N for Nuzzles

How to Know a Tsundere Loves You: A-Z
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N for nuzzles because her wife loved nuzzling into her neck and breathing in her scent even before they got married. 

This memorable event occurred nearly a year before they got married when the friend group decided to all travel to celebrate the new year. The chosen destination was this European festival in France. They decided to book one hotel room with two king beds so that they'll all be together the whole time and treat it like a sleep over instead of separating at the end of the night. 

Once they got there, everyone put their luggage in the room before they left to the festival which was filled with vendors selling random objects and food. The group split into two, one being Irene and Seulgi and the other being Wendy, Yeri, and Joy. Wendy was honestly going to go with Seulgi since the two had talked about looking for jewelry together but the sight of Irene's annoyed face told her it was better for her to leave Seulgi to calm Irene down. The older woman had suffered of a business deal going wrong right before they left for vacation and as thus has been in a terrible mood ever since. 

"Unnie look!" Yeri tugged on her arm and pointed at a tent that had a sign that read 'parfum d'amour' in front of it. "It's perfume unnie! I was looking to get some and what better perfume to get than French perfume!" Yeri exclaimed happily before tugging Wendy and Joy towards the tent and entering. Wendy hesitated as she entered the tent, leaning in closer to Yeri and whispering to her,


"Yeri do you think this will be a good idea? I mean won't it be better to buy perfume from an actual perfume store than from some random tent in the festival?" 

"Oh unnie, you worry too much! Plus I have a good feeling about this and really what's the harm in getting the perfume from here? After all you only live once!" Yeri exclaimed happily, slightly drunk from all the alcohol being sold and offered all around the festival. Wendy and Joy were also slightly tipsy so they just shrugged at each other before finally turning and looking at the lady sitting behind a table full of vials at the back of the tent. 

"Bonjour cher client!" the lady said with a mysterious smile, "Tu es venu pour le parfum de l'amour?" 

"Huh?" Joy asked confusedly, her and Wendy sharing confused looks as they did not understand French. "Uhh Yeri did you understand what she said?"


"Yes yes of course!" Yeri strongly nodded her head, though Wendy was concerned as her gaze seemed to be hazy. "She said perfume and oui Madame we're here for perfume."


"Uhh Yeri I don't think that's all she said-" Wendy started to say but was interrupted as the lady laughed and clapped her hands, pointing at her and gesturing her to sit down at which point Wendy sat because she didn't want to be rude.

"l'un de vous semble proche de trouver son amour et je suis heureux de pouvoir aussi les aider à la retrouver!" The lady exclaimed happily, reaching forward and grasping both of Wendy's hands in hers and closing her eyes with a concentrated look on her face.

"Il semble que votre amour soit assez têtu, mais rien que mon parfum ne puisse surmonter!" she announced as she finally let go of Wendy's hands and started grabbing, pouring, and mixing from all the different vials in front of her.

In the end after she deemed her concoction acceptable, she grabbed Wendy's hand again and pulled it til her wrist was close to her. The French woman dipped her fingertips in the final liquid before gently running it on Wendy's wrist and fanning it. She leaned closer and smelled it before she nodded to herself in satisfaction. She poured the final liquid into a small clear perfume bottle before she turned to Wendy and started spraying her suddenly. 

Wendy coughed at the surprise perfume attack while the lady capped the bottle and slid it into a small bag. She presented it to Wendy with her other hand stretched out, saying "30 euros." 

That was the first sentence Wendy understood since she entered the tent and she hurriedly reached into her purse to give the lady the money so that she can rush out of the tent and breath in some clean air after the perfume attack earlier. The lady accepted the money and waved her hand at Wendy as the younger woman hurriedly left with her two friends rushing after her to make sure she's okay, exclaiming "toutes nos félicitations pour votre mariage proche!"

Wendy gasped the fresh air outside in greedy gulps while Joy and Yeri argued next to her.


"You nearly killed her!" Joy hissed at Yeri.

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Well, I’ve been gone for a while lol. I hope you guys like this chapter of pure fluff. Please comment any thoughts or ideas you have, I always love reading them! Also please check out My Sister’s Best Friend if you miss me during my absence. Next, T for?


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hardcolors 0 points #1
Chapter 21: Hellooooo
redeubelbet5 #2
Re-reading again 🥺
FateNdreaM #3
Author comebackkkkk...🥺🥺
Chapter 21: Oh god re-reading this again 😂🤣🤡😅.

But one thing I'm really curious about is Irene's point of view of this ,, I would love to hear her side too 🥰.. miss ya author 😁
Chapter 21: Re-reading this bcos why not? One of the best wr fic :)
Riscark #6
Chapter 21: Still rereading this, cause this is the peak wenrene fluff in entire wr au-land 🙏
Nat25nat #7
Chapter 16: From irene-shi to Unni to joohyun.. huh I wish the next alphabet is describing the changes of the pet name
Chapter 21: Author where are you 😭. I really love this story. Please comeback
zzzzzzz1 #9
Chapter 21: The way I always come back to this fic, it's just so good 🤧 thank you sharing this with us, I hope you're ok and doing well, take care!
16 streak #10
Chapter 21: I love nuzzles/snuggles its such an endearing and affectionate love language/touch I can imagine wenrene doing this they are so cute and adorable and this fic is making smile and feel giddy so much. The love they have for each other is incredible. Wish you'll finish this author huhu we are onlya few letters away I hope you are feeling good! Thank you for this lovely and awesome fic