the nurses removed themselves away from Seungwan, Joohyun gently pulled her in until there was no distance between them, her girlfriend’s arms looping around her back as she unabashedly pecked Seungwan’s lips to make her message loud and clear.


“This is Nurse Bae at your service.”



'Cause anywhere with you feels right

Anywhere with you feels like

Paris in the rain

Paris in the rain

We don't need a fancy town

Or bottles that we can't pronounce

'Cause anywhere, babe

Is like Paris in the rain

When I'm with you ooh ooh ooh

When I'm with you ooh ooh ooh

Paris in the rain

Paris in the rain



Seungwan was glad that she was discharged from the hospital by mid-February because she has been wanting to spend her birthday in the comfort of their new home in Seoul. It has been a while since she had all her loved ones in one place on her special day, and she really couldn’t ask for more.


Currently, her main priority is receiving outpatient treatment to fully recover from her injuries. And true to her girlfriend’s words, Joohyun had moved in with her and her family after her discharge, closely attending to her needs and fulfilling her duties as her self-proclaimed personal nurse.


It’s as if she was entering married life with Joohyun, with them having their own floor in their new home while being stuck together 24/7 due to the ongoing pandemic in South Korea.


They have already established their daily routine as well:


Wake up and have breakfast,


Perform PT exercises,


Have lunch with her parents and Seunghee,


Draw or paint random objects,


Check Instagram and Lysn,


Have dinner with her family or sometimes with their kids whenever they plan a visit,


Watch Netflix shows while snacking on fruits prepared by her mom,


Cuddle and sleep,


And repeat.


For Seungwan, there was no dull moment in such pattern. As long as she’s with Joohyun, nothing else matters.


In fact, here she was, looking at Joohyun on the eve of her birthday as she prepared her supplements before they call it a night. They plan to organize a lunch party at home so they needed to sleep early to finish all preparations by tomorrow morning.


Her girlfriend was only wearing a simple black turtleneck paired with jeans, yet Seungwan feels like she’s falling in love with her all over again.


While waiting for Joohyun to join her in bed, she discreetly look pictures as her girlfriend moved around the room.


“It’s rude to take stolen pictures, you know.”


“No, it’s not. I’m just taking pictures of my beautiful girlfriend, so I don't see anything wrong with that.”


Joohyun playfully scoffed as she heard Seungwan’s excuse. She closed the refrigerator and walked towards the cute paparazzi in bed.


“Drink up, then we can sleep.”


She sat on the chair placed beside the bed while watching her patient drink the supplement like an excited kid.


“Won’t you change into your pajamas now?”


“Not yet. I want to look good until the clock strikes 12. I want my birthday girl to have me as her first gift.”


Seungwan laughed heartily in response to her flirty girlfriend.


It made Joohyun giggle too and as the midnight alarm rang in the room, she pulled her girlfriend for a sweet kiss to welcome the new day ahead.


“Happy Birthday, love.”



I look at you now and I want this forever

I might not deserve it but there's nothing better

Don't know how I ever did it all without you

My heart is about to, about to jump out of my chest

Feelings they come and they go, that they do

Feelings they come and they go, not with you



After more than 3 months of recovery, Seungwan started to go out of the house while keeping a low profile. It was a good change of environment for her and she finally started to feel a sense of normalcy once again.


Sometimes, she would go to the convenience store situated beside their residential building just for a quick snack run, or visit a nearby supermarket to shop with her mom for groceries.


Today, she and Joohyun decided to go to a department store to buy toiletries and other home necessities. They were just in casual shirts, shorts and Vans, with caps and masks on for protection.


They were surprised though as they got dropped off by Seungwan’s dad, it was so windy outside that Joohyun gripped Seungwan’s arm tightly before they sprinted towards the mall entrance.


To end the misery of her shivering girlfriend, Seungwan immediately led her into one of her favorite streetwear shops and bought themselves a matching pair of dark blue hoodies.


As they held hands and roamed around the mall, they passed by CHICOR and the sight of Yeri’s Colette advertisement made Seungwan stop in her tracks.


To Joohyun’s amusement, Seungwan took a picture of the stand and saw her sending it to their youngest.


“Love, do you want me to buy you these?” Seungwan excitedly whispered to her.


“You do know that we can get free samples from Yerim.”


“But… I think it’s better if we can support her and the brand by buying their products.”


Joohyun just knew that Seungwan was pouting behind her mask which was enough to change her resolve.


“Fine, you big baby.” Joohyun uttered in playful resignation before bumping their mask-covered noses affectionately.



The late nights

And the street lights

And the people

Look at me girl

And the whole world could stop



Joohyun let out a sigh of relief as she and Seulgi entered their dorm after a long day. Together with the entire team, they have been working hard to finish all the preparations and contents for their upcoming promotions.


It was hard at first, with them being used to doing schedules as five, but their subunit has its own dynamic especially after being best friends since they were trainees.


The quieter setup was foreign yet welcomed. But she can’t deny the fact that she preferred the presence of all her rowdy kids while promoting.


Especially her.


After taking a warm bath and changing into her pajamas, she heard the designated ringtone for her girlfriend.


She immediately reached for her phone to answer the call.




“Hi love. How are you?”


“I miss you.”


As Seungwan heard Joohyun’s honest confession, she knew they missed each other more during these past few weeks.


“I miss you too.”


Joohyun really had no choice but to move back to their dorm once their subunit preparations started around April. Because of back-to-back schedules, she couldn’t visit Seungwan in their home on a weekly basis. Even video calls were rare nowadays which explains her sad demeanor during their practices.


“We’re already back at the dorm Wan, I’m also about to go to bed but can we talk more until I fall asleep?”


“Of course, love.”


After more than an hour of conversation, with them just talking about their day, Joohyun unconsciously let out a tired yawn.


“It’s time to sleep now, Hyun.”


“Noooooo, I still want to talk to you.”


“You need to rest, you have an early schedule tomorrow.”




Seungwan chuckled. “What if I give you a song recommendation to help you sleep?”


“Your voice is enough for me.”


“Sweet talker. Anyway, you need to sleep, love. I’ll post a song after this call.”


“Hmm, ‘kay. I love you.” Joohyun uttered softly.


“Love you too. Good night, love.”


It took only 2 minutes for Joohyun to get a Lysn notification.


“Irene by Jimmy Brown? What’s this…”


Joohyun searched for the song and once she played it and read the lyrics, it made her blush profusely.


“That greasy dork, my goodness.” She grumbled before putting the song on loop. She closed her eyes in contentment, a small smile playing on her lips as she fell fast asleep to the music.




Girl, when I'm not with you

All I do is miss you

So come and set the mood right

Underneath the moonlight

(Days in Paris

Nights in Paris)

Paint you with my eyes closed

Wonder where the time goes

(Yeah, isn't it obvious?

Isn't it obvious?)

So come and set the mood right

Underneath the moonlight



Red Velvet finally had the chance to perform Psycho once again for the 2020 K-Sale Event. Unfortunately, Seungwan is still unable to join them in the said schedule. But to support her members, Seungwan surprised them by going with Joohyun during their practice.


They obviously missed her. Joohyun thought as she laughed at how her girlfriend was almost tackled onto the floor by their eager children.


This was the rowdy atmosphere that she and Seulgi missed during their ongoing promotions. The loud laughter, the corny jokes, as well as the endless teases and caring gestures.


They each have their solo activities nowadays which in turn make it hard for them to meet regularly. So they took this rare chance to update the fans through IG and to also film a brief segment for Yerihan Bang.


They decided not to show Seungwan yet until she’s fully back with them in their promotions. As the ever caring girlfriend, Joohyun chose not to show up in their kids’ IG posts nor post anything in her own account as well.


In fact, she and Seungwan had their own world in that practice room whenever there were breaks in between. Joohyun’s faraway stares as they filmed for Yeri’s show was one thing. And the clingy couple couldn’t even be bothered by anyone else, so the trio made sure that they won't be seen in their IG recordings.


After they finished their practice, the two went ahead first since Joohyun insisted that she wanted to spend time with Seungwan and her family back in their home. They were waiting for their manager to pick them up at the rear building driveway, with Joohyun’s arms wrapping around Seungwan’s waist, as they watched the rain pour down heavily from the dark grey skies.


“Are you sure you want to eat dinner with my family instead of being with the kids and the team?”


Joohyun turned to Seungwan, her heart fluttering at the curious yet affectionate eyes staring back at her.


“And I will tell you time and time again, love. Anywhere with you is perfect for me.”


Joohyun pulled her girlfriend even closer, before leaning in to kiss Seungwan’s smiling lips in reassurance.



'Cause anywhere with you feels right

Anywhere with you feels like

Paris in the rain

Paris in the rain

Walking down an empty street

Puddles underneath our feet

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Chapter 1: “This is Nurse Bae at your service” i love that
Chapter 1: I love this headcannon like AU! All of those real life events and reference make this fic so tangible sounding! Thank you for this treat during this wave of angst that’s been occurring in the WR thread here! Much appreciated, Author!
Chapter 1: Aww my heart. Thank you writing this but that Irene, wearing a simple turtleneck paired with jeans and closing the refrigerator though yep that part :3 HAHAHA
Chapter 1: This story is so sweet and damn Joohyun will do everything for Seungwan
Chapter 1: It feels so real huhu. I miss wannie more ack-
Favebolous 14 streak #6
Chapter 1: sweet
Chapter 1: So sweet >.<
baejoonism #8
Chapter 1: Awww that was lovely! I like how some of the scenes are based irl thanks for this now I miss them even more :((
Chapter 1: UwU how cute
Chapter 1: UwU how cute